

中文摘要 【105年度】 本計畫針對105年度地方政府進行環境清潔考核,採無預警方式,由環保署聘請考核委員,進行查訪地方政府22個縣市、44個鄉鎮市區及44個村里進行實地考核,並評審出成績,且要求其待改善項目進行改善;考核重點包括村里街道及溝渠清潔維護狀況、公廁清潔維護情形、遛狗清便執行成果、水溝清疏情形、居家外圍清潔維護狀況、空地、空屋綠美化、違規小廣告取締處理及綠網執行情形等。 依據本計畫考核結果,環保署辦理頒獎典禮公開表揚105年度執行環境清潔績優地方政府17個直轄市及縣(市)、35個鄉鎮市區及34個村里,嘉許他們在環境清潔維護的表現,同時編訂各獲獎單位執行環境清潔維護績優事蹟實錄,提供各單位做為後續執行之參考,以增進執行單位間相互交流機會,促進執行人員相互交流執行心得及技巧,提升作業成效。 本計畫亦配合辦理環保署105年度秋季淨灘活動活動、配合衛生紙丟馬桶政策,辦理公廁整潔維護種子教師宣導活動。 【106年度】 本計畫針對地方政府進行環境清潔考核,採無預警考核,由環保署聘請考核委員,進行查訪地方政府22個縣市、44個鄉鎮市區及44個村里進行實地考核,並評審出成績,且要求其待改善項目進行改善;考核重點包括辦公廳舍周邊50公尺環境清潔工作執行成效、公廁清潔維護情形、遛狗清便執行成果、水溝清疏情形、居家外圍清潔維護狀況、空地、空屋綠美化、違規小廣告取締處理及綠網執行情形等。 依據本計畫考核結果,環保署辦理頒獎典禮公開表揚106年度執行環境清潔績優地方政府17個直轄市及縣(市)、32個鄉鎮市區及29個村里,嘉許他們在環境清潔維護的表現,同時編訂各獲獎單位執行環境清潔維護績優事蹟實錄,提供各單位做為後續執行之參考,以增進執行單位間相互交流機會,促進執行人員相互交流執行心得及技巧,提升作業成效。 本計畫亦配合辦理環保署106年度秋季淨灘活動活動及107年國清週系列活動,包括「除舊布新,金狗旺旺迎新年」、「清淨家園迎新年」、「愛環保、抽金狗、新春好彩頭」。
中文關鍵字 督導考核、環境清潔、清淨家園


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-J101-02-A258 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/09/01 專案結束日期 2018/08/31 專案主持人 龔威誠
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 蔡明翰 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105-106年度清潔考核定稿(部分公開版).pdf 0MB

2016-2017 Environmental cleanliness maintenance and evaluation in the local government areas

英文摘要 【105】 The main task of this project is to organize On-site cleanliness assessments to every Local government areas (LGAs) without notice in advance. The assessment team consists of specialists acquired by The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The team has done assessments in 22 counties, 44 districts, and 44 villages, providing unbiased results and suggestions for improvement. Key assessment priorities include streets and canals cleanliness, public toilet cleanliness, pet feces control, household yards cleanliness, unattended area/constructions management, illegal advertisements control, and the proper operation of EcoLife website. According to the results of the evaluation, the EPA also publicly commended 17 counties, 35 districts, and 34 villages which achieved outstanding performance in the evaluation. Their outstanding performances were also preserved and documented for reference, and to encourage innovative implementations in the future. This project also accomplished EPA’s “2016 Autumn Coastal Cleanup” Event, and assisted the implementation of “Flushing Used Toilet Paper” Policy, as well as organized promotional activities for public toilet cleanliness seed trainers. 【106】 The main task of this project is to organize On-site cleanliness assessments to every Local government areas (LGAs) without advance notices. The assessment team consists of specialists tasked by The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). The team has done assessments in 22 counties, 44 districts, and 44 villages, providing unbiased results and suggestions for improvement. Key assessment priorities include streets and canals cleanliness, public toilet cleanliness, pet feces control, household yard cleanliness, unattended area/constructions management, illegal advertisements control, and the proper operation of EcoLife website. According to the results of the evaluation, the EPA also publicly commended 17 counties, 32 districts, and 29 villages which achieved outstanding performance in the evaluation. Their outstanding performances were also preserved and documented for reference, and to encourage innovative implementations in the future. This project also accomplished EPA’s “2016 Autumn Coastal Cleanup” Event, and assisted the implementation of 2018 National Cleaning Week programs, including “Street Cleaning,” “Cleaning Expert Press Conference,” and “Eco-Friendly Cleaning Product Utilization Contest.”
英文關鍵字 supervision audit, environmental cleanness, clean up Taiwan