

中文摘要 一、營建空污費徵收及催繳查核 計畫執行統計期間於105年1月1日~105年12月31日止(以下簡稱計畫期間),接獲營建空污費申報案件共計2,279件,申報金額為42,193,366元,扣除退費金額總計實收金額為57,796,184元;針對完工工程電話催補繳結算作業,總計共清查1,309處完工案件,已有1,253處到環保局完成結算,並已完成補繳13,218,543元。 針對上述已逾預計施工期程之工地,本計畫採取主動通知結算方式因應,總計通知1,220件,目前已有710件之業者於接獲通知後,至環保局完成結算。另主動稽查本縣轄內未申報空污費之營建工地,已稽查8件未申報之營建工程,並填妥未申報單,已有25件完成補收空污費之作業。營建工程空氣污染防制巡查管制 二、營建工程稽(巡)查管制作業 計畫期間執行稽(巡)查管制作業案件共計6,666件次,告發裁處部分共計21件次,皆因違反空氣污染防制法,告發總金額為1,240,000元,並已全數改善,告發改善率達100%;在公害陳情案件方面,共計受理67件營建工程公害陳情案件,其中共計有8處工地是屬遭陳情2次以上案件。 計畫執行期間,粒狀污染物產生量為3,237.4公噸,而削減量為1,921.4公噸,削減率達59.4%;管理辦法整體符合率達91.5%,其中一級工地符合率達93.2%、二級工地符合率達90.7%。 三、辦理宣導說明會議 計畫執行期間已分別於105年6月1日、6月2日、10月19日及10月21日,各辦理一場營建工程宣導說明會,宣導對象主要為各類工程業者及承包商,四場次共計有215人與會,其內容係針對常見污染之防範方法與相關法令介紹,期使營建工地對環境所造成污染降至最低,以提高生活品質。 四、各項輔導政策推廣成效 計畫期間共有37處工地配合認養道路52段,總計認養長度達39.1公里,累計洗街長度為5,291公里、掃街長度為8,382公里,總計洗掃街長度已達13,674公里,TSP削減量達188.70公噸、PM10削減量達35.55公噸、PM2.5削減量達8.30公噸。 另針對非營建工地裸露地改善部分,共計掌握新竹縣全縣18處一般裸露地,總掌握面積為13.05公頃,目前改善面積達12.60公頃,TSP削減約4.46公噸、PM10削減約2.23公噸及PM2.5削減量約0.40公噸;工地圍籬綠美化部分,共計完成輔導91處工地配合執行,綠美化面積達14,173m2;另有93處為工地執行裸露地綠化,綠化面達積約17.8公頃;另共計輔導42處工地配合執行廢土不落地政策,減少污染排放。 計畫執行期間移動式遠端監控系統監控營建工地共計有6處(次),期監測天數共計有725天;針對營建工地採取輔導設置噪音防制相關設施及工法,其中包括使用低噪音工法工地2處及設置隔音牆1處;輔導營建工程業者透過稽查管制網上傳目前防制措施維護現況,共計上傳空氣污染防制設施照片達1,142件次;利用無人空拍機巡查營建工地共計有36處,其中發現違反管理辦法規定共計有17處;輔導13處營建工程業者於結構體防制設施強化工作,共計完成13處,設置面積共計達8,739m2,估算約可減少2,482.1kg粒狀物排放。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、污染防制、空污費


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 8793.6 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 侯裕文
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林翠娟 執行單位 竫豐工程企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年新竹縣營建工程稽查管制計畫期末報告.pdf 18MB

2016 Hsinchu County’s Constructions Inspection and Management Project

英文摘要 During the project execution period ( from Jan. 1st 2016 to Dec. 31th 2016 ), there were 2,279 construction work air pollution fee declared. The amount declared was 42,193,366 NT dollars. After refund, the actual amount of air pollution fee collected was NT$ 57,796,184. We had finished dunning and refund by calling to 1,309 completed construction sites. There were 1,253 construction sites come to EPB of Hsinchu county to settle account and pay back NT$13,218,543. For the overdue completion construction sites, we take active notice to inform them to come to EPB of Hsinchu settle account. We had informed 1,309 overdue construction sites. There were 710 constructions sites came to settle account after being informed. We inspected the construction sites within the jurisdiction of this county which did not declared the air pollution fee and found that there were 8 construction sites which did not declare air pollution fee. During the project execution period, we inspected 6,666 construction sites ( times ) and there were 21 cases which violated the air pollution act. The total report payment were NT$ 1,240,000. All the construction sites which violated air pollution act had already complied with the regulations. In public nuisance aspect, there were 67 cases of construction sites air pollution and there were 8 sites which were complained above 2 times. During the project execution period, all of the construction sites under management were estimated to emit 3,237.4 tons of particulate and the amount of reduced particulate was 1,921.4 tons. The average reducing rate was 59.4% The project held 4 explanation sessions at June 1st, June 2nd, October 19th and October 21th, 2016 separately. In order to explain the method of air pollution control and the latest government regulation, to reducing the pollution caused by construction sites. There were 37 construction sites sponsored to sweeping and flushing the street, a total length of 13,674 km street has been clean up, and the estimated reduction of emission TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 has been reached 188.7, 35.5 and 83.0 tons. Moreover, by investigation the unpaved lands in Hsinchu County, 18 normal unpaved lands have been discovered, 13.05 hectares in total, 12.60 hectares of these lands were improved under project conducted. The estimated reduction of emission TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 has been reached 4.46, 2.23 and 0.40 tons. On the construction side, 91 sites, 14,173m2 area has used green fencing, 93 sites, 17.8 hectares of barren lands has improved. The project monitored the construction sites by used remotely, moveable monitor; total of 6 sites, 725 days has been recorded. Also the project used UAV to inspection whether the construction sites conform the Construction Management Act, 17 of 36 sites inspected were violated. Conducted 13 construction sites, 8,739m2 area in total to enhanced there air pollution control facilities on buildings, estimated to reducing 2,482.1kg of TSP emission.
英文關鍵字 Construction works、Pollution control、Air pollution control fee