中文摘要 | 行政院環境保護署資源回收管理基金管理會於87年設立全國性資源回收免費服務專線「0800-085717」,以全國性免付費專人服務方式,服務所有資源回收工作之相關業務,包含協助民眾諮詢環保相關業務、案件陳情、檢舉、建議及路邊廢車通報檢舉等工作事項,建立一座政府與民眾雙向溝通之橋樑。 105年1月至107年3月專案執行期間共承接進線量312,263通,語音應答服務150,736通(占總進線數48.27%)、專人應答服務161,527(占總進線數51.73%),專人應答率高達99.29%。 非專人服務時間民眾語音留言23,293通、後送民眾各項問題案件551件、通報路邊廢車5,136件及受理民眾索取資料269件。 為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,本公司執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,調查內容包含:1.資源回收專線整體滿意度2.語音系統服務滿意度3.專人服務品質滿意度4.資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考。此外,本公司每季檢核24小時自動語音服務系統,觀察民眾使用自動語音系統的情形並配合滿意度結果進行評估並適時調整語音系統架構,以提供最符合民眾需求的自動語音系統。 本公司本著精益求精的精神,持續加強專人各項專案訓練及系統功能調整,致力於各項專線服務滿意度持續提昇,相信可為環保署創造”服務好、品質好 ”之資源回收專線服務。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 資源回收 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-105-HA11-03-A022 | 經費年度 | 105 | 計畫經費 | 17145 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2016/01/01 | 專案結束日期 | 2018/03/31 | 專案主持人 | 王學驤 |
主辦單位 | 回收基管會 | 承辦人 | 莊富凱 | 執行單位 | 台灣優勢客服科技股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-105-HA11-03-A022_10501-10703期末定稿本.pdf | 18MB |
0800-085717toll-free resource recycling service hotline project
英文摘要 | In 1998, the Recycling Fund Management Board of EPA established a hotline, “National Recycle Services”, to handle all matters related to recycles, including general environment enquiries, complaints, reporting, suggestions, and abandoned vehicle reporting. This is a toll-free service answered by a professional team, which also serves as a bridge for communications between the general public and the government. A total of 312, 263 calls were received between January 2016 and March 2018. 150, 736 (48.27%) calls were managed by automated voice response system, and 161,527 (51.73%) calls requested representative assistance. As high as 99.29% calls requiring rep service were answered. Out of all calls received, 23,293 were voice messages from calls during off hours, 551 were forwarded for further handling, 5,136 reported abandoned vehicles, and 269 were for information requests. In order to better understand the appropriateness and usefulness of content provided by the Recycling Hotline and the satisfaction toward the 0800 toll-free hotline, a survey was conducted, covering the following areas: Overall satisfaction for the Recycling Hotline, Satisfaction for the Voice System, Satisfaction for representative service, Overall satisfaction for recycle-related service. Additionally, our company reviewed the 24-hour automated voice response system each quarter to monitor the usage. The satisfaction survey findings were used as reference for system improvement and user friendly service. To pursue excellence, our company continued to develop more professionals to provide better project trainings and fine-tuned the system for improvement. As we are dedicated to higher satisfaction, we believe the Recycle Hotline can bring good services with true quality for EPA. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Recycle |