

中文摘要 本計畫研究目標為依據我國國情特性,調查及研析民眾對光污染影響民眾舒適性感受與認知的程度,以提出光污染相關防制對策建議。透過相關光污染規範分析,並整理民眾陳情現況,透過室內實驗室操控LED組合燈和室外操控LED看板之設計參數,選定動態畫面之眩光及閃爍作為探討光污染源造成之人體視覺感受的2個主要目標變項。主要工作包括:(一)進行民眾對組合燈等光污染源感受實驗,完成民眾對不同光污染類型之感受程度之研析;(二)進行調查及實地驗證廣告招牌室外量測方法,完成廣告招牌室外量測程序之研提;(三)參考國際光污染管制規範及我國現況,完成我國組合燈等光污染源管理對策及改善建議。 本研究已摘譯整理3篇以上關於國際間光污染規範。關於室內人體視覺實驗,已針對選定的光污染源LED組合燈完成204次亮度量測,完成144次照度波形,合計348次量測;光污染源人體感受舒適界線研究的實驗,問卷設計包括最大眩光和最大閃爍等2種光污染源人體感受與認知,實驗因子為LED組合燈單一封裝亮度(13種亮度,447 cd/m²~168,641 cd/m²)、播放圖案幀數(Frame)(12種,0.125 frame/sec~1,000 frame/sec)和4種常見圖案類型,召集10位青壯年及10位中老年執行20人次試驗,實驗總數共6,000次。室外人體視覺感受實驗,完成LED多媒體看板測試影片9段的編製與實驗問卷的設計,於臺中市東海大學管理學院大樓中庭完成實地光污染源最大眩光和最大閃爍人因實驗,共計24位受試者(平均年齡35.6歲,標準差13.0歲)共計完成1,561人次實驗。完成102年-104年22個縣市778件的陳情案件之陳情資料處理方法分析及陳情類型分析。完成新北市6處地點LED看板3個時段的亮度與照度監測,量測實驗總次數為198次。完成增修光污染亮度及垂直照度量測方法草案。依據國內的光污染現況、改善的優先順序、可行性及技術完整性提出防制策略。最後提出組合燈等光源的光污染管理及管制方案。
中文關鍵字 光污染、光害、眩光、閃爍、LED組合燈


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-U1F1-02-A204 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2460 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/04 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 彭保仁
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林怡君 執行單位 中華民國計量工程學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-U1F1-02-A204-final.pdf 10MB

Investigation of Light Pollution Impacts on Human Perception and Related Metrics and Countermeasures

英文摘要 This research project is based on domestic characteristics in Taiwan to investigate and analyze the public light pollution. It would affect the degree of people feeling of awareness and comfort and would provide related suggestions of prevention and control of light pollution. Reviews of the relevant light pollution regulations and analyses of the current petition cases, this research focuses on two major light pollution sources to investigate the subjective perception of glare and flicker for LED combo lamp and LED multimedia. The main tasks include: (1) perform subjective evaluation of glare and flicker at night condition to build up the borderline between comfort and discomfort (BCD) of human perception for both light sources of LED combo in laboratory and LED billboard in outdoor environment; (2) conducting field surveys and proven measurement methods of outdoor advertising signs to propose the standard operation procedure ; (3) propose predictive improvement and management programs for various light sources including LED combo and LED multimedia according to the international regulations and domestic situation. First, this study made summary and translation of 3 literatures about light pollution. Second, this work conducted 204 measurements of static luminance and 144 measurements of time-varied illuminance for the selected LED combo light source, a total of 348 measurements. Third, the experiments have conducted for BCD of light pollution in laboratory. The questionnaire included the maximum glare and the maximum flicker. The independent variables included 13 luminance levels (447 cd/m²~168,641 cd/m²), 12 frame rate (0.125 frame/s~1,000 frame/s) of LED combo, and 4 patterns. There were 20 participants involved and total of 6,000 data were recorded. Fourth, there were 9 videos used for the outdoor LED multimedia visual comfort experiment. A total of 24 participants took part in this field experiments in the atrium of the Management School of Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, and a total of 1,561 subjective questionnaires were collected. Fifth, based on 778 petition cases of light pollution, the types of light pollution in 2013 to 2015 in 22 counties and cities were analyzed. Sixth, the luminance and illuminance monitoring of the LED billboards in six locations in New Taipei City and the total number of measurement experiments was 198 times. This research revised a draft of luminance measuring method, a draft of vertical illuminance measuring method for dynamic light sources. In addition, there were divided into different stages to practice the prevention strategies of light pollution in accordance with urgency, feasibility and technical completeness based on domestic status and results in this study. Final, one control plant was suggested for the prevent control and management of light pollution.
英文關鍵字 light pollution,glare,flicker,LED combo