

中文摘要 為改善轄內河川水體水質、提昇環境品質,除延續以往對水污染源稽查管制工作外,亦將依照各河川水體的特性及污染來源積極推動水域環境整體性管制規劃,以延伸出全面性安全、舒適及美好的河川遊憩空間。故於本(105)年度擬訂105年彰化縣水污染源稽查及水污費徵收查核暨總量管制執行計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希望藉由本計畫之執行,掌握本市轄境內水污染源資料,以利後續管制作業之進行。 本計畫評選須知招標規範工作執行期程自簽約日(105年02月23日)次日起至105年11月30日止;而擴充採購招標規範工作執行期程自決標日(105年04月28日)次日起至105年11月30日止。本計畫執行至105年10月27日止,招標規範工作執行率達98.2%、擴充採購招標規範工作執行率達94.4%,目前完成工作量已達採購標的期末報告達成數,進而提出期末報告。茲將期中報告階段成果摘要如下: 一、協助彰化縣東西二、三圳廢(污)水排放總量管制方式推動 (一)協助彰化縣東西二、三圳廢(污)水排放總量管制區劃定公告後續法定作業 本年度計畫接續前期計畫持續協助各項法制作業程序,於105年3月21日完成修正管制方式並提送至環保署審查,配合環保署相關意見進行修正,環保署於105年4月28日核定管制方式,彰化縣政府於5月17日公告「彰化縣東西二、三圳廢(污)水排放總量管制方式」。 為利後續總量管制區相關管制之推動,本計畫亦於105年8月5日協助環保局召開「彰化縣東西二三圳廢(污)水排放總量管制區權責分工研商會」,邀集經濟部工業局、彰化縣政府建設處及彰化農田水利會等單位,就總量管制區相關管制方式之執行策略措施及權責分工、總量管制區管制方式聯繫會議定期召開等議題進行討論,藉以達成總量管制區管制方式推動之共識。 (二)總量管制區列管事業現場查核作業 此項工作分二階段執行,第一階段全面針對管制區內列管事業原廢水項目、濃度調查及放流口座標定位確認(釐清承受水體是否為東西二、三圳);第二階段針對第一階段調查後原水含有重金屬對象,執行廢水處理設施操作情形查核,如有偷排疑慮或處理設施缺失無改善意願者,將協請環保局承辦人員陪同至現場就違規事項予以查處。 本計畫截至10月27日止已完成管制區列管事業第一階段47家查核,原廢水水質超過放流水標準共25家,超過灌溉用水標準共34家;與許可登載之原廢水股數、項目及濃度比對,各事業原廢水股數皆與許可登載相符,項目與許可不符且超過灌溉用水標準共32家,重金屬濃度與許可不符共19家。針對超過灌溉用水標準及放流水標準之廠家,本計畫經電話輔導已有25家事業於公告前提出變更,未於公告前提送許可文件變更之事業,已彙整名單給環保局移請工業局輔導事業於製程源頭控制原廢水水質濃度。放流口座標確認後,無列管事業放流水排放於東西二、三圳,均以附掛方式排放至番雅溝(16家)、洋仔厝溪(17家)及烏溪(6家)。依合約第二階段至少完成74家次之查核,目前已查核電鍍業41家次、印染整理業10家次及金屬表面處理業7家次等共83家次,複查後需會同承辦人員查核完成3家事業現場查核作業,此3家因違反水污染防治法相關規定而遭處分,違反情事主要以未依照許可文件登載之內容操作廢污水處理設施、放流水水質超過放流水標準及現場各項之紀錄未完整保存(5年)為主。 (三)總量管制區未列管事業清查作業 本計畫截至10月27日止已完成132家次總量管制區未列管事業清查,查獲6家符合水污法事業定義,包括4家金屬表面處理業、1家印染整理業及1家其他工業之事業定義,承辦人員現場已依法勒令停工,相關處分開立中。 (四)完成劃設水體總量管制區總量管制方式 「彰化縣東西二、三圳廢(污)水排放總量管制方式」已於105年5月17日公告,為維護特定承受水體(總量管制區範圍內之東西二、三圳及其所屬灌排系統)之水質品質,本計畫針對總量管制區提出建議之管制策略及措施,包含源頭減廢、管末處理、集中處理、許可管理、稽查管制、灌溉水路巡查、定期監測水體水質並整合水質監測資料等七大面向。另依各項管制策略及措施進行對應之權責單位分工,相關權責單位包含彰化縣政府建設處、經濟部工業局、彰化農田水利會及彰化縣環保局;以透過權責分工研商會就總量管制區相關管制方式之執行策略措施及權責分工、總量管制區管制方式聯繫會議定期召開等議題進行討論,藉以達成總量管制區管制方式推動之共識。 (五)彙整分析總量管制區水質變化趨勢分析 為掌握公告實施總量管制區後水體之改善水質成效,本計畫掌握總量管制區屬環保局及彰化農田水利會之水質監測站位置,作為追蹤評估水質變化及改善情形之指標測站。藉由彙整總量管制區內12處測站99年至105年1-8月重金屬水質檢測結果顯示,12處測站重金屬歷年灌溉用水水質標準達成率呈現改善趨勢,105年1-8月總量管制區內環保局水質監測站整體達成率達98.3%,彰化農田水利會水質監測站整體達成率更達100%(農田水利會資料因監測數值公告時間差異,僅分析至105年1-6月)。 從整體達成率趨勢可發現99年至101年各項重金屬達成率緩慢成長,自102年起達成率大幅度上升,且至今維持接近100%之達成率,顯示彰化縣東西二、三圳總量管制區內水質較99年呈現明顯改善之情形。 二、辦理水污染防治費申報資料建檔、審查及清查作業 (一)屬第一階段徵收對象且無許可證事業現場查核作業 截至105年10月27日為止,本計畫共完成217家次事業現場清查作業,其中32家受查對象違反水污染防治法產生廢水、53家受查對象製程未產生廢水、4家受查對象製程僅產生未接觸冷卻水,另92家受查對象中,86家工廠已無製程設備,本計畫已協助修正水系統管制現況中之營運情形為「永久停工」,其中6家因現場製程機台未拆除,故需提出土壤檢測並將現場製程機具拆除,才能辦理解除列管,本計畫協助修正水污染管制現況中營運情形為「暫時停工」,另36家受查對象大門深鎖,但現場四周無異常排放廢水之情事發生。 (二)第一階段徵收對象現場查核作業 本項工作截至10月27日止,已完成150家次事業查核,查核工作包含紀錄完整性查核、排放水量查核及水樣水質檢測報告查核,且現場由環保局承辦人員採集原廢水及放流水送驗分析,並比對104年下半年定期申報資料放流口濃度值,差異比超過20%者,將現場查核完後所有資料彙整後,提交環保局作往後資料參考之依據。依據現場查核結果顯示,共有67家因水污染防治法規定而遭處分,違規率達44.7%(尚有35家次水質檢測中),環保局均已依法進行處分。 (三)水污染防治費繳費疑慮名單現場查核作業 本項工作主要因應環保署105年度河川污染整治計畫考核辦法中之「水污染防治費徵收與執行」中考核項目,查核名單由環保署提供。環保署於105年01月15日提供第一批查核名單,主要係104年第1期(05月、06月)水污染防治費申報化學需氧量(COD)水質濃度低於放流水標準最大限值10%之對象,本縣共有40家;第二批查核名單為104年第2期(07月至12月)水污染防治費申報排放水量為0或明顯小於第1期(05月、06月)申報者,本縣共有16家,合計第一批及第二批異常名單共56家,針對異常名單查核結果,皆以流量計校正情形為最,其次為處理設施操作維護紀錄,其中第一階段異常名單查核結果放流水COD高於標準限值10%,缺失家數高達21家。本計畫已彙整查核成果提交環保局,由環保局呈核環保署,由環保署予以催繳。 (四)提升水污染防治費應繳費額試算 清查三個工作中,清查總家數總計為423家,其中無許可證事業查核為217家次、第一階段徵收對象查核為150家次、水污費疑慮名單查核為56家。違規家數總計有128家,其中無許可證事業查核為32家、第一階段徵收對象查核為67家次、水污費疑慮名單查核為29家;此63家事業中無違規申報金額為639,643元,但現場查核後,因違規需申報金額為54,295,722元,總計提升之金額為54,180,529元。 (五)水污費費額徵收試算及篩選提供異常名單 106年水污染防治費開徵第3年 (畜牧業開徵第1年,徵收優惠70%) 預估徵收金額總計25,658,986元,其中事業及工業區下水道系統徵收金額15,805,850元,畜牧業徵收金額9,853,136元,其分別佔106年水污費徵收份額61.60%及38.40%。 水污染防治費申報期別 (105年1月申報) 104年6~12月違規廠家共計69家,其中查獲繞流廠家2家,未依本法取得許可證25家,放流水超過放流水標準35家,流量計未定期校正或記錄10家。104年第2期水污費違規廠家共計需補繳3,525,896元,其中25家未取得許可證之廠家共計需補繳水污費3,103,606元,佔全部需補繳之水污費金額88.02%,其中大部分廠家可能因不清楚水污染防治費收費辦法,導致水污費申報未依違規事項應申報方式進行申報或申報項目錯誤,造成水污費有欠繳的現象,而其中少部分廠家因水質數值申報錯誤,造成水污費溢繳之情事發生。 (六)辦理水污染防治費宣導說明會 為協助業者迅速並確實瞭解相關修正法令規定,並熟悉水污染源管制資料管理系統與水污法相關資訊公開平台系統操作以利資訊公開,特邀集彰化縣列管業者辦理三場次說明會。本計畫分別於105年3月9日及10日(星期三及星期四)完成3場次水污染防治法暨水污費徵收辦法宣導說明會,計邀請792家事業,出席率介於48.1%~64.1%,針對未出席之對象,均列為熱區查核對象,如非座落非熱區對象,則以電話宣導並提醒水污法相關規定。 三、執行水污染源科學稽查管制工作 本計畫截至10月27日止,已完成污染熱區對象查核對象100家次查核,已完成污染熱區對象查核對象100家次查核,其中有放流水排放而採樣為28家次,而在查核過程中,查獲5家次事業繞流排放及應停工未停工1家,稽查時計畫人員現場作證據保全並通知環保局承辦人員至現場處分,其中一繞流廠家係與檢、警共同合作查獲。 四、辦理許可審理及資料庫管理相關事宜 本項工作微擴充採購工作內容,執行期程為105年4月29日起至11月30日止,以下針對各項工作執行至10月27日止之成果摘要如下: (一)協助辦理水污染防治措施計畫及許可各類申請案件之審理作業 本計畫協助辦理各類許可申請案件書面審查作業,共受理1,638件許可申請案件;目前核發的許可文件種類可分成以下6類:水污染防治措施計畫、排放地面水體許可證、簡易排放許可文件、貯留許可文件、排放土壤許可證及逕流廢水削減計畫,除排放土壤許可證未有事業進行申請外,其餘申請種類之統計如表5.2.1-1所示。由表可看出申請類別以排放地面水體許可證為最多共651件,占39.7%,其次為簡易排放許可文件共551件,占33.6%。 (二)協助辦理申請案件現場勘查作業 依據水污染防治措施及許可申請審查辦法第二十七條之規定進行辦理現場勘查作業,共協助辦理34件現場勘查作業,不合格比例為76%。以缺失項目分析明顯發現不論何種申請種類,處理單元及流程不符合項目為最高,總合達16件,此異常主要原由應為代填表公司未確實核對許可文件與現場配置是否相符,而廢(污)水排放許可15件,包含技師簽證13件,於此本計畫現場勘查人員皆已於現場進行告知改善,並後續要求業者提出改善完成之證明文件以利後續申請文件變更登記程序。 (三)協助輔導事業或污水下水道系統網路公開 本計畫將水污染防治許可(文件)核准後,產出核准文件內容並通知事業查看核對,如內容有誤將請業者提出陳述更正,最後由事業將水污防治許可(文件)公開,本計畫協助將水污染防治許可證(文件)首頁公開於環保署指定之網站,再進行發證。統計至10月27日止4~10月共發證118件,其水污染防治許可(文件)與許可證首頁已全數公開。 本計畫已將環保署指定應上網公開1~5梯次1,494家事業與污水下水道系統其核准之水污染防治許可(文件)產生,第一梯547家,公開完成率97%;第二梯151家已公開147家,完成率97%;第三梯189家已公開180家,完成率95%;第四梯27家已公開26家,完成率96%;第五梯580家已公開516家,完成率89%,統計至10月27日已公開家數為1,398家。第一梯至第四梯尚有32家事業未公開,其中共17家為暫時停工之事業,已彙整名單提供環保局,12家經連絡後告知現場已無作業將發文至環保局進行解除列管,以及無法聯絡之事業將彙整名單由環保局至現場進行稽查確認;第五梯主要公開事業別為畜牧業,本計畫將持續掌握公開家數,於11月30日底以電話協助提醒並輔導業者操作公開。 事業或污水下水道系統將於106年1月1日起均須全面採網路傳輸方式辦理水污染防治許可證申請與定期申報。本計畫已於3場次說明會及4場次針對納管事業說明會中加強宣導法規之規定與網路傳輸方式申報之便利性至今共陸續輔導747家原以書面申報轉換為自願網路申報對象。 (四)辦理水污染防治相關電腦資料庫及文書建檔管理 計畫執行期間協助完成資料建檔種類包括水污染管制資料建檔31件(1%)、水污染源主動申報文件建檔1,380件(60%)及稽查處分資料建檔875件(39%)。依文書資料種類區分,在「水污染源主動申報文件」中,以定期監測檢測申報紀錄最多,為1,234件;「稽查處分資料」中,以稽查記錄719件最多。總建檔件數最多之月份為105年4月,主要為水污染源主動申報文件其中又以定期監測檢測申報紀錄568件最多。 (五)辦理廢(污)水檢測申報資料審查及建檔 本計畫目前所協助之104年下半年報、105年上半年報、105年第一季報、105年第二季報、105年第三季報及104年年報申報情形進行分析;本縣共2,252家事業屬水污染防治法列管需定期申報之事業,以畜牧業為最多其次為金屬表面處理業,其中應每季申報乙次共20家(其中4家不需季報),實際申報數共16家;應半年申報乙次共1,094家,實際申報數1,094家,應每年申報乙次共23家,已申報23家,申報率達100%。 五、水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作 本縣符合裝設自動連續監測設施條件之連線對象共41家,包括第一批公告指定應裝設之工業區專用污水下水道系統排放量達2,000CMD以上者4家、第二批公告指定應裝設之發電廠以外事業排放水量達15,000CMD以上者1家、第三批公告指定應裝設之發電廠以外事業排放水量達5,000CMD以上者2家、以及重大違規34家,其中重大違規對象相關復工程序部分仍在辦理階段,尚未正式完成復工,以及第三批公告指定對象亦皆處辦理階段,故目前實際連線中對象共計11家。於計畫期間經16次異常情形,部分因CWMS系統人員開發之截檔程式產生異常,造成數據傳輸過慢,系統網頁無法呈現及時數據,另事業於該期間數據無法上傳至局端伺服器,本計畫人員積極於聯絡環保局承辦人員、資訊室人員、CWMS系統人員、環保署承辦人員進行系統修復。本計畫人員經每日檢核時發現異常時,立即通知事業並確認異常原因,匯報承辦人員後持續關注修復情形,於修復完成後通報承辦人員
中文關鍵字 水質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 12385 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/24 專案結束日期 2016/11/30 專案主持人 徐錦宏
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖銘仁 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 wn105-總量管制稽查-fin-摘要.pdf 0MB

2016 Plan of Changhua County’s Implementation of Water Pollution Source Inspection, Water Pollution Fee Collection Check and Total Volume Control

英文摘要 In order to improve the water quality of rivers within the jurisdiction and enhance the environmental quality, in addition to the previous inspection and control of water pollution sources, the Bureau will actively promote the overall control plan of water environment in accordance with the characteristics and sources of pollution of the river water to create a comprehensively safe, comfortable and beautiful recreational river space. Therefore, the Bureau sets up the 2016 Plan of Changhua County’s Implementation of Water Pollution Source Inspection, Water Pollution Fee Collection Check and Total Volume Control (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). It is hoped that through the implementation of this Plan, the pollution sources within the jurisdiction of the city can be registered in order to facilitate follow-up control operations. The implementation period of the Plan’s selection notes and bidding standard work started from the next day of the signing date (February 23, 2016) to November 2016, and implementation of the expanded-procurement bidding standard work started from the next day of the bid closing date (April 28, 2016) to November 30, 2016. The implementation of this Plan ended on November 25, 2016, and the implementation rate of both the bidding standard work and the expanded-procurement bidding standard work is 100%. The results of the final report are summarized as follows: 1. Assisting in the promotion of total waste (polluted) water discharge volume control measures for Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West (1) Assisting in the follow-up legally-required operations after the total waste (polluted) water discharge volume control area of Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West was delineated The year’s Plan follows up on the previous year’s plan to assist in various legal operation procedures. On March 21, 2016 the revised control measures were completed and submitted to the Environmental Protection Administration for review, and revisions were made in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration’s view. The Environmental Protection Administration approved the control measures on April 28, 2016 and the Changhua County Government announced the "total waste (polluted) water discharge volume control measures for Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West" on May 17. In order to facilitate the follow-up control of the total volume control area, the Environmental Protection Bureau held a "Meeting on the Discussion of Power and Responsibility Division for the Total Waste (Polluted) Water Discharge Volume Control Area of Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West" for the Plan on August 5, and invited the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Construction Department of Changhua County Government and Changhua Farmland Water Conservancy Association to discuss on issues such as the implementation strategy, division of powers and responsibilities of the control measures and the holding of regular meetings on the control of the total volume control area, in order to reach a consensus on the control measures for the total volume control area. (2) On-site inspection of the controlled businesses in the total volume control area The work is divided into two stages. The first stage focuses on the confirmation of all the waste water projects of the controlled businesses in the total volume control area, the concentration survey and the confirmation of the locations of the outflow ports (to make sure whether the water acceptors are the 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West). The second stage follows up on the objects in the investigation of the first stage which have heavy metal in the raw water, and executes the inspection of the operations of wastewater treatment facilities. If the objects are suspected of secretly discharging wastewater or do not have the intention to improve the defects of facilities, the Environmental Protection Bureau personnel in charge will be asked to arrive at the site to investigate and deal with the irregularities. As of October 27, the inspection in the first phase of the Plan has been completed for 47 controlled manufacturers in the control area. The wastewater quality of 25 manufacturers does not meet the discharge water standard, and the wastewater quality of 34 manufacturers does not meet the irrigation water standard. Compared with the number of wastewater pipes, their purposes and concentration ratio recorded in the licenses, the number of wastewater pipes all corresponds to the information in the license, the purpose of wastewater pipes of 32 manufacturers does not correspond to the information in the license and the quality of wastewater does not meet the irrigation water standard, and the heavy metal content 19 manufacturers does not correspond to the information in the license. For those manufacturers who exceed the irrigation water and discharge water standards, after telephone counseling of the Plan, 25 of them already submitted their changes made to the licenses before the announcement. A list of those which have not submitted their changes made to the licenses before the announcement has been sent to the Environmental Protection Bureau for the counseling of the Industrial Development Bureau to control the concentration and quality of water at the source of the manufacturing process. After the confirmation of the locations of the outflow ports, the water pipes of manufacturers which are not controlled are located in the 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West, and the water is discharged into Yafan Ditch (16 manufacturers), Yangtsitsuo Creek (17 manufacturers) and Wu Creek (6 manufacturers). According to the contract, in the second stage the inspection of at least 74 manufacturers should be completed. Currently the inspection has been completed for 41 electroplating manufacturers, 10 dyeing and finishing manufacturers and 7 metal surface treatment manufacturers; a total of 83 manufacturers. After the second inspections, three manufacturers were further inspected on-site with the presence of the personnel in charge. The three manufacturers were punished due to violation of the relevant provisions of the Water Pollution Control Law, and the violations are operation of waste water treatment facilities not in compliance with the contents of the license, discharge water quality not meeting the water discharge standard, and on-site records not comprehensively retained (for 5 years). (3) Inspection of manufacturers in the total volume control area which are not controlled As of October 27, 132 manufacturers in the total volume control area which are not controlled were inspected, and six of them were found not in compliance with the definition of manufacturer in the Wastewater Law, including four metal surface treatment manufacturers, one dyeing and finishing manufacturer and one manufacturer of other types. The personnel in charge ordered the manufacturers to suspend work site, and the relevant punishments are in the process of being issued. (4) The total volume control measures for water bodies in the total volume control area were planned The "Control Measures for Total Waste (Polluted) Water Discharge Volume Control Area of Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West" was announced on May 17, 2016. To protect the water quality of specific water bodies (the 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West in the total volume control area and their irrigation and drainage systems), the control strategies and measures for the total volume control area are proposed in the Plan, covering the seven aspects of source reduction, pipe end treatment, centralized treatment, permit management, inspection control, irrigation waterway inspection, regular monitoring of water quality and integration of water quality monitoring data. Furthermore, the relevant authority units based on the division of powers and responsibilities for implementation of various control strategies and measures include Construction Department of Changhua County Government, Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Changhua Farmland Water Conservancy Association and Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau. Through meetings for discussion on the division of powers and responsibilities, issues such as implementation of relevant control measures for the total volume control area, strategies and measures as well as division of powers and responsibilities and holding of regular meetings for control measures in the total volume control area were discussed in order to reach a consensus on the implementation of control measures for the total volume control area. (5) Analysis on the trend of water quality change in the total volume control area In order to understand the water quality improvement effect of the water bodies after the announcement of implementation of the total volume control area, the locations of the water quality monitoring stations of the Environmental Protection Bureau and Changhua Farmland Water Conservancy Association were used by the Plan as the indicator stations to track and evaluate the water quality change and improvement. According to the results of heavy metal water quality testing of the 12 monitoring stations in the total volume control area from 2000 to January to August 2016, the heavy metal of irrigation water in the 12 stations showed an improvement trend. From January to August 2016 the overall achievement rate of the water quality monitoring stations in the total volume control area reached 98.3%, and the overall achievement rate of the water quality monitoring stations of the Changhua Farmland Water Conservancy Association reached 100% (only the period of January to June 2016 was analyzed due to the time difference of the announcement of Changhua Farmland Water Conservancy Association’s testing data). From the overall achievement rate it can be found that from 2000 to 2012 the heavy metal achievement rate showed a slow rate of growth, but from 2013 onward it showed a significant increase. Up to today it maintains a rate close to 100%, indicating that the water quality in the total volume control area of Changhua County’s 2nd and 3rd River in the East and West has significantly improved from 2000. 2. Filing, reviewing and inspecting water pollution and control fee documents (1) On-site inspection of companies categorized in the first stage of fee collection with no permits As of October 27, 2016, on-site inspections of a total of 217 manufacturers were completed, of which 32 were in violation of the Water Pollution Control Law and produced wastewater, 53 did not produce waste water, and 4 produced non-contact cooling water only. Of the other 92 manufacturers, 86 had no processing equipment, and are amended as "permanent shutdown" in the operational status of the water system control. Among six of them, because the processing machines were not yet removed, it is necessary for them to put forward the soil testing and remove the on-site processing equipment to be removed from the control list. They are amended as "temporary shutdown" in the operational status of water pollution control. The other 36 manufacturers had their doors locked, but there was no abnormal discharge of wastewater around the sites. (2) On-site inspection of companies categorized in the first stage of fee collection As of October 27, inspections of a total of 150 manufacturers were completed, and the inspection work includes inspection of the comprehensiveness of the record and inspection of the discharge water volume and quality inspection report. On the site the Environmental Protection Bureau personnel collected the raw wastewater and discharged water for analysis and the results were compared with the concentration value at outflow ports reported in the second half of 2015. Those with a difference of more than 20% were reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau for subsequent reference after the on-site inspection. According to the on-site inspection results, a total of 67 manufacturers were punished due to violation of the Water Pollution Control Law, and the violation rate is 44.7%. The Environmental Protection Bureau has imposed punishment according to law. (3) On-site inspection of companies on the water pollution control fee suspension list This work is mainly based on the assessment item of "Water Pollution Control Fee Collection and Implementation" in the Environmental Protection Administration's assessment scheme for 2016 River Pollution Remediation Plan, and the inspection list was provided by the Environmental Protection Administration. The Environmental Protection Administration provided the first inspection list on January 15, 2016, which contained manufacturers whose reported chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration was below the maximum discharge water standard of 10% in the first term (May and June) in the water pollution control fee reporting. There were 40 manufacturers in the county. The second inspection list contained manufacturers whose reported water discharge was 0 or significantly less than in the first term (May and June) in the water pollution control fee reporting of the second term (July to December) in 2016. There were 16 manufacturers in the county. The total number of manufacturers on the exception list in the first and the second batch was 56. According to the exception list audit results, flow meter calibration accounts for the most cases, followed by the lacking of processing facilities maintenance record. In the first stage there were 21 manufacturers with discharge water COD higher than the standard of 10%. The results of the Plan have been submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau for further submission to the Environmental Protection Agency for collection. (4) Trial calculation of fees payable for enhancement of water pollution control A total of 423 manufacturers were inspected, including 217 manufacturers with no permits. In the first stage 150 manufacturers were inspected for fee collection, and 56 for being suspected on the water pollution fee list. A total of 128 manufacturers were non-compliant, of which 32 were manufacturers with no permits; in the first stage 67 manufacturers inspected for fee collection were non-compliant, and 29 were for being suspected on the water pollution fee list. The amount declared by the 108 manufacturers with no non-compliance was NT$639,643, but after the on-site inspection, the declared amount due to non-compliance was NT$54,295,722. The total amount of increase was NT$54,180,529. (5) Water pollution fee trial calculation and exception list In 2017, the third year of levying the water pollution control fee (the first year of levying by the animal husbandry with a preferential rate of 70%), the expected amount of levy is NT$25,658,986, of which NT$15,805,850 is from manufacturers and the industrial area’s sewage system and NT$9,853,136 from the animal husbandry, which account for 61.60% and 38.40% of the 2017 water pollution fee levies respectively. In the water pollution control fee reporting period (reporting in January 2016) from June to December 2015, a total of 69 manufacturers were non-compliant, including two manufacturers with circumventing water discharge, 25 not obtaining permits in accordance with the law, 35 with discharge water exceeding the discharge water standard, and 10 with the flow meter not regularly calibrated or recorded. In the second term of water pollution control fee in 2015, the total additional water pollution fee to be paid by manufacturers was NT$3,525,896, including NT$3,103,606 from 25 manufacturers not obtaining permits, accounting for 88.02% of the total amount of additional water fee to be paid. Most of the manufacturers may not clearly understand the water pollution control fee charging method, resulting in water pollution fee reporting not in compliance with the method for manufacturers in violation of the regulation, or the wrong item being reported, thus causing a shortage in water pollution fee payment. A small number of manufacturers overpaid the water pollution fee due to water quality value reporting errors. (6) Holding water pollution control fee advocacy seminars In order to assist the manufacturers to quickly and surly understand the relevant laws and regulations, and be familiar with the operation of water pollution source control information management system and the Water Pollution Law related information disclosure platform for the sake of information disclosure, the Bureau invited controlled manufacturers in Changhua County to attend the three seminars. Three sessions of the Water Pollution Control Law and the Water Pollution Fee Collection Method Advocacy Seminar were completed for the Plan on March 9 and 10, 2016 (Wednesday and Thursday), with 792 manufacturers attending. The attendance rates were between 48.1% and 64.1%. Non-attending manufacturers were classified as those to be further inspected in the hot zone. If they are not located in the hot zone, the personnel in charge will promote the policy by phone and remind them of the relevant provisions of the Water Pollution Law. 3. Implementing scientific inspection and control of water pollution sources As of October 27, the inspection of 100 manufacturers in the pollution hot zone has been completed for the Plan, including the sampling of 28 manufacturers with water discharge. In the inspection process, five manufacturers were found to have circumventing water discharge, and one which should have been shut down were found to be still working. During the inspection the Plan’s personnel preserved the evidence on the site and notified the Environmental Protection Bureau to arrive at the scene for the issuing of penalty. One of the manufacturers with circumventing water discharge was detected by the police and the prosecutor together. 4. Handling application approval and database management matters This work is an expansion of the procurement work, and the implementation period was from Aril 29 to November 30, 2016. The following is a summary of the implementation results of the work as of October 27: (1) Assisting in the water pollution control plan and handling and reviewing the approval of all types of applications The Plan assisted in the review of all types of permit applications, with a total of 1,638 permit applications processed. The current types of permits are classified into the following six categories: water pollution control plan permit, surface water discharge body permit, simple discharge permit, storage permit, soil discharge permit and runoff wastewater reduction plan permit. Except the soil discharge permit which has no application for, the applications for the remaining types of permits are shown in Table 5.2.1-1. From the table it can be seen that the surface water discharge body permit has the most applications of 651, accounting for 39.7% of the total applications, followed by the simple discharge permit of 551, accounting for 33.6%. (2) Assisting in handling on-site surveys of the applications On-site surveys were handled in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Measures for Water Pollution Control and Permit Application Review, and assistance was provided to 34 cases of on-site surveys, with a non-compliance rate of 76%. The analysis of non-compliant items clearly shows that regardless of the type of application, non-compliance of processing units and processes has the highest rate, with a total of 16 cases. The main reason for this anomaly should be that the agencies which filled out the form on behalf of the manufacturers did not verify whether the site configuration is consistent with that in the permit. There were 15 cases of sewage disposals, including 13 technician certifications. The site surveyors have informed the manufacturers to make an improvement at the site, and requested follow-up documents verifying the completion of the improvement in order to facilitate the follow-up application of changes to the registered documents. (3) Assisting in the internet disclosure of manufacturers’ systems or sewage systems After the issuing of the water pollution control permit, the Plan’s personnel notify the manufacturer to check the content of the permit. If the content is incorrect, the applicant shall submit a statement for correction. Finally the manufacturer shall publish the water pollution control permit. The Plan then assists to have the first page of the water pollution control permit disclosed on the EPA designated website, and issues certification. As of October 27, from April to October there were totally 134 certificates issued, and the water pollution control permits and their first pages have been fully disclosed. For the Plan the approved water pollution control permits (documents) of 1,494 manufacturers and sewage systems of the 1st to the 5th echelon which are required by the EPA to be disclosed on the website have been produced. There are 547 manufacturers in the 1st echelon, and the disclosure completion rate is 97%; 147 out of the 151 manufacturers in the 2nd echelon have had their permits disclosed, and the disclosure completion rate is 97%; 180 out of the 189 manufacturers in the 3rd echelon have had their permits disclosed, and the disclosure completion rate is 95%; 26 out of the 27 manufacturers in the 4th echelon have had their permits disclosed, and the disclosure completion rate is 96%; all the 528 manufacturers in the 5th echelon have had their permits disclosed, and the disclosure completion rate is 100%. As of October 27 there are 1,410 manufacturers that have had their permits disclosed. There are still 84 manufacturers in the 1st to the 5th echelon that have not had their permits disclosed, of which 83 are temporarily suspended manufacturers, and one has its permit contents concealed and not disclosed. From January 1, 2017 onward all the water pollution control permit application and periodic reporting for the manufacturers’ or sewage system are required to be processed via internet transmission. In this Plan three general seminars and four seminars specifically to the controlled manufacturers have been held for the promotion of regulations and the convenience of online reporting. Currently 747 manufacturers have been consulted to change from reporting in writing to voluntary online reporting. (4) Filing and managing water pollution control related computer database and documents During the implementation of the Plan, the Bureau assisted in the completion of data filing, including 31 (1%) water pollution control documents, 1,380 (60%) water pollution source voluntary filing documents and 875 (39%) inspection and punishment information filings. By the types of documents, among the water pollution source voluntary filing documents, there were 1,234 records of regular monitoring and test reporting which account for the most; among the inspection and punishment information there were 719 inspection records which account for the most. The highest number of total files occurred in April 2016, and they were mainly water pollution source voluntary filing documents, with 568 records of regular monitoring and test reporting which account for the most. (5) Reviewing and filing declaration information of waste (sewage) water inspection The following is an analysis of the Plan on the semi-annual reporting in the second-half of 2015, the semi-annual reporting in first half of 2016, the first quarterly reporting in 2016, the second quarterly reporting in 2016, the third quarterly reporting in 2016, and the fourth quarterly reporting in 2016. There are 2,252 manufacturers which are controlled under the Water Pollution Control Law and need to regularly file reporting to the authority. Most of them are in animal husbandry, followed by the metal surface treatment industry. Among them 20 manufacturers shall file reporting every quarter (of which 4 do not need to report every quarter), and the actual number of manufacturers which filed reporting was 16. 1,094 manufacturers shall file reporting every six months, and the actual number of manufacturers which filed reporting was 1,094. 23 manufacturers shall file reporting every year, and the actual number of manufacturers which filed reporting was 23. The reporting rate was 100%. 5. Stable operation of the water quality and quantity automatic survey (monitoring) system and connecting and transmission facilities In the County there are 41 manufacturers which meet the condition of installing connected automatic continuous monitoring facilities, including four with special sewage systems for industrial areas with a water discharge volume over 2,000 CMD as in the first announcement, one non-power plant manufacturers with water discharge volume over 15,000 CMD as in the second announcement, two non-power plant manufacturers with water discharge volume over 5,000 CMD as in the third announcement, and 34 with major violations. Among them those with major violations are still in the process of resuming the relevant work procedures and have not yet formally resumed their work, and those in the third announcement are also at the processing stage. Therefore there are actually a total of 23 manufacturers that are connected. During the course of the Plan there were 16 abnormalities, some of which were caused by the abnormalities of the interception program developed by the CWMS system personnel, resulting in the data transmission being too slow and the system web page not presenting the real-time data. In addition, during the period manufacturers’ data could not be uploaded to the Bureau’s server. The Plan’s personnel actively contacted the EPB’s personnel in charge, the information staff, the CWMS system personnel and the EPA’s personnel in charge to carry out system repair. If the Plan’s personnel find any abnormality in the daily inspection, they will immediately notify the manufacturer and confirm the cause of the abnormality. After reporting to the personnel in charge, they will continue to pay attention to the repair situation and notify the personnel in charge after the completion of the repair.
英文關鍵字 water