

中文摘要 本計畫自105年3月3日簽約,執行日期至105年12月31日止,計畫總經費為新台幣5,980,000元整,計畫人力為專案經理1名,工程師1名及全職助理工程師1名;截至105年10月底之執行成果如下: 一、 地下水井水質監測 本項作業採樣監測分析作業已於105年10月全部完成採樣,其中六堵河濱運動公園及六堵河濱運動公園101等2口井檢出氯仿及三氯乙烯於枯水期超過管制標準,本計畫針對周邊工廠業者進行訪查,並未發現原料、製程或廢棄物中含有三氯乙烯,且於104年之單井流向流速測定可發現C00032之井內流向為76.6度,C00033之井內流向為297.4度,兩口井之流向相差220度以上,推測是由於兩口井之位置在基隆河之轉彎處,基隆河之紊流可能造成污染團塊之移動緩慢甚至累積於C00032井附近,根據濃度趨勢來看此處之三氯乙烯仍在持續緩慢降解中,且由於C00033在豐水期檢測中三氯乙烯濃度已降至0.0005,可判斷該處並無污染物持續注入之情形,建議持續追蹤;其他地下水井水質採樣檢驗結果顯示除了鐵、錳及氨氮以外皆未超過地下水管制及監測標準。 二、 監測井維護 本項作業於105年11月全部完成,25口監測井外觀並無重大損壞,其中更換11口井鎖,並進行總計10口重新油漆作業;根據井況評估結果發現隆聖國小及六堵污水處理廠回水緩慢,因此辦理再完井作業,再完井後前述2口井之回水速度皆有上升,但六堵污水處理廠之回水速度仍然較慢,推測可能為地質環境因素造成。  三、 土壤及地下水污染場址污染整治改善期間之監督與查核工作 本計畫完成泉益加油站、大宇鋼鐵(大武崙廠)及台莊基隆加油站3處污染列管場址每兩周至少一次之巡檢作業,至10月底為止共計巡查66次,各場址皆符合規範及整治期程。 泉益加油站整治期限至105年11月25日,雖污染物濃度已大幅降低,但仍無法於核定日期內達到法規標準,建議業者評估是否以開挖方式進行整治,本工作團隊後續持續進行追蹤巡查工作。 大宇鋼鐵(大武崙廠)環保局於103年11月3日同意備查該場址所提送之「土壤污染控制計畫書(定稿本)」,並於文到次日起24個月內完成整治,包含自主驗證及提交整治完成報告書;業者於完成整治施工及自主驗證之後,於104年10月15日向基隆市環境保護局提出土壤污染控制場址完工報告書並申請驗證;環保局於104年11月2日至大宇鋼鐵股份有限公司大武崙廠進行採樣5點次採樣驗證,進行銅(Cu)及總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)檢測,重金屬銅(Cu) 最高為14.3mg/kg(土壤污染管制標準400 mg/kg);總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)測值為ND(土壤污染管制標準1,000 mg/kg),2項均未超過土壤污染管制標準,研判本場址已完成污染改善作業,建議環保局依行政程序提報成果報告於「基隆市土壤及地下水污染場址改善推動小組」大會說明整治成效,後續依規定辦理解除列管。 台莊加油站於計畫執行期間,依核定內容執行開挖區地面破碎、土方挖除、環境監測、客土回填、污染土方離場及地面恢復等工作,並於105年3月24日完成自行驗證工作,檢測結果皆已低於土壤污染管制標準以下,遂於4月29日提送土壤應變必要措施計畫改善完成報告,經本工作團隊審查無誤後,於6月執行進場驗證作業,驗證結果顯示,5點位土壤檢測分析總石油碳氫化合物(TPH)測值皆為ND,均未超過土壤污染管制標準(1,000mg/kg),後續建議依規執行解除列管相關程序作業。   四、 緊急應變 105年4月27日經民眾陳情於本市新山水庫下方(麥金路715巷尾)土地遭棄置營建剩餘土石方及混合物(含瀝青)。 該址位於新山水庫壩堤下方排放口,近大武崙溪支流,為查證該址營建剩餘土石方及混合物(含瀝青)是否造成土壤污染或含有毒性物質,工作團隊安排進行土壤採樣作業。 本次採樣作業已於105年6月3日執行完畢,檢測結果顯示各點位皆沒有揮發性有機物及半揮發性有機物,僅S02及S05有驗出微量之TPH值;在八項重金屬方面,則全部都符合法規標準值,後續將依法辦理相關行政程序。 五、 地下儲槽申報查核 本工作團隊已於105年9月完成本年度加油站線上申報查核,無申報逾期之業者;並於10月完成21家次加油站現場查核作業,其中全國七堵加油站、成功一路加油站及碇內加油站由於上半年PID及FID測值偏高,於下半年進行後續追蹤並執行土氣採樣GC/FID檢測,3站皆測出甲烷值,但正癸烷、MTBE及BTEX皆為ND,建議將全國七堵加油站分類為污染潛勢B2級,每3個月追蹤1次,連續達3次異常,則執行土水調查;成功一路加油站及碇內加油站分類為污染潛勢B1級,每2個月追蹤1次,連續達3次異常,則執行土水調查。 下半年加油站查核中發現祥豐街加油站測漏管P16測出PID值3,549ppmv及FID值68,500ppmv;執行土氣採樣GC/FID檢測,檢測項目中甲烷19.5ppmv及二甲苯10ppmv,其他皆為ND,建議分類為B1級,每2個月追蹤1次,連續達3次異常,則執行土水調查。   六、 停歇業或具高污染潛勢公私場所土壤或底泥污染調查 本年度截至10月為止計有4家業者提報歇業申請,包括晟銘電子科技股份有限公司、威強電工業電腦股份有限公司、慶弘誠有限公司及寶固實業股份有限公司,經本工作團隊現場調查及申報資料審查,4間業者均非屬土壤及地下水污染管制法第9條所公告事業,不須檢送土壤污染檢測報告等相關資料。 本次採樣委託台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司執行大武崙溪採樣7點次,採樣結果大武崙溪7點位鉛與鋅皆超過底泥品質下限值(鉛:48,鋅:140),其中大武崙工業區上游1、2之鋅超過河川底泥品質上限(鋅:384);分析本次檢測結果,大武崙工業區上游1及大武崙工業區上游2測值較其他下游點位更高,根據現場訪查發現該2點位之上游已無其他可能之重金屬污染源,因此本工作團隊研判河川底泥之重金屬鉻、銅、鎳、鉛及鋅超過底泥品質標準極有可能是該區域地質因素造成。 本工作團隊於102年開始建立基隆河川底泥品質基線,至今年深澳坑溪為止已全數完成,將提供相關單位變更河川功能及用途,作為後續規劃水體環境的管理維護及永續經營參考,建議未來可持續以定期監測方式,更新本市河川底泥品質資料庫,並針對底泥品質數據超過上限之河川,規劃辦理細密調查作業。 今年度針對民眾陳情或具污染之虞場址進行調查,分別為永竟環保工程及擁恆文創2處: (一) 永竟環保工程 本工作團隊今年度為確保該場址無土壤及地下水污染之虞,根據環保署及環保局過去檢測點位,再規劃3點位土壤採樣,進行8項土壤重金屬檢測,檢測結果顯示各點位之重金屬含量皆未超過土壤監測標準,本工作團隊將依相關規定辦理後續程序。   (二) 擁恆文創 本工作團隊為確認該區有無土壤及地下水污染之虞,針對星空草原寶特瓶裝置藝術區域土壤進行採樣檢測,檢測項目為VOCs及多氯聯苯,根據場區高程走勢,於寶特瓶裝置藝術區設置S01~S02採樣點,檢測結果顯示各點位之VOCs及多氯聯苯含量皆未超過土壤監測標準,本工作團隊將依相關規定辦理後續程序。 七、 其他工作項目 本工作團隊已於105年5月及11月假基隆市立文化中心2樓第二會議室辦理完成法規宣導說明會,現場邀請邀請土基會擔任講師,分別針對土污法第8、9條應注意事項,以及加油站與地下儲槽定期申報作業及應注意事項進行說明。 另於10月份完成辦理土水展活動及環境教育宣導,11月完成辦理業務人員教育訓練說明會,建議未來可將宣導會及展覽活動期程提前,以達更佳宣導功效。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、監測井


專案計畫編號 105KLEPB-E03 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5980 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/03 專案結束日期 2016/12/15 專案主持人 宋盈璋
主辦單位 基隆市環境保護局 承辦人 楊晉雄 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 201702220901243748.pdf 0MB

105 annual Keelung soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification work

英文摘要 The plan was signed on March 3, 105 and the implementation date was until 31 December 105. The total planned expenditure was NT $ 5,980,000. The program was staffed as a project manager, one engineer and one full-time assistant engineer 1; as of the end of October 2005 the implementation of the results are as follows: First, groundwater wells water quality monitoring The sampling and monitoring operations of this operation were completed in October 2005, including six riverside sports park and six riverside sports park 101 and other two wells detected chloroform and trichlorethylene in the dry season exceeded the control standard, the It was found that the raw material, process or waste contained trichlorethylene, and that the flow rate of the single well in 104 years could be found to be 76.6 degrees in the well of C00032 and in the well of C00033 The flow of 297.4 degrees, the flow of two wells of a difference of more than 220 degrees, presumably due to the location of the two wells in the corner of the Keelung River, the Keelung River turbulence may cause the slow movement of contaminants or even accumulated in the vicinity of C00032 wells, according to the concentration In this regard, the trichlorethylene is still in continuous slow degradation, and since the concentration of trichlorethylene in the C00033 has been reduced to 0.0005 in the peak period, it is judged that there is no continuous injection of contaminants, ; Other groundwater wells water quality sampling test results show that in addition to iron, manganese and ammonia nitrogen, there are no more than groundwater control and monitoring standards. Second, monitoring wells maintenance The operation was completed in November 2005, and the appearance of the 25-well monitoring wells was not significantly damaged. Eleven wells were replaced and a total of 10 re-paint operations were carried out. According to the well assessment results, The recovery rate of the two wells is increased, but the recovery rate of the six sewage treatment plants is still slow, suggesting that the geological environment may be caused by factors The The following are the same as the " Third, soil and groundwater pollution site pollution remediation improvement during the supervision and inspection work The project completed at least one of every two weeks of inspection work at Quan Yi Gas Station, Daewoo Iron & Steel (Tai Wulun Factory) and Taizhuang Keelung Gas Station at the end of October. The site is in line with the specifications and remediation period. Quanyi gas station remediation period until November 25, 105, although the concentration of pollutants has been substantially reduced, but still can not reach the approved date of the regulatory standards, the proposed industry to assess whether the excavation method for remediation, the work team continued Follow the inspection work. The Environmental Protection Agency of Daewoo Iron & Steel (Tai Wulun Factory) agreed to prepare the "Soil Pollution Control Plan (Finalized Edition)" at the site on November 3, 2003 and complete it within 24 months from the next day Remediation, including self-verification and submission of the completion of the completion of the report; the industry after the completion of remediation construction and self-verification, on October 15, 104 to the Keelung City Environmental Protection Agency proposed soil pollution control site completion report and apply for verification; (Cu) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) were detected by sampling at 5-point sampling from Dawu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. on November 2, 104. The maximum weight of copper (Cu) was 14.3mg / kg (Soil pollution control standard 400 mg / kg); total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) measured as ND (soil pollution control standard 1,000 mg / kg), 2 did not exceed the soil pollution control standards, the investigation site has completed pollution To improve the operation, it is recommended that the Environmental Protection Agency report on the results of the administrative procedures in the "Keelung City Soil and Groundwater Pollution Improvement Team" to explain the effectiveness of remediation, follow-up to follow the regulations to lift the tube. During the implementation of the project, the Taizhuang gas station will perform the ground excavation, earth excavation, environmental monitoring, landfill backfill, pollution earthmoving and ground restoration during the implementation of the project, and completed on March 24, Self-verification work, the test results are below the soil pollution control standards below, then on April 29 to submit the necessary measures to improve the completion of the soil plan to complete the report, after the review of the work team is correct, in June to implement the entry verification work, The results showed that the total oil and hydrocarbon (TPH) measurements were ND at the 5-point soil test and did not exceed the soil pollution control standard (1,000 mg / kg). Follow-up procedure was to follow the procedure. The following are the same as the " Fourth, emergency response April 27, 2005 by the people in the city under the new mountain reservoir (wheat road 715 Lane) land was abandoned to build the remaining earth and the mixture (including asphalt). The site is located at the discharge below the embankment of the new mountain reservoir, near the tributary of the Great Wuling River. To check whether the remaining earthwork and the mixture (including asphalt) in the site cause soil pollution or toxic substances, the work team arranged for soil sampling operations. The sampling operation was completed on June 3, 105, the test results show that the points are not volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic matter, only S02 and S05 have a trace of TPH value; in eight heavy metals, All the laws and regulations are in line with the standard value, follow-up will be related to the relevant administrative procedures. 5, underground storage tank declaration check The team was completed in September 2005 this year, the gas station on the line to declare the declaration, no reporting overdue industry; and in October to complete the 21 sub-station site inspection operations, including seven gas stations, the success of all the way to the gas station and anchor The gas station in the first half of the PID and FID measured in the first half of the follow-up in the second half of the follow-up and the implementation of GC / FID detection, 3 stations are measured methane value, but n-decane, MTBE and BTEX are ND, Will be the national seven gas stations classified as pollution potential B2 level, every 3 months to track 1 times, for 3 consecutive times abnormal, the implementation of soil survey; successful all the way gas stations and anchorage gas stations classified as pollution potential B1 , Every 2 months to track 1, continuous 3 times abnormal, the implementation of soil water survey. In the second half of the gas station check found in Xiangfeng Street gas station leak detection tube P16 measured PID value of 3,549ppmv and FID value of 68,500ppmv; implementation of soil sampling GC / FID detection, testing items in methane 19.5ppmv and xylene 10ppmv, others are ND, the proposed classification for the B1 level, every 2 months to track 1, continuous 3 times the exception, the implementation of soil water survey. The following are the same as the " Six, parking or high pollution potential public and private places of soil or sediment pollution investigation As of October this year, there are four companies to apply for business applications, including Sheng Ming Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Wei Qiang Electric Computer Co., Ltd., Qing Hong Cheng Co., Ltd. and Bao solid Industrial Co., Ltd., the work team on-site investigation and The data shall be examined and the four undertakings shall not be disclosed in Article 9 of the Law on the Control of Soil and Groundwater Pollution, and no relevant information such as the report on soil pollution detection shall be sent. The sampling commissioned by the Taiwan Inspection Technology Co., Ltd. implementation of large Wulun Creek sampling 7 times, the sampling results Dawulun Creek 7 points lead and zinc are more than the lower limit of quality (lead: 48, zinc: 140), which Dawei (Zinc: 384). The results of this test are higher than those of the upper reaches of the upper reaches of the Dawulun Industrial Zone 1 and the upper reaches of the Dawu Lun Industrial Zone. According to the on-site visit, it is found that there is no other possible heavy metal pollution in the upper reaches of the 2-point area. Therefore, the work team judged the heavy metal chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc quality of the sediment in the river sediments. Factors. The work team in 102 years began to establish the quality of the foundation of the Keelung River sediment to the depth of this year has been completed in full swing, will provide relevant units to change the river function and use, as a follow-up planning water environment management and maintenance and sustainable management reference, It is suggested that the future of the river can be continuously monitored in a timely manner, and the river sediment quality database of the city will be updated and the fine investigation work will be carried out for the river with quality data exceeding the upper limit. This year for the people of the situation or the pollution of the site to investigate the pollution, respectively, for the permanent environmental protection projects and Yong Wen Chong 2: (A) permanent environmental protection project In order to ensure that there is no soil and groundwater pollution at this site, the work team will carry out 8 soil heavy metal tests on the basis of three points of soil sampling under the EPD's and EPD's past inspections. The results show that Of the heavy metal content are not more than the soil monitoring standards, the work team will follow the relevant provisions of the follow-up procedures. The following are the same as the " (2) Yong Wen Chong Chong In order to confirm the presence of soil and groundwater pollution in this area, the work team will carry out sampling and testing for the soil area of ​​the Starland grassland system. The testing items are VOCs and polychlorinated biphenyls. According to the field elevation trend, Art area set S01 ~ S02 sampling points, the test results show that the points of the VOCs and PCBs are not more than the soil monitoring standards, the work team will follow the relevant provisions of the follow-up procedures. Seven other work items The workshop was completed in May and November 2001 at the second floor of the 12th floor of the Civic Center for the Preservation of the Catholic Cultural Center. The site was invited to invite Mr. Zhou Ren and Mr. Zhan Hao Kai as lecturers, 8,9 note should be noted, as well as the gas station and the underground storage tank to declare the operation and should pay attention to matters. And completed in October for the soil exhibition activities and environmental education propaganda, in November to complete the business staff education and training briefing, the proposed future publicity and exhibition activities in advance to achieve better publicity effect.
英文關鍵字 soil, groundwater, Monitoring wells