

中文摘要 本計畫輔導與管制之指定業者包括(一)廢棄物清理法第15條公告應負回收、清除、處理責任之業者(簡稱責任業者)、(二)廢棄物清理法第19條應設置資源回收設施,並執行回收工作之指定公告之物品或其包裝容器販賣業(簡稱販賣業者)、(三)廢棄物清理法第18條規定,依第15條第2項公告應回收廢棄物回收處理業者、(四)廢棄物清理法第21條公告禁用或限制製造、輸入、販賣使用之對象(簡稱限用對象),包括限制含汞乾電池製造輸入與販賣、購物用塑膠袋及塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具(五)依資源回收再利用法第14條公告限制產品過度包裝工作,包括糕餅、酒、化妝品、加工食品等禮盒及電腦程式著作光碟(以下簡稱指定產品)之製造、輸入及販賣業者(以下簡稱指定事業)等7類指定業者辦理輔導、管制與宣導工作,搭配資源回收宣導活動、個體業者、社區、機關和學校形象改造等工作,強化本市資源回收、垃圾減量政策。依合約規定,本計畫人員設備已於105年3月11日完成簽約及到位,工作執行期間自簽約日至12月20日共計約10個月,截至105年12月20日為止,共執行10個月,各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 一、辦理資源回收相關稽查工作、成果彙整及考核庶務工作 (一)社區、機關、學校之資源回收分類執行情形,已完成社區244家次、機關團體87家次、學校71次家次,共計完成402家次現場稽查工作,稽查結果有15家社區、2家機關及4家學校不合格,後續複查時皆已改善完成。 (二)餐館業、汽車旅館(含旅館)、百貨公司(含大賣場)及其他非事業商辦大樓、商圈、傳統市場等落實垃圾分類、資源回收,共計完成100家單位申報資源回收量;在回收流向部分,交付給個體業者佔56%最高,其次為回收商。 (三)一次性外帶飲料杯源頭減量計畫之連鎖性飲料店業者之列管清冊查核與管理輔導作業,共計完成312家查核,包含71家歇業解除列管,另241家皆無違規情形。 二、辦理責任業者落實登記、申報、繳費及回收標誌標示等輔導作業 (一)主動稽查未標示回收標誌及未登記之責任業者,共計完成152家販賣業者及314件商品主動稽查,共計查獲35件違規責任物;分別為未登記5件、未標示回收標誌9件、未標示塑膠材質回收辨識碼7件、未標示回收標誌及未標示塑膠材質回收辨識碼6件、未登記及未標示回收標誌1件、塑膠材質回收辨識碼標示錯誤2件、未登記及未標示塑膠材質回收辨識碼3件、未標示回收標誌及未標示塑膠材質回收辨識碼及圖樣標示錯誤1件、未登記回收標誌及未標示塑膠材質回收辨識碼及圖樣標示錯誤1件,後續皆已移請至違規業者所登記之縣市環保局。 (二)辦理環保署交辦及其他縣市移入(送)之違規責任業者稽查與處分工作,共辦理外縣市移請26件,環保署函請18件,均已完成回覆作業。 三、執行販賣業者逆向回收輔導查核作業及宣導工作 (一)針對本市列管之販賣業及其他經環保署公告之販賣業者(含電子電器)進行稽查作業,共計完成轄內列管業者834家稽查,查核結果轄內有120家業者解除列管,新增111家業者,現場完成輔導改善有33家(23家未張貼回收標誌、回收標誌不符規定5家、回收標誌褪色5家),限期改善2家(經改善後,業者已張貼符合規定之貼紙),其餘皆符合規定。 (二)針對廢四機回收制度中之販賣業者進行管理、輔導、稽查及其他相關宣導工作,共計完成轄內列管業者132家稽查,查核結果轄內有34家業者解除列管,其餘皆符合規定。 (三)彙整本市販賣業者之回收管道及輔導與調查申報資源回收量與回收物流向之合法去處,在調查結果顯示,以公司回收48%為最高,其次為回收商28%,清潔隊23%、經銷商回收僅佔1%。 (四)依據環保署指定期程執行指定乾電池採樣作業,及限汞乾電池業者稽查作業,共計完成230家稽查,指定電池查核3,006件,附指定電池查核474件,無發現違規事項。 四、辦理應回收廢棄物回收、處理業申請登記及稽查作業 (一)維護及更新本市轄內資源回收商相關資料,本計畫每月彙整更新本市回收商的基本資料,同時亦於資源回收管理資訊系統完整登錄業者之最新資料;在查核業者部分,利成舊貨店、鑫銘環保企業社和大福資源回收行已停止歇業,後續將持續更新維護33家回收商之基本資料。 (二)進行轄內列管回收商及回收處理業環境衛生與營運管理規範之現場輔導查核作業,共完成列管回收商業者環境衛生巡查作業巡查360家次。 五、辦理本市資源回收個體業者、社區及里資源回收站(點)形象改造工作 (一)針對本市歷年補助設置或形象改造之資源回收站,彙整追蹤輔導運作現況及更新維護基本資料,已於5月31日完成所有歷年之列管資源回收站114處更新,又因其中有7處於104年再次申請形象改補助重覆列管,故更新本市實際申請補助列管為107處。 (二)辦理轄內資源回收站形象改造或補助設置作業,本計畫已於105年3月30日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,本年度年度提報申請補助通過之里及社區、大廈計有9處,機關、團體、學校等計有8處,共計有17處受通過補助申請。 (三)輔導個體業者資源回收形象改造工作,本計畫已於105年4月1日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,已於105年7月22日完成辦理個體業者關懷活動,完成補助人數198位,活動當天與會個體業者共143人,統計現場會人數共計165人。 (四)媒合個體業者進入物業、社區、商圈或學校從事資源回收服務,共計完成媒合20位個體業者從事資源回收服務。 六、辦理資源回收教育及宣導工作 (一)媒體宣導(含電子媒體、平面媒體、網路媒體等)至少1,000則,本計畫已於105年4月8日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,並已發佈1,661.6則媒體宣導(依環保署考核計畫方式計算)。 (二)協助發佈本計畫相關正向消息報導達每月2則(含)以上,至少需有10則(含)以上刊登於任一平面媒體報紙,本計畫每月已發佈2則新聞稿,並有24則新聞刊登於平面媒體報紙。 (三)製作至少2種資源回收宣傳相關文宣(手冊、海報、影片、教具或單張摺頁等),並發送或張貼,本計畫已於105年5月10日提交計畫書予環保局,本工作團隊設計環保地圖、L夾資料夾及海報(含單張)等3種宣導文宣,並經由機關同意後購置及發放,本計畫採購3,600份環保地圖、8,000份L夾資料夾、500份海報及8,000份A4單張。 (四)辦理相關法令政策宣導說明會,回收業相關法令宣導說明會已於105年7月29日辦理,現場與會人員共計23位;應回收廢棄物責任業者法令說明會105年8月26日辦理,與會人數共計23人;應回收電子電器販賣業者法令說明會已於10年9月29日完成辦理,現場與會人員共12位。 (五)配合辦理資源回收活動(含設攤)或宣傳說明會至少30場次,已於105年5月6日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,並已辦理33場次宣導活動,共計3,609人次參與。 (六)辦理資源回收宣傳(導)教育活動,應規劃具創意之資源回收宣導、回收再利用實作及環保教育的活動,已於105年5月10日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,本計畫已於105年7月18、19及20日舉辦共計3梯次,地點選在環保寶來屋辦理,活動共計有157位小朋友參加,另有3位老師及3位家長陪同參與活動,此外為響應資源回收共計回收廢乾電池有5.5公斤,二手玩具則回收50個。 (七)辦理1場(含)以上大型資源回收宣傳(導)活動,於105年5月6日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,活動於9月11日辦理,當天於活動入口處以人工計數方式進行人數統計,現場參與民眾達3,500人以上,代幣兌換活動成果為活動代幣發放5,000枚以上,328人參與回收物兌換代幣,回收重量為1,445公斤(含現場兌換1,190公斤,9月4日早鳥兌換255公斤)。 (八)辦理資源回收物交換愛分享活動,已於105年4月1日提交計畫書並經環保局核定,並辦理9場次資源回收物交換愛分享活動,資源回收物回收達10,363.5公斤。 (九)辦理學校資源回收工作及教師資源回收研討,已於105年4月27日提送計畫書並經環保局核定,依各級學校申請項目資源回收相關工具及標示牌,共計33所學校;教師資源回收研討活動當天共計25人參與活動,其中有15所學校教師參與。 (十)持續更新資源回收網站及設備維護,並於每月工作月報提報網站維護更新資料內容。 (十一)加強廢玻璃容器巡檢清理稽查工作,列管10處每月巡查2次,共201次巡檢數量,回收164.7公斤廢玻璃容器。 (十二)辦理「農藥廢容器巡迴回收活動」至少30場次,每半年度至少應辦理15場次,本計畫已辦理30場次農藥廢容器巡迴回收活動,並提送上半年度成果報告,參與兌換人數542人次,有機益菌肥共兌換1,492包,廢農藥空瓶回收共計827.6公斤。 (十三)辦理清潔隊員資源回收宣導及研習,已於105年6月4日提交計畫書予環保局,已於8月12日完成辦理研習活動完成,當日活動清潔隊員參與人數共計36人;清潔隊人員在職教育訓練共計14場次於出勤前進行訓練,訓練人數共4,868人。 七、提出至少2項創新或提升資源回收成效之工作計畫,已於105年5月4日提送計畫書並經環保局核定,個體業者變賣憑證兌換共計117人次,其兌換變賣重量約187,000公斤;不主動提供塑膠袋和免洗餐具經3個月宣導期,使用量有減少的趨勢,免洗餐具平均減少25%、塑膠袋則平均減少20%。 八、針對提升本市資源回收率專案計畫延續辦理或追蹤歷年推動成果,及提報辦理計畫書或推動成果,已於105年5月27日提交計畫書予環保局。 (一)「飲料店茶葉回收政策」,自102年度辦理共有23家業者配合飲料店茶葉回收政策,104年度累計共50家,今年度本計畫新增10家飲料店業者,總計60家業者,統計105年1月至12月20日以每桶90公斤計算,總統計桶數共3,868.7桶,概估總重量約348,183公斤,回收後茶葉渣再製栽培土,做為回收兌換品。 (二)今年度持續辦理環保美食家專案計畫,本團隊製作5個廢竹叉回收桶(其中1個備用),各放置2個回收桶於文化路兩個路段(文化路與中正路口、文化路與民族路口)供民眾丟棄回收,此回收桶不僅可避免清潔人員收取垃圾時刺傷,更可減少垃圾袋破損。 九、辦理里、社區等資源回收推動工作,已於105年5月10日提送計畫書並經環保局核定,今年度補助對象為東川社區發展協會、大溪里辦公處和後驛社區發展協會等3處。 十、辦理廢機動車輛佔用道路通報巡查工作,廢機動車輛未達廢棄標準者查報並張貼有153台,疑似廢機動車輛未達廢棄標準者僅查報未張貼有200台,已稽查、張貼公告廢棄機動車輛353件,平均移置率為95%。 十一、協助成果彙整、考核庶務工作。 十二、於105年3月28日辦理第1場在職人員教育訓練,第2場在職人員教育訓練已於105年8月30日完成辦理;並已每月召開工作會報。
中文關鍵字 資源回收率、資源回收工作


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 7070 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/11 專案結束日期 2016/12/20 專案主持人 蔡博全
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林春如 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度嘉義市資源回收工作計畫.pdf 32MB

105 annual resource recycling work plan in Chiayi

英文摘要 The designated people of counseling and control of the plan include: (1) Article 15 of the Waste Disposal Act (the "Responsible Trader") is responsible for the collection, removal and disposal of waste; (2) Article 19 of the Waste Disposal Act ( the "seller") shall set up a facility for the recycling of resources and shall carry out the goods or its packaging container of the designated notice of the recycling work; (3) Article 18 of the Waste Disposal Act provides that, in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 2 of the Waste Disposal Act, shall recycle waste as recycling people; (4) Article 21 of the Waste Disposal Act Prohibited or restricted manufacturing, importation and sale of objects (restricted objects), including restrictions on the manufacture and selling of mercury-containing batteries, shopping plastic bags and plastic (including styrofoam )Disposable tableware; (5) Article 14 of Resource Recycling Law restricts over-packaging of products, including the manufacture, importation and selling (hereinafter referred to as " Designated business)of gift boxes and discs of computer programs for confectionery, wine, cosmetics, processed foods and so on (hereinafter referred to as "designated products") which include seven designated industry for counseling, control and advocacy work, with resource recycling advocacy activities, individual industry, community, institutions and schools image transformation work to strengthen the city's resource recovery and waste reduction policy. According to the contract, the people and equipment have been signed and put into place on March 11, 2016. The time is from the signing date to December 20 for a total of about 10 months. To November 30, 2016, a total of eight months, the results of the implementation of the work are summarized as follows: I. Handle resource-recycling-related inspection work, the compilation of the results and assessment of general affairs (1) The implementation of resource recycling classification of community, institutions and schools. has completed the community 244 times, institutions 87 times, the school 71 times, a total of 402 times the on-site inspection work, with 15 communities, 2 institutions and 4 schools failed, follow-up review have been improved when completed. (2) The implementation of waste separation and resource recycling of restaurants, motels (including hotels), department stores (including hypermarkets) and other non-business to do business buildings, shopping district, a total of 100 units to declare the amount of resource recycling; In the part of recovery flow, the individual industry accounted for 56% of the highest, followed by the recycling business. (3) A one-off drink cup source reduction plan of the chain of beverage stores to check the management of inventory management and counseling operations, a total of 312 times check, including 71 out of business to lift the tube, the other 241 are no violations. II. Handle the implementation of registration, reporting, payment and recycling signs and other counseling work of the "Responsible Trader" (1) Active inspect responsible industries which is not marked the recovery of signs and unregistered, a total of 152 dealers and 314 active inspection of goods, a total of seized 35 violations of responsibility. including 5 unregistered, 9 unmarked recycling logo, 7 unmarked plastic material recycling identification code, 6 unmarked recycling logo and unmarked plastic material recycling identification code, 1 unregistered and unmarked recycling logo, 3 plastic Unrecorded and unlabelled plastic material Recycling identification code, 1 unmarked recycling mark and unmarked plastic material Recycling identification code and design mark Error, 1 unregistered and unmarked plastic material Recycling identification code and design mark Error. Follow-up have been moved to county environmental protection agency of the violation of the registration (2) To handle the inspection and disposition of non-compliance industry transferred and sent by EPD and other counties and cities, 26 applications for other cities and counties and 18 requests for EPDs have been completed. III. Carry out the reverse recycling counseling check operation and advocacy work of selling industries (1) Audit work carried out against trafficking industry and the city's other tube by the EPA announcement trafficking industry (including electronic appliances), completed a total of jurisdiction tube industry 834 inspectors, including 120 companies in the jurisdiction, 111 enterprises added, and 33 on-site counseling and improvement (23 did not post recycling signs, 5 did not comply with regulations, 5 recovered signs faded), 2 improved in deadline(after the improvement, the industry has posted stickers in accordance with the provisions), the rest are in line with regulations. (2) In the case of management, counseling, auditing and other related advocacy work for the traffickers in the waste four-machine recycling system, a total of 132 inspections have been completed and 34 enterprises have been relieved from the jurisdiction. The rest are in line with regulations. (3) Consolidate the recycling channels and counseling and investigation of the traffickers in this Municipality to declare the amount of resource recovery and recycling logistics to the legitimate place, the survey results show that 48% of the company to recover the highest, followed by 28% of recyclers, cleaning team 23%, dealers only 1% recovery. (4) According to the EPA designated period of the implementation of designated dry battery sampling operations, and limited mercury battery industry inspection operations, a total of 230 time inspections, 3,006 designated battery check, with 474 designated battery check, no violations. IV. Handle recovery of waste recycling, process industry to apply for registration and inspection operations (1) Maintain and update the relevant data of resource recyclers in this Municipality. The plan collects and updates the basic data of recyclers in this Municipality every month, and also updates the latest data of the logistic operators in the Recycling Management Information System. In the inspection part of the industry, Licheng thrift shop, Xin Ming Environmental Protection Agency and Tai Fook Resources Recycling Bank has ceased to be out of business, follow-up will continue to update the maintenance of 33 collectors of the basic data. (2) Carry on-site counseling and checking on the environmental hygiene and operation management standards of recycler within the jurisdiction, and completed 360 inspections of environmental hygiene inspections of recycling commercial industries. V. Handle image reconstruction for resources recovery individual of this city, resources recycle bin (point) of the neighborhood community (1) Specific to resources recycle bin set for supplement or image reconstruction in this city over the years, collect, trace and coach operation status and update and maintain basic data, all of updates in 114 places for resources recycle bin for management over the years have been completed by May 31, seven of which has been reapplied for image reconstruction to complement the repeated management in 2015, thus, the update of actual management to apply for supplement in this city is 107. (2) Handle image reconstruction or setting complement for resources recycle bin within the jurisdiction, business plan was submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval specific to the plan on March 30, 2016, there are 9 neighborhood communities, buildings and 8 organs, organizations, schools in total passing the application complement for annual report submission in this year respectively, thus, 17 in total, passes the application for complement. (3) Coach individual resources recovery for image reconstruction, business plan was submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval specific to the plan on April 1, 2016, handling individual caring activities was completed on July 22, 2016, and 198 people accepting subsidies was completed, the number of individual participating in a meeting is 143 on the activity day, the number of people in statistics site meeting is 165 in total. (4) Serve as a bridge for individual entering into real estate, community, business area or school to engage in resources recovery service, and serve as a bridge for 20 individuals to engage in resources recovery service in total. VI. Handle resources recovery education and advocacy work (1) There are 1,000 media advocacies (including electronic media, print media, network media, etc.) at least. Business plan was submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval specific to the plan on April 8, 2016, and 1,661.6 media advocacies have been issued (calculate by means of Environmental Protection Administration assessment plan). (2) Positive news reports related to the plan issued for assistance reach up to two (including) above, 10 (including) at least are required to publish in any print media newspaper, two news releases shall be issued monthly for this plan, and 17 news are published in the print media newspaper. (3) Two descriptions (manual, poster, film, training aid or single fold page, etc.) related to resources recovery publicity at least are manufactured, and send or post them. Business plan was submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau specific to the plan on May 10, 2016, the work team designs three kinds of advocating description including environmental protection maps, L-interlayer folder and poster (including single page), which are purchased and released upon consent by the organs, the plan purchases 3,600 environmental protection maps, 8,000 L-interlayer folders, 500 posters and 8,000 A4 single papers. (4) Handle advocating illustration meeting for related acts and policies, advocating illustration meeting for acts related to recycling industry has been handled on July 29, 2016, the number of participants on site are 23 in total. Acts illustration meeting forth responsible person to recycle waste has been handled on August 26, 2016, the number of participants are 23 in total. Acts illustration meeting for the vendor to recycle electronics &electrical appliances has been handled on September 29, 2010, the number of participants on site is12 in total. (5) Cooperate to handle 30 resources recovery activities (including setting booths) or advocating illustration meetings, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on May 6, 2016, and 33 advocating activities have been handled, the number of participants is 3,609 in total. (6) Handle resource recovery publicity (advocacy) education activity, activities with creativity for resource recovery advocacy, recycling and reusing implementation and environment protection education shall be planned, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on May 10, 2016, the plan has been held for three times on July 18, 19, 20, 2016 respectively, the site is chosen in environmental protection Baolai House to handle, there are 157 children in total participating in the activity, besides, three teachers and three parents keep company with them to participate in this activity. In addition, in response to resources recovery, 5.5 kg waste dry batteries in total shall be recycled, and 50 second-hand toys shall be recycled. (7) VII. Handle one (including) above large-scale resource recovery publicity (advocacy) education activity, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on May 6, 2016, the activity was handled in September 11, the number of people was counted by manual counting method at the entrance of the activity on that day. The public participating the activity at site reaches up to 3,500 above, the achievement of token exchange activities issues 5,000 activity tokens above, there are 328 people participating in recovered materials tokens exchange, the recovered weight is 1,445 kg (including 1,190 kg for site exchange, 255 kg for Early Bird exchange in September 4). (8) Handle the activities for resource recovered materials to exchange love sharing, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on April 1, 2016, and seven activities for resource recovered materials to exchange love sharing shall be handled, the recovery of resource recovered materials reaches up to 10,363.5 kg. (9) Handle school resources recovery work and teacher resources recovery discussion, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on April 27, 2016, according to tools and nameplates related to all levels of schools application project resource recovery, there are 33 schools in total; there are 25 people in total participating in the activity for teacher resources recovery discussion on the activity day, of which the teachers from 15 schools participate in it. (10) Continuously update resources recovery website and equipment maintenance, and monthly work report is submitted and reported to the website to maintain and update data content. (11) Reinforce routing inspection, cleaning and inspection work for waste glass container, conduct routing inspection for two times monthly for ten places listed for management, the number of routing inspection is 201 in total, and 164.7 kg waste glass container is recycled. (12) Handle “the patrol recovery activity for waste pesticide container” for 30 times at least, handle 15 times at least semiannually, the plan has handled the patrol recovery activity for waste pesticide container for 30 times, and the achievement report of the first half year is submitted, number of people participating in the exchange is 542, 1,492 packs of organic beneficial bacteria manure is exchanged in total, the recovery of waste pesticide empty bottle is 827.6 kg in total. (13) Handle cleaning team member resources recovery advocacy and research, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau on June 4, 2016, the handling of research activity was completed in August 12, the number of cleaning team member participating on the activity day is 36 in total; on-duty education training for personnel in cleaning squad is 14 times, training is carried out before attendance, number of people participating in participating is 4,868 in total. VII. Put forward two work plans for innovation or promoting resources recovery effectiveness, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on May 4, 2016, the individual sells off voucher to exchange for 117 times in total, its weight by exchange and selling is about 187,000 kg; if the plastic bag and disposable tableware are not provided on one's own initiative for three months of advocacy period, usage amount has a tendency to reduce, disposable tableware is reduced by 25% on average, and the plastic bag is reduced by 20% on average. VIII. Handle or trace promotion achievements over the years in this city as extension for promoting resource recovery ratio project plan, and submit to handle business plan or promote achievements, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau on May 27, 2016. (1) “Tea recycling policy in drinks shop”, 23 owners coordinating tea recycling policy in drinks shop has been handled since 2013, it accumulatively reached up to 50 in total in 2015, 10 drinks shops are newly increased for this plan in this year, accumulatively 60 in total. 90 kg per barrels is calculated by statistics from January, 2016 to December 20, 2016, the total number of barrels by statistics is 3,868.7 in total, total weight estimated is about 348,183 kg, tealeaf residue after recovery is used for earthing up, as recycling exchange goods. (2) continuously handle environmental protection gastronome project plan in this year, this team manufactures 5 recycling bins (of which, one for standby application) made of bamboo fork, 2 recycling bins are set in two sections of Cultural Road (intersection of Cultural Road and Zhongzheng Road, Cultural Road and Minzu Road) respectively available for the public to discard and recycle, this recycling bin not only can avoid cleaning personnel puncturing when collecting garbage, but also reduce garbage bag damaged IX Handle resources recovery promotion for neighbor community, business plan has been submitted to Environmental Protection Bureau for approval on May 10, 2016, the subsidy object in this year is Dongchuan Community Development Association, Daxili Office and Houyi Community Development Association. X Handle the report and patrol work for waste motor vehicle occupation road, 153 waste motor vehicles not reaching abandoned standard are inspected and reported, and pasted, 200 waste motor vehicles not reaching abandoned standard suspected inspected and reported, but not pasted, 353 waste motor vehicles are inspected and pasted with announcement, the average displacement rate is 95%. XI Assist achievement collection, assess general affairs. XII In-service staff education training was handled for the first time on March 28, 2016, the handling of in-service staff education training for the second time was completed on August 30, 2016; and monthly work report has been held.
英文關鍵字 Resource recovery, Recycling work