

中文摘要 「清運機具即時追蹤系統(GPS)」啟用迄今,共計有超過9,000多部載運列管事業廢棄物清運機具列入納管,有效監控各輛清運機具軌跡,杜絕違法清運、濫倒等危害環境之行為發生,但完善的管制策略下,仍有極少不法業者,利用管制策略漏洞,進行違法清運、濫倒之不法行為,因此環保署105年度執行「應用智慧追蹤器技術於事業廢棄物流向管理計畫」,期望藉由GPS追蹤器技術,追查可疑不法流向;並依照廢棄物種類及管理需求,客製符合需求之追蹤器,由稽查單位使用,輔助追蹤成效,以減少稽查及跟監之人力花費。 本計畫先依循影響追蹤器訊號干擾因子,如遮蔽物覆蓋、含金屬環境、含水分環境進行可行性評估,以常見事業廢棄物與相關環境進行測試,如爐渣、污泥等,共完成16種以上測試評估,提供實務應用參考;在客製化作業上,本計畫於105年7月11日辦理研商會議,並以問卷調查方式了解各稽查單位追蹤器應用之需求與建議,經彙整後,以電量至少2個月以上、具備防潑水、強力磁鐵、可遠端呼叫、可調整回傳頻率等規格,作為客製化追蹤器之基礎,共計完成7個廠牌追蹤器之客製化作業,並分別於105年8月8日、105年8月30日合計完成40顆追蹤器客製化作業,並全數提交環保署轉交稽查單位進行投置。 在投置後,本計畫提供專人每日進行軌跡監控作業,並回報環保署,其追蹤對象包含各類污泥、爐渣、再利用產品、煤灰等超過10種以上之事業廢棄物,本年度追蹤結果中確實發現有廢棄物流向不明、現場查獲非法傾倒等不法事實,同時分析投置後訊號消失之案例進行探討,做為未來客製化精進之方向;另為提升使用追蹤器之便利性,本計畫整合5廠牌追蹤器之原廠圖台進行系統整合加值作業,透過資料介接與技術整合,完成統一入口之追蹤監控平台,使各單位可於平台上進行不同廠牌追蹤器之軌跡監控,並於105年10月整合完畢。 為瞭解各稽查單位之需求,以及增進資訊交流,本計畫期程內共辦理2場相關會議,於105年7月11日辦理研商會議中,藉由該會議介紹本計畫之執行目標與策略,並蒐集客製化追蹤器之規格與需求;105年8月8日辦理教育訓練說明會議,介紹追蹤器規格與使用方法、監控平台之操作;除追蹤器投置外,本計畫另針對相關配套措施技術,進行研析,包含RFID與藍芽技術(iBeacon),藉由各項技術之特點,在未來廢棄物管制上提供應用方式。 本年度共完成客製化追蹤器、系統圖台整合、探討配套技術應用等相關工作,追蹤成果中也確有發現疑似非法傾倒之事實,除了解追蹤器客製化需改善之方向,藉由本計畫之成果,持續精進追蹤器技術做為提供稽查單位在追蹤廢棄物流向輔助工具之應用。
中文關鍵字 追蹤技術、追蹤器、事業廢棄物


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-H102-02-A243 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2200 千元
專案開始日期 2016/06/28 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 林玳怡
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 郭偉齡 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA105H10202A243.pdf 8MB

Applying GPS tracker in industrial waste management Project

英文摘要 The Waste Transporting Vehicle Track System(Global Positioning System, GPS) was established by EPA in 2002, and there were over 9,000 vehicles monitored by GPS system. It’s effective for industrial waste transporting management. The monitoring system also eliminated occurrences of illegal behavior. But there were still a few unscrupulous vendors trying to violate Solid Waste Management Act by illegal dumping. In order to enforce regulations, the EPA established” Applying GPS tracker in Industrial waste management Project”, expected the inspectors could apply the GPS tracker technology finding out the illegal dump with limited manpower. The project checked the interference factors of the GPS tracker before delivery, such as shelter, metal, water containing. The project tested various of industrial wastes, included slag and sludge, developed over 16 tests, and provided limits and suggestion of application. According to the questionnaire in inspection representatives’ meeting to customize the GPS tracker for the purpose of trace the industrial waste transportation. Then formulate basic specifications: extend the battery life (2 months), water repellent, powerful magnet, remote wakeup call, and remote multiple frequency. This project delivered 7 different brands, 40 trackers on August 8th and 30 in 2016 to EPA. When tracker was applied within the inspection, project provided daily personal monitor and report. The results included sludge, slag, recycle products, and coal ash, over 10 different types of industrial wastes were installed, and project exposed suspected illegal behavior. The project also analyzed the trackers’ lost signal cases as a reference to proper application environment. In order to use trackers easily, project integrated 5 different brands tracker system into EPA monitoring system on October 26th, 2016. Users could view various trajectory by login EPA monitoring system. Two conferences took place within the project, one is the chamber of commerce, during the meeting the purpose of the project was introduced and collected tracker’s customization requirements. the other meeting was held for tracker’s training, also included monitoring system and GPS tracker device operation. The project also studied two alternative technologies, such as RFID, I beacon(Bluetooth), and new application in the future. The project had accomplished several tasks, such as customized GPS tracker, System integration, studied alternative technologies. And project also exposed suspected illegal dump, The accomplishment of the project provided the improvement of the GPS tracker, and drafts of amendment law for better technical assistance on inspection unit in the future.
英文關鍵字 Tracking Technology, GPS tracker, Industrial waste.