

中文摘要 一、室內空氣品質管理作業 高雄市第一批公告列管58家場所中57家已完成設置並核備,其餘1家次因專責人員異動申請變更,其中1家次環保局已發文要求該場所於107年01月29日前完成專責人員設置,該場所專責人員已接受專責人員訓練課程;高雄市第二批公告列管場所共有121家,其中98家已完成專責人員設置並核備,其餘23家尚未核備;已有84家完成訂定室內空氣品質維護管理計畫書。 完成重要場所巡查檢驗106年度已完成202家公共場所之巡查檢驗作業,包括105家列管場所及97家非列管場所。公告列管場所中依場所類別來看,列管項目容易異常之場所分別以醫療機構為最大宗,其次為商場、健身運動場所;CO2以醫療機構、運動健身場所較容易有異常情形;HCHO及TVOC以醫療機構、商場較容易有異常情形。 本市重要公共場所於106年度共計完成30家稽查檢測作業,其中2家醫療機構CO2超標、2家健身房及1家圖書館細菌超標,醫療機構已完成改善並委託檢測公司執行複測,檢測結果為合格,剩餘3家仍在改善期限中;完成10家室內空氣品質維護管理優良場所評鑑,擇優選出4家室內空品優良場所,於成果發表會中表揚並舉辦1場次示範觀摩活動;每月持續進行室內空氣品質管理網頁維護作業,截至107年1月21日止已張貼22則關於室內空氣品質管理之相關訊息。 二、寺廟空氣污染減量相關作業 依據內政部統計高雄市寺廟數量分布比例佔全台12.2%,位居全台第二;在台灣地區宗教文化裡,紙錢焚燒為主要活動之一,然其所造成的空氣污染,在人口密集的都會地區來說,將造成最直接的影響,綜觀寺廟數量及都市型態等條件,顯示寺廟之空氣污染管制作業,在高雄市顯得相當重要。 106年已完成108家寺廟現場巡查作業,分別坐落於13個行政區,就宗教類別來看,以道教76.9%為主,其次分別為佛教17.6%及儒教0.9%和一貫道4.6%;在紙錢燒化部分,有燒化紙錢為80.6%,無燒化為19.4%。進一步分析有燒化紙錢之寺廟,其中已裝設環保金爐或採取防制措施者佔26.4%,未採取任何空污防制者佔73.6%,已裝設防制設備中,又以洗滌塔78.3%為主要採行之防制技術;106年巡查廟宇的紙錢燒化總量為104,375.5公斤,燃香量為3,762.2公斤,進一步依行政區來看,紙錢燒化量以左營區27.0%為最高,燃香量以左營區18.5%為最高;以行政院環保署公告係數推估紙錢燒化所產生的污染年排放量,分別是TSP 368.4公斤、PM10 325.9公斤及PM2.5 254.2公斤。 在推動紙錢集中燒作業部份,本計畫於106年天公生與清明節及中元節,透過紙錢集中相關物品備置、化燒及減燒之協調與宣導、紙錢集中燒管理等階段作業,順利推動高雄市環保普渡活動;綜觀106年天公生紙錢集中燒及減燒作業,在紙錢集中燒部分,紙錢集中總量為140.94公噸,較105年50.96噸成長約176%,顯見持續地於重要節慶推動紙錢集中燒作業,使民眾響應的效益也能持續地增長;而在清明節紙錢集中燒部分,綜觀106年清明節集中燒及減少作業所蒐集的紙錢有219.47公噸,較105年166.19公噸增加32.1%,推估清明節紙錢集中燒推廣已漸為民眾接受,所以106年收運數量有明顯增加;中元節紙錢集中燒收運量則為596公噸,與105年度收運量的588公噸相仿,顯示民眾對於中元節紙錢集中燒活動已有一定程度的認同。 106年天公生紙錢集中燒期間減少之空氣污染排放量TSP為472.7 kg、PM10為418.0 kg、PM2.5為326.1 kg;而清明節紙錢集中燒減少空氣污染排放量TSP 736.0 kg、PM10 651.0 kg、PM2.5 507.8 kg;中元節紙錢集中燒之空氣污染削減量TSP 1,998.9 kg、PM10 1,768.0 kg、PM2.5 1,379.2 kg。。 為使高雄市寺廟污染減量觀念更有效推廣,並能與寺廟及民眾建立互動之溝通管道,完成高雄市紙錢集中燒網站設置,每月定期維護更新各項管制資訊,並推動網路燒金,希望透過e化平台,更讓寺廟減污概念廣傳於社會大眾。而以功代金的部分,104年為74萬,105年募得92萬,而至106年共募得超過232萬元,為歷年之冠,相當於減少27.94公噸的紙錢燒化量,對空氣品質改善有著正向的助益,顯示市民大眾已漸漸接受清氣拜拜、綠色普渡環保概念。 三、餐飲業空氣污染管制作業 高雄市106年度完成餐飲業現場巡查作業309家,其中符合一定規模之餐飲業共127家,經營型態以中式餐飲50.8%為主,其次依序為複合式18.8%;309家餐飲業之前處理設備設置情況,以單一設置擋板為最多共203家,其次分別為設置檔板及水洗油煙罩共41家、單設水洗油煙罩共18家、設置檔板及濾材過濾裝置者7家、單設濾材過濾裝置者2家、同時設置擋板及濾材及水洗罩有2家、設置濾材及水洗罩者有1家,而僅設集氣罩未設置前處理設備者有31家,未設集氣設備而直接逸散者有4家;管末處理設備設置情況,有裝設者共230家,未裝設者共79家,其裝設種類,以單一靜電集塵器共147家為最大宗,其次為單一濕式洗滌塔共50家、單一活性碳吸附共1家;而同時裝設濕式及靜電者共22家、裝設靜電及活性碳者共5家、裝設濕式及靜電及活性碳者共4家、裝設濕式及靜電及活性碳及紫外光臭氧者共1家。 配合高雄市環保局於106年5月1日公告「一定規模餐飲業空氣污染防制設施設置管理辦法」,本計畫於106年7月4日(星期二)下午02:00於高雄市政府環境保護局A棟8樓大禮堂辦理「一定規模餐飲業法規宣導會」進行法規宣導及環保局施行方針說明,此外亦提供現行餐飲防制技術及相關案例供業者進行管理改善之參考。 列管116家一定規模餐飲業空氣污染防制設施設置管理辦法法規符合度之查核結果分析說明如下: (1)有108家業者有設置瀝油槽、導油孔及集油容器,未設置者則有8家。 (2)符合每日清洗集氣設施者為93家,有23家業者未每日清潔集氣設施。 (3)有84家餐飲業者有設置導油孔及清潔孔,未設置者則有32家。 (4)符合每半年清洗油垢或更換者為82家,有34家業者未符合清潔或更換頻率。 (5)有111家餐飲業者設置一款以上前處理設備,僅5家業者未裝設;而業者符合清潔頻率者有100家,未符合者有16家,前處理設備因清潔維護較為容易,故符合度較高。 (6)有100家餐飲業者設置管末處理設備,有16家業者尚未裝設;而業者符合清潔頻率者僅50家,未符合者有66家,推測原因為大多數業者使用靜電集塵器作為管末防制設備,設備商建議之清潔維護頻率通常為1~3個月/次,故法規符合度相對較低。 (7)有73家餐飲業者有製作並留存清洗維護紀錄,其餘43家業者無進行或留存相關紀錄。 篩選歷年陳情較多或巡查作業發現污染情形較嚴重之業者進行異味污染物官能測定5點次以及餐飲業輔導改善協談會3家次。 協助環保局於106年10月13日假環保局8樓大禮堂辦理「高雄市餐飲攤商裝設空氣污染管末處理設備補助辦法宣導說明會」,邀請包含本市轄內零售市場及攤販臨時集中場之管理單位及攤商共同出席。 為使高雄市餐飲業減量技術及污染防制觀念更有效推廣,並能與相關業者建立互動之溝通管道,完成高雄市餐飲油煙改善輔導網站設置,定期維護更新各項管制資訊,並更新餐飲油煙相關文獻訊息發布。 四、其他空氣品質相關業務 完成空氣污染減量媒體宣導相關新聞稿3篇次。 1.「高雄以功代金活動全面啟動」。 2.「蓮池潭周邊寺廟讚出來 引領紙錢減量新風潮」。 3.「以功代金做整年 社福團體募款破213萬」
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、二氧化碳、甲醛、一定規模餐飲業者、前處理設備、管末處理設備、紙錢集中燒、寺廟巡查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 17121 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/22 專案結束日期 2018/01/21 專案主持人 許平和
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林玉婷 執行單位 慧群環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 15MB

105-106 Kaohsiung City Indoor Air Quality and Catering Industry (including paper money centralized burning) counseling program

英文摘要 This project started from January 22th, 2016 and will be end up to January 21th, 2018. Its main project scope included the indoor air quality control and management, air pollution reduction of joss paper burning from deity worshipper, restaurant catering air pollution control and consultation and related air quality control activities supporting works. Up to the first year stage of January 22th, 2017 to January 21th, 2018, the achievement of the project was presented briefly as following: For indoor air quality control and management, the first stage regulated 58 buildings had completed the planning and documentation of indoor air quality maintenance and management plan, and had finished the self-detection of indoor air quality and 57 certificate responsible personnel were assigned before June 30th, 2016. 202 buildings had been tested by handheld instruments including 105 of regulation enforced and 97 of non-enforced buildings. According to the category of the announcement, the places where the management items are easy to be abnormal are the largest in medical institutions, followed by shopping malls and fitness sports places; CO2 is more likely to have abnormal situations in medical institutions and sports and fitness places; HCHO and TVOC is more likely to have abnormal situations in medical institutions and shopping malls. In the city's important public places, a total of 30 inspection and testing operations were completed in 106 years. Two of the medical institutions had CO2 exceeding the standard, two gymnasiums and one library had excessive bacteria. The medical institutions have completed improvement and commissioned the testing company to perform the retest. To be qualified, the remaining three are still in the improvement period Completed 10 indoor air quality maintenance management excellent site evaluations, selected 4 excellent indoor empty goods venues, commended and held 1 demonstration demonstration activities in the results presentation; continued monthly indoor air quality management webpage maintenance operations, as of On January 21, 2007, 22 related messages on indoor air quality management were posted. For air pollution reduction of joss paper burning, Kaohsiung city had the second most temples of 12% number among Taiwan. In 106 years, 108 temple patrols have been completed, which are located in 13 administrative districts. In terms of religious categories, 76.9% of Taoism is the mainstay, followed by Buddhism 17.6% and Confucianism 0.9% and consistent Taoist 4.6%; In part, there was 80.6% of burnt paper money and 19.4% of burnt-free paper. In 106 years, the total amount of paper money burned in the temple was 104,375.5 kg, and the burning amount was 3,762.2 kg. According to the administrative district, the burning amount of paper money was 27.0% in Zuoying District, and the burning incense was 18.5% in Zuoying District. According to the announcement coefficient of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, the annual pollution emissions from paper money burning are estimated to be 368.4 kg for TSP, 325.9 kg for PM10 and 254.2 kg for PM2.5. In 106 years, the amount of air pollution emitted by Tiangongsheng paper was reduced to 472.7 kg, the PM10 was 418.0 kg, and the PM2.5 was 326.1 kg. The Qingming Festival paper concentrated burning reduced the air pollution emissions TSP 736.0 kg, PM10 651.0 kg, PM2.5 507.8 kg; air pollution reduction amount of TSP 1,998.9 kg, PM10 1,768.0 kg, PM2.5 1,379.2 kg. The part of the meritorious fund is 740,000 in 104 years and 920,000 in 105 years. In 2006, it raised more than 2.32 million yuan, the highest in the calendar year, equivalent to reducing the amount of paper money burned by 27.94 metric tons. Quality improvement has positive benefits, showing that the public has gradually accepted the concept of clear-eyed worship and green Purdue environmental protection. Kaohsiung completed 309 on-site inspections of the catering industry in 106 years, of which 127 were in a certain scale of catering industry. The business model was mainly 50.8% of Chinese catering, followed by a composite 18.8%. 309 catering industry pre-processing equipment settings, with a total of 203 sets of baffles, followed by a total of 41 sets of baffles and washing fume hoods, a total of 18 sets of washing hoods, set baffles and filter material filter There are 7 installers, 2 filter media filter devices, 2 baffles, filter media and water wash covers, 1 filter media and water wash cover, and only the gas collector cover is not equipped with pre-treatment equipment. There are 31 households with no gas gathering equipment and direct escape. There are 230 installations and 79 installations. A total of 147 were the largest, followed by a total of 50 single wet scrubbers and a single activated carbon adsorption. At the same time, there were 22 wet and electrostatic installers and 5 electrostatic and activated carbon heaters. There are 4 wet and static and activated carbon heaters installed, and 1 wet and static and activated carbon and UV ozone. Screening for the past few years, and the inspections found that the pollution situation was more serious, the odor control function was measured 5 times and the catering industry counseling improvement meeting was held three times. In order to promote the catering industry's reduction technology and pollution prevention concept in Kaohsiung City, and to establish an interactive communication channel with relevant industry players, complete the Kaohsiung catering fume improvement counseling website, regularly maintain and update various regulatory information, and update the catering fumes. Related literature information is published.
英文關鍵字 Indoor air quality, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, catering operators of a certain scale, pre-treatment equipment, end-of-pipe processing equipment, paper money burning, temple inspection