

中文摘要 為減緩車輛排放對空氣品質的衝擊,本計畫執行使用中機車排氣稽查、通知到檢及相關宣導作業,督促車主確實做好車輛維護保養,以確保機車排氣合乎排放標準;其次,針對本市已設立之機車定檢站進行查核管理,確保檢測品質,執行內容摘述如下: (一) 使用中機車稽查:不分對象全面執行機車路邊攔檢4,279輛,另執行機車煙度檢測93輛,檢測不合格依法告發處分;執行定檢不合格未複驗機車告發處分821輛,督促不合格機車完成改善。 (二) 通知到檢:寄發定檢通知明信片80萬份,提醒車主實施定檢。 (三) 機車定檢站管理:例行性查核612站次,標準氣體查核221站次,實車查核480站次,透過查核輔導工作確保檢驗品質,有效提升檢驗品質。 (四) 宣導作業:結合一般機車行投入定檢宣導工作,擴大提醒與通知成效。 透過各項工作進行,105年本市之機車定檢率90.7%,排名全國第6。未來將持續各項管制工作進行,並加強機車保檢合一政策的推動,有效改善機車廢氣污染的問題,朝向潔淨、健康、舒適環境的目標努力。
中文關鍵字 機車定檢、空氣污染、移動污染源、機車定檢站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 17185 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/26 專案結束日期 2017/03/25 專案主持人 陳映嘉
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳韋如 執行單位 盈鼎環保有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105機車期末報告定稿(印).pdf 6MB

The 104 annual project of mobile pollution inspection and management in Taoyuan City(Optional items or follow-up extension)

英文摘要 In order to reduce the impacts of air pollution caused by mobile vehicles in Taoyuan City, the project is carried on inspecting in-using motorcycles, mailing notifications, publishing propagandas, and also pushing the owners to do regular motorcycle maintenances. This project helps to control the emission of motorcycles conforming to the emission standard. Beside, checking and managing the inspection stations regularly can make sure the quality of testing results. Major contents of this project are described as following: (1)The inspecting in-using motorcycle: 4,279 motorcycles were pulled over for non-periodically exhaust inspection on the roadside. Another 93 motorcycles were pulled over for opacity inspection. Those failed to pass the inspection had been informed for penalty. On the other hand, we have issued tickets to 821 motorcycle owners that had failed to pass inspections and hadn’t retaken the test. We will push them to complete the requirements of the emission test results on a specific deadline (2)Mail notification: We will send notification postcards 804,933 copies to notify each owner to do motorcycle exhausted emission inspection in a regular bases. (3)Inspection station management: Through field investigation, total 612 stations were been checked, standard gas check for 221 stations, real time motorcycles checkup 480 times. By using pre-modified motorcycles to check on stations, it helps the inspection stations to find out any problem caused from the inspection procedures and to improve it. (4)Propaganda: The purpose is to expend the notification effect to the owners of motorcycles by connecting with the common motorcycle repair stores. By carrying out this project, 90.7% of regular examination rate was achieved till 2016, which ranked as the 6th place among all counties nationwide. We will keep focusing on all works mentioned above and advancing the policy of inspection and maintenance on all motorcycles. The project should effectively help to reduce the air pollutants emitted from motorcycles and to move our city forward into a clean, healthy and comfortable living environment.
英文關鍵字 Mobile pollution, air pollution, I/M stations