

中文摘要 本計畫之目的在了解國內小型場所室內空氣品質之情況,並提出相關輔導改善的推廣工具。 針對餐飲業以及幼兒園,利用現場訪查以及污染監測的方式,取得現場室內空氣污染的實際情形,並且了解現場人員對室內空氣品質的認知。調查結果顯示各場所室內空氣品質大致良好。另外也發現場所人員如果能建立重要的基本觀念,將可以減少許多室內空氣品質不良的問題,例如有小朋友活動的教室內應避免放置新家具。進行問卷調查國內幼兒園對於室內氣品質推動的現況,共回收 2,496 份,並且完成相關的統計。結果顯示國內幼兒園學童數在 30、60、90 和 120 人時有明顯的波峰,學童人數在120 人以內者達 84%。班級數以 1 個班者最多, 6 個班以內超過 80%。老師人數 2~5 人最多, 10人 以內佔81.5%。國內幼兒園仍以獨立空調和自然通風使用比例較大。污染物類型以廁所異味、汽機車廢氣、廢棄物堆積、工業污染、畜牧農作較多。這些結果有助於了解幼兒園現階段對於室內空氣品質推廣各方面的問題,並且作為後續規劃納管的參考。為了推動室內空氣品質,環保署擬公告第二批公告場所,並進行研商會與公聽會,收集各方對室內空氣品質改善的重要意見與資訊。 推廣工具包含管理工具和宣導工具兩部份。管理工具參考美國環保署室內空氣品質校園推廣工具 (Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools) 的內容建立室內空氣品質改善的推廣工具。考慮幼兒園和餐飲業兩種場所特性的差異,分別建立適用的精簡版本推廣手冊。宣導工具有摺頁和海報兩種。考量幼兒園對於文字吸收的能力有限,以及注意力無法持續長久,有聲海報採用具有故事性互動式的設計。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質、校園推廣工具、小型場所


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA18-03-A296 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3850 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 宋隆佑
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝仁碩 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-FA18-03-A296(公開版).pdf 4MB

Field Assessment, Improvement, and Management of Indoor Air Quality of Small Premises

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to understand the indoor air quality of domestic small spaces and design action kit with improvement strategies. As for restaurants and kindergartens, on-site visit and air pollution monitoring are used to understand the indoor air quality of these places and the knowledge level in indoor air quality of the site staff. The results show that the indoor air quality of these places are generally good. But based on our observation, people with basic concepts of indoor air quality can reduce indoor air quality problems. For example, new furniture shouldn’t be placed in children’s activity room. A survey collecting 2,496 samples regarding indoor air quality of domestic kindergartens is also carried out in this project. The result shows that the enrollments of domestic kindergartens could be divided into four categories: 30 children, 60 children, 90 children, and 120 children, and more than 84% are limited to 120 children. Most domestic kindergartens have only one class, and over 80% have 6 classes. The number of teachers in most domestic kindergartens is 2 to 5, and 81.5% is limited to 10. Most domestic kindergartens use independent air conditioning system or natural ventilation. Most odor pollutions are from toilet, mobile combustion, waste accumulation, industrial pollution, and livestock and agriculture. Based on statistic results, we can understand the difficulties encountered in kindergartens during the executing processes for improving indoor air quality and provide opinions as reference for future regulation. For improving indoor air quality, EPA is planning to announce the second public and private premises. Public hearing and discussion forum will be held to collect important opinions and information for indoor air quality improvement. Action kit provides management tools and media tools. The management tools are designed following Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools provided by US EPA. Besides, booklets for kindergartens and restaurants are provided. Media tools includes audio poster and folding. The audio poster is designed as an interactive story due to limited reading ability and short attention span of children.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality, Tools for Schools, Small Premises