

中文摘要 本計畫期程為105年5月8日起至106年5月7日為止,目前已完成所有工作進度,以下就計畫目標執行成果闡述說明。 統計105年度崙背測站事件日為2站日(4/20、12/27),麥寮測站事件日為7站日(2/6、2/29、12/6、12/14、12/15、12/23、12/27),統計至106年4月底麥寮測站事件日共計6站日,崙背測站則無事件日,顯示河川揚塵影響日數有下降,並且往出海口麥寮地區轉移之趨勢。 為瞭解濁水溪裸露灘地變化情形,透過衛星空照圖資,分析濁水溪河床裸露情形,經判讀濁水溪裸露灘地面積由105年3月份的2,185公頃減少至105年5月的1,267公頃,經本計畫調查結果發現此期間沿為濁水溪之汛水期,水量明顯增加且濁水溪河床兩岸均有農民種植第二期西瓜或其他農作物,故原有之裸露地有部分區域因此減少;另汛水期間105年9月20日裸露面積減少至1,403公頃,而非汛水期間裸露灘地面積增加至105年12月14日2,272公頃,由於天氣因素該年度農民提早種植西瓜106年3月27日裸露面積減少至1,384公頃。 本年度共計完成346點次之巡查作業,包含例行性巡查作業及不良日巡查作業,並搭配無人飛機(UAV)進行現地空拍作業,以掌握濁水溪揚塵好發區位,藉以召開中央與地方河川揚塵協商會議與河川局、公部門單位進行各區段位置防治工法施作協商。 為加強河川揚塵自我防護觀念宣導,共辦理6場次校園自我防護宣導(479人次)及8場次村里自我防護宣導(535人次)工作,其宣導總人數共計1,014人次,宣導內容主要分為揚塵現況介紹、政府防制揚塵作為及揚塵自我防護四步驟等主題,並進行至少500份問卷調查,藉以讓民眾瞭解政府作為及揚塵來臨時之防護步驟。 為加強濁水溪沿岸揚塵監測能量,本年度於濁水溪中游及下游之西螺鎮福興里聯合活動中心及麥寮鄉施厝活動中心設置2處懸浮微粒(PM10)揚塵監測設備及1處細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)監測設備。
中文關鍵字 濁水溪、懸浮微粒、空氣污染物


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-105-021 經費年度 105 計畫經費 7500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/08 專案結束日期 2017/05/07 專案主持人 施志恆
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 王志純 執行單位 昱山環境技術服務顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度雲林縣濁水溪河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫期末定稿.pdf 30MB

Prevention and promotion to improve river dust programs of Jhuoshuei River in 2016

英文摘要 This plan was from May 8, 2016 to May 7, 2017, all the works has been completed within schedule. Statistics shows Lunbei monitor station's unhealthful days has gradually decreased after 2016. From 2 days in 2016(4/20、12/27), 0 days in 2017. Mai Liao monitor station's unhealthful days From 7 days in 2016(2/6、2/29、12/6、12/14、12/15、12/23、12/27), 6 days in 2017(1/20、1/22 、2/6、2/9、2/10 、3/2). The project uses satellite aerial map to analyze the exposed beach area of zhuoshui River over time, The bare beach area is reduced from 2,185 hectares in March 2016 to 1,267 hectares in May 2016. In September 2016, the bare area was reduced to 1,403 hectares. The area of bare beach land during the non-flood season increased to 2,272 hectares in December 2016. Due to weather factors in the year the farmers early planting watermelon in March 2016 to reduce the exposed area to 1,384 hectares. Overall it completed a total of 346 actual inspections,including the routine inspections and the inspections on an unhealthful day.To collect and record the situation of the floating dust of the zhuoshui River for further analyzes. And with unmanned aircraft (UAV) for the current air shot operations, in order to master the turbid water dust. Held a consultation dust control meeting. To enhance the concept of self-protection of river dust t, 6 times of school self-protection propaganda (479 person-time) and 8 times of village self-protection propaganda (535 person-time) work was done, the total number of publicity was 1,014. The content is mainly divided into the dust situation, the government actting to prevent dust and a four-steps of self-protection to the dust and at least 500 questionnaires, so that people could understand the government actting to the dust and the protection of the steps. In order to reinforce the monitor energy along the coast of Durui River, two floating particles matter 10 (PM10) and one particulate matter 2.5(PM2.5) dust monitoring equipment were set up at the activity center in fusing village of xiluo theater that is in the middle of the Jhuoshuei River and the activity center in shihcuo of mailiao township of the current year.
英文關鍵字 zhuoshui River, particles