

中文摘要 現行噪音法規規定音量之聽感修正回路或稱頻率加權係以A加權為表示方式,有必要針對直昇機低頻噪音須進行噪音量的修正,才能更符合民眾對低頻噪音的實際感受。國內已引進新式“阿帕契直昇機AH-64E型”及“黑鷹直昇機UH-60M型”,其衍生噪音量值得去測量與檢討修正。藉由此計畫蒐集整理國內外近年來直昇機航空噪音相關資料,掌握國際發展趨勢。同時透過相關分析評估結果可供建置直昇機航空噪音測量技術、低頻航空噪音評估指標及模式使用等之參考,另藉由實際測量瞭解加權方法或在固定翼飛機噪音評估指標的基礎上作修正,俾作為劃定直昇機航空噪音防制區及等噪音線修正參考依據。 本年研究計畫工作成果,主要包括: 一、 完成彙整研析國際上現行直昇機低頻噪音管制標準及量測方法(共11個國家),並蒐集航空噪音評估指標與政策管制措施。 二、 完成彙整研析10篇國際上直昇機低頻噪音對民眾煩惱度影響相關研究,並針對低頻噪音對建築物振動影響相關文獻進行探討。 三、 於陸軍龍潭機場及新社機場分別針對阿帕契及黑鷹直昇機低頻噪音,執行完成372點次直昇機航空噪音與頻譜量測工作,並進行研析比較。 四、 依直昇機低頻噪音特性分類,探討影響航空噪音量傳遞及衰減原因,並蒐集研析國際上低頻航空噪音推估模式,研提適用我國噪音推估模式。 五、 參考國際民航組織原型機試航驗證標準建置直昇機航空噪音量測技術,並研提建議適用我國之低頻航空噪音評估指標。
中文關鍵字 低頻噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-U1F1-02-A200 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2100 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/09 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(本文).pdf 85MB

Research Project for Study on Low-frequency Noise Indicators and Measurement Techniques for Aircraft Noise Control Zone Delimitation

英文摘要 The corrective loop of sound perception (aka frequency-weighting) specified in current noise control regulations is indicated as A-weighting. Since the correction of A-weighting for low-frequency noises is larger, it is necessary to make a correction to the helicopter (low-frequency) noise in order to make it closer to the true perception of the helicopter (low-frequency) noise felt by the public. According to Article 4 of the Airport Vicinity Aircraft Noise Control Regulations (revised on June 8th, 2009), the aircraft noise control zones are classified into 3 levels. The difference value of the Day-Night Level (DNL) for jet aircrafts, propeller airplanes, and helicopters is determined to be 8 dB. Given that whether the noise levels of the newly introduced AH-64 Apaches and UH-60 Black Hawks similar to those of our existing helicopter models is yet to be determined and the principles for noise control zone delimitation have been adopted for many years, it is necessary to review those principles and make necessary revision to them based on measurements. Through the implementation of this Research Project, research data relating to studies on helicopter noise control conducted in recent years at home and abroad have been collected and compiled and the development trends in the international arena identified. The results of related analysis and assessment might be used for making recommendations on the development of measurement techniques for helicopter noises, as well as assessment indicators and models used for low-frequency aircraft noises. In addition, the knowledge about weighting methods through actual measurement or correction based on noise assessment indicators for fixed-wing aircrafts might serve as a reference for delimitation of helicopter noise control zones and correction of noise contours. Therefore, the Environment Protection Administration (EPA) proposed the 2016 Research Project for “Study on Low-frequency Noise Indicators and Measurement Techniques for Aircraft Noise Control Zone Delimitation” in hope that the results might serve as a reference for correction of regulations and legal process relating to helicopter noise control in the future. The achievements of the Research Project include: 1. Collected and analyzed the measurement methods and assessment indicators for low-frequency aircraft noises currently adopted by various countries. 2. Collected studies on the perception by the public and impact assessment of low-frequency noises. 3. Analyzed the impact characteristics of low-frequency aircraft noises and investigated and planned forward the assessment indicators and measurement techniques for low-frequency aircraft noises in our country. 4. Investigated and analyzed the measurement data of the low-frequency noises at existing heliports and acquired knowledge on the actual impact situation of them on adjacent communities.