

中文摘要 臺南市空污費列管家數總計1,,380廠,其中符合環保署專法列管工廠為103廠、加油站272站。計畫小組針對專法列管執行法規符合度查核及清查,透過管制監督工廠缺失者完成改善93%,僅餘5廠尚未完成改善,此外,有2廠業者因設備元件抽測超過法規標準予以告發處分,總計開罰20萬元;符合自動連續監測設施連線管制工廠,經功能查核及法規符合度檢核,均符合法規標準,其中僅1廠NO2轉化率未達草案規範90%,予以輔導改善,然而,於監測數據監控部分,總計2廠有逾限情形予以告發處分。針對轄內加油站執行50站氣油比及氣漏檢測作業,均符合法規標準,未有處份情形,不合格油槍全數監督完成改善,促成污染物削減13.15公噸。 近年計畫小組追繳空污費金額逾5,800萬元。105年因應計畫管制對象,執行減量輔導及專家現場查核,結合空污費現場查核、原物料含量抽測等機制,總計追繳固定污染源空污費753萬元,為本市後續空污費年增收增加2,130萬元,近年持續透過各項管制及輔導,轄區業者空污費申報率由101年77%提升至87%,並持續達成空污費申報率、網路申報率及到繳率100%。 近年餐飲油煙日益受到重視,今年度除了推動屢遭陳情巡查外,並協助75家業者裝設防制設備,陳情改善率達96%,而針對有設備卻仍遭民眾陳情者,則納入專家現場輔導改善,總計促成粒狀汙染物削減9.1公噸、PM2.5削減6.8公噸、揮發性有機物削減1.6公噸。今年度也與經發局和衛生局聯合管制新設餐飲業,透過多重管制結合,促使轄區屢遭陳情家數由100年的近160家下降至28家,顯示管制有效降低民眾陳情困擾,改善空氣品質。 此外,計畫期間配合各次突發性緊急空污事件出勤(包含假日、夜間)、新聞稿撰寫、資料提交、專案查核及相關會議辦理,協助環保局提升固定污染源管制成效。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-105-AN-30107 經費年度 105 計畫經費 12160 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/11 專案結束日期 2017/03/10 專案主持人 鍾耀州
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蔡璨宇 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 南市VOC計畫-定稿.pdf 14MB

2016 Tainan City VOC Project

英文摘要 Factories in Tainan with air pollution fee controlled are 1, 380 in total, among which there are 103 factories controlled and 272 gas stations in accordance with the EPA act. For specific legislation and regulations, the project team implemented the act and check inventory. Through controlling and supervising factories to improve their flaws at the rate of 93% with 5 remaining factories not improved. Besides, there are two factories were reported and punished because their industry equipment components exceed regulatory standards with the penalty fee 200,000 in total. Connecton- controlled factories are eligible for automatic continuous control monitoring facilities. With the function check and inspection of regulatory compliance, they all comply with regulations and standards, except only one factory with NO2 conversion rate less than 90% of the draft specification. This factory was counseled to improve; however, as to the monitoring data section, there were two factories didn't meet the due date so they were denounced and punished. 50 gas stations within its jurisdiction for the implementation of the GOR and gas station leak detection operations are in line with regulations and standards with no factories failing to complete and the oil gun have been full improved under supervision, with the reduction of pollutant by 13.15 tonnes. In recent years, the project team recovered the amount of air pollution fee more than 58 million. In 2016, in response to the project control target, the implementation of reduction counseling and expert on-site audit have been done, combined with air pollution fee on-site audit, raw materials content sampling tests and other mechanisms. In total, recovery of the stationary source air pollution fee for 7.53 million dollars, which annually increased the city's air pollution fee by 2,13,00,000. In recent years, through various control and counseling, area air pollution fee reporting rate has increased from 77% in 2012 to 87%. And, we continue to meet air pollution fee reporting rate, Internet reporting rate and to pay rate at 100%. In recent years, restaurants smoke gets more and more attention. In addition to promoting this year's repeated petitions outside inspections, we assisted the installation of control equipment among 75 factories with the petitions improvement rate 96%. As for the ones with the equipment but still get petition, we will include experts on-site counseling to improve the situation. In total, we have contributed to a total reduction of 9.1 tons of particulate pollutants, PM2.5 reduction of 6.8 tonnes, and volatile organic compounds reduction of 1.6 tonnes. This year, we first collaborate with the Economic Development Board and the Health Bureau to jointly control the new restaurant industry, through multiple controls, prompting the reduction of factories with repeated petitions from 160 factories in 2011 to 28 factories. It shows that the control effectively reduce the trouble of public petition and improve air quality. In addition, during the project, with each sudden air quality emergency duties (including holidays and nights), press release writing, document submition, project checks and related meetings, we effectively help EPA enhance stationary air pollutant source control results.
英文關鍵字 pollution