

中文摘要 奈米科技是21世紀的主流技術之一,目前人造奈米材料已經廣泛應用到醫藥工業、染料、塗料、食品、化妝品等傳統或新興產業中。除直接用於人體日常生活用品及醫療用途外,環境污染治理,如土壤或水質淨化整治等,也應用得非常多,但在享受奈米材料對人們帶來的利益外,整體有系統的評估各種人造奈米物質的生物安全性,也是相當重要的。最近這幾年開始,研究人員已開始關注奈米材料可能產生的生物危害,希望對奈米材料自生產到產品,及在各個領域的應用所可能產生的環境風險評估,有更多的認識。本團隊自100年度的「奈米微粒對細胞毒性篩選技術及驗証方法」的計畫起,持續開發符合OECD之細胞電阻(CI)檢測技術,建立以即時電子式細胞電阻偵測分析儀,做為奈米微粒細胞毒性監測的篩選平台,並利用數種傳統細胞毒性分析法驗證奈米物質的生物毒性。在今年的規劃中,由於奈米物質通常具有高度的活性,也有高度的功能性,再加上與大分子相比有極高的表面積等特質,其吸附能力也大大提升,因此被大量應用在污水純化及環境整治上。我們認為選用未來能在現場施用的奈米物質來評估其生物影響,將更有意義。雖然奈米級施威特曼石與過氧化氫的共同使用,可催化類似Fenton反應,進而能被用來去除河川底泥中的化學物或藥物污染,但目前奈米級施威特曼石在環境整治上的應用仍處於實驗室中研究階段,但可預期未來在環境整治上,具有極高的應用性。為了解這些用在環境整治上的奈米物質,是否會對生物有危害影響,因此在今年度的計畫,以細胞電阻檢測技術應用在奈米級施威特曼石的生物影響探討,也利用傳統之細胞存活率試驗來佐證其結果。統合我們在細胞生長及細胞存活率的分析,並搭配氧化壓力產生量等的結果,我們認為這個平台是可以用來檢測應用在環境整治使用的奈米級施威特曼石,是否有顯著的生物毒性,未來如能配合實際應用層面設計適當的操作系統,在環境水資源或土壤整治的應用會更有應用潛力並符合環保要求。
中文關鍵字 奈米微粒,細胞毒性,細胞電阻檢測,環境整治


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-E3S5-02-02 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1570 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/13 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 闕斌如
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 許令宜 執行單位 國立中興大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 組合 1.pdf 1MB
英文摘要 Nanomaterials have received considerable recent attention because of their unique properties and diverse applications in technology and life sciences. However, the nano-structures of these materials possess very different physical and chemical properties compared to their larger size counterparts. In view of the extensive use of nanoparticles in countless applications, a fast and effective method for assessing their potential adverse effects on the environment and human health is extremely important. At present, in vitro cell-based assays are the standard approach for screening chemicals for cytotoxicity because of their relative simplicity, sensitivity, and cost-effectiveness compared with animal studies. Regrettably, such cell-based viability assays encounter limitations when applied to determining the biological toxicity of nanomaterials, which often interact with assay components and produce unreliable outcomes. For the past years, we have established an in vitro cytotoxicity screening platform, a cell-impedance-based, label-free, real-time cell-monitoring system, suitable for use in a variety of mammalian cell lines that displays results as cell index values. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential biological adverse effects of Schwertmannite (SHM), an iron-oxyhydroxysulfate mineral found in iron- and sulfate-rich acidic environments, also functions as an effective arsenic scavenger, and has accordingly been synthesized through different techniques for use in environmental remediation, such as in ground waters or soil. In addition, schwertmannite has also been successfully used as a new Fenton-like catalyst in the oxidation of phenol and phthalate esters and pharmaceuticals, providing its potential in environmental remediation. Thus, it is our interest to investigate the biological function of newly synthesized SHM nanoparticles using cell impedance measurements in in vitro cell culture systems. Our results suggest demonstrate it is feasible to use this screening platform to analyze the biological effect of the nanomaterials used in environmental remediation. The results generated from this screening platform may assist in the design of more practical applications in water or environmental remediation that would comply with environmental protection.