

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為104年12月11日至105年12月31日,針對照明光源及乾電池類,蒐集疑似未登記責任業者名單並予輔導登記: 1.調查各種販售通路,包含查核實體店面販賣業者615家,蒐集疑似未登記製造、輸入業者233家;調查無店面販賣業者,蒐集疑似未登記製造、輸入業者379家。合計蒐集612家疑似未登記製造、輸入業者 2.責任業者納管多元篩選機制之建立,依海關交換資料模式、公務機關與民間團體進行機制研析,共計查詢7項網站與系統,並蒐集疑似未登記製造、輸入業者3,260家。 3.針對前述名單進行輔導登記作業,確認未登記業者之有效名單計319家,其中314家已輔導完成登記,輔導完成登記比率達35.48%。其完成登記者屬照明光源材質38家、乾電池材質276家,共計繳納(含補繳)之回收清除處理費約341萬元。 4.蒐集環保署99~103年相關報告,及地方環保局102~104年計32份報告,與本計畫之未登記責任業者之蒐集、查核及輔導作業方式,進行比較分析,並就制度層面進行優缺點探討等相關研析。 5.蒐集LED照明光源責任業者名單計431家,並寄發相關文宣資料,以提醒業者自106年1月1日起應依規定辦理登記及後續申報繳費作業。
中文關鍵字 未登記責任業者、多元篩選機制、LED照明光源


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-HA14-03-A275 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3660 千元
專案開始日期 2015/12/11 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 郭恭羽
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 梁鴻君 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告本文.pdf 91MB

Investigation on Unregistered Responsible Enterprises of Lamps and Batteries in 2015 and 2016

英文摘要 We investigated and tutored suspected unregistered responsible enterprises for lamps and batteries from Dec.11 2015 to Dec. 31th 2015. The tasks conducted in this project were listed below: 1. Investigating various channel vendors. 223 suspected unregistered manufacturers or importers out of 615 brick-and-mortar stores and 379 ones without shops were found. 612 suspected unregistered responsible enterprises were collected in total. 2. Building responsible enterprise multiple-filtering mechanism based on the information from customs, governments, and NGOs. 3260 suspected unregistered responsible enterprises were collected using 7 websites and systems. 3. According to the list mentioned above, 319 unregistered responsible enterprises were confirmed. Amongst the enterprises, 314 out of 319 unregistered responsible enterprises had been registered, and the percent of registered enterprises within the list was 35.48%. For these enterprises, lamp material and battery material ones are 38 and 276, respectively. 3.41 million of the recycling, clearance and disposal fees were collected. 4. Analyzing the methods for collecting, investigating and tutoring unregistered responsible enterprises based on the institutional levels between this project, other EPA projects from 2010 to 2014, and other EPB ones from 2013 to 2015 (32 reports in total). 5. 431 light emitting diode (LED) lamp enterprises were collected into the list for responsible enterprises, and were notified by mails with related information to register and declare follow-up payment according to the regulation from January 1st, 2017.
英文關鍵字 unregistered responsible enterprise, multiple-filtering mechanism, light emitting diode (LED) lamp