

中文摘要 本計畫為協助環保署辦理土壤污染評估調查人員現地訪查及採樣查核工作,並依據執行結果提出後續管理對策與建議。 主要工作成果包括: (一)完成土壤污染評估調查人員現場勘查17場次,及勾稽比對現場勘查和採樣行程之申報內容共719筆,並依據執行結果提出後續管理對策與建議。 (二)完成土壤污染評估調查人員監督採樣之現地查核作業34場次,及土壤污染評估調查人員查核評鑑機制之研擬。 (三)研析土壤污染評估調查人員之案件執行狀況(經地方主管機關審查共503件),並針對後續制度推動與子法修正提出建議。 (四)完成46場次土壤污染評估調查人員申辦重新登記所需研討會及訓練會議之課程時數認可程序。 (五)完成辦理3場次土壤污染評估調查人員訓練講習會議,以及編撰印製土壤污染評估調查人員執行土污法第8、9條作業實務參考手冊500本。 (六)提供環保署專業技術與實務諮詢,出席參與11場次工作討論會議,以確保計畫執行效率和品質。
中文關鍵字 土壤污染評估調查人員、勾稽查核、管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-GA03-03-A277 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4370 千元
專案開始日期 2016/10/20 專案結束日期 2018/01/19 專案主持人 許程鈞
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 黃志弘 執行單位 駿興工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA105GA0303A277.pdf 15MB 期末報告定稿

Project for Auditing and Managing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel

英文摘要 The objective of this project was to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in auditing and managing Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel, analyze the result, and provided consultation. The following tasks were implemented in the project: (1)To audit 17 site surveys on the land used by enterprises and check 719 declaration data conducted by Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel, analyze frequently seen problems to provide suitable solutions and suggestions. (2)To inspect 34 soil sampling sites on the land used by enterprises supervised by Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel, develop site checking lists and evaluation mechanism. (3)To compile the soil pollution assessment investigation and test cases (503 cases) implemented by Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel in this project, analyze the problems of execution and offer the suggestions to solve them. (4)To assist 46 Personnel to complete their personal data in “Assessment Investigation Personnel Management System”, plan forms and process of personnel registration and re-registration by using internet declaration. (5)To assist EPA to hold 3 training sessions and edit 500 implementation guides of Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel. (6)To provide professional and technical consultation to EPA, hold 11 work discussion sessions to ensure the efficiency and quality of the project implementation.
英文關鍵字 Soil Pollution Assessment Investigation Personnel, check and inspection, management