英文摘要 |
The goal of this project is to maintain the website of "Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database"(http://ehs.epa.gov.tw/) and provide data and information by integrating the international and domestic research achievements on nano-EHS related issues. The number of visiting to the website is increased to 273,281 (the latest updated date: Nov 23, 2016). The website, which demonstrates the achievements of nano-EHS related research projects in Taiwan and promotes the international interaction and collaboration, has received good feedbacks and comments from international community.
Up to now, 212 full articles for research reports (increased 15 articles this year) and 929 research papers in abstract (increased 49 papers) have been uploaded in the Chinese website. In addition, 173 abstracts for research reports (increased 10 articles) and 707 SCI papers (increased 44 papers) with the links to the publishers’ websites have been uploaded in the English website, which demonstrates fruitful results in the nanotechnology EHS area in Taiwan. The main sponsor of SCI papers in the database is the Ministry of Science and Technology, while the main research area if these papers is treatment. The analysis of the comparison of database between Taiwan nanotechnology EHS database and ICON can be used a basis to develop nano-EHS related studies in Taiwan.
To understand the research directions in domestic and international nano-EHS issues, recent advances on nano-EHS related issues in three topical areas were reviewed, including the regulations and policies of nano-EHS, the international division of works of Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials(WPMN), and the transmission, transformation and fate of nanomaterials in the environment and its impacts on health and environment. Two reports of OECD (ENV/JM/MONO(2015)19 and ENV/JM/MONO(2015)31) were also reviewed. By incorporating with the reviewed standards and guidelines in the past five-year projects, the international trend of the development of nano-EHS related issues can be followed and understood.
Four issues of e-papers were issued. Members can receive the latest nano-EHS news, nano-EHS knowledge, recent activities and the announcement of the next issue through e-mails, retrieve and read the full texts and track the historical files at the exclusive e-paper zone in the website. The numbers of members and visitors continue to increase this year. So far, the number of subscription of e-paper is 696.
To strengthen the risk perception and the communication of nanotechnology, the "2016 Environmental Nanotechnology Forum" was held on May 17, 2016 at GIS NTU conference center, Taipei. The experts from the Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, Environmental Protection Bureau, Department of Health, Industrial Technology Research Institute and universities representing industry, government, academia and research sectors were invited hold the round table forum to discuss the domestic progress on nano-EHS policy, regulation, standards, guidelines and research achievements. The Taiwan EPA's research achievements in the past year were also presented to different domestic stakeholders through paper presentations and discussion. From industry, government, academia and research institutions, there were 185 people registered and 171 people (55 government agencies, 63 industry, 45 academic unit and 3 individual) actually attended the forum for fruitful knowledge dissemination and risk communication on nano-EHS issues.
Finally, to promote the international interactions and introduce the domestic nano-EHS research achievements, two experts in the nano-EHS field were interviewed, including Professor Ying-Jan Wang from the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health of National Cheng Kung University and Professor An-I Yeh from the Institute of Food Science and Technology of National Taiwan University. The interview reports were prepared in both Chinese and English.