

中文摘要 為健全國家調適能力並降低社會脆弱度,建立我國整合性的氣候變遷調適運作機制,自2012年通過「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」,開始全面推動「102-106年之國家氣候變遷調適行動計畫」,已逐步建構我國因應氣候變遷跨部會整合之推動框架與調適政策。104年7月1日「溫室氣體減量及管理法」正式公布施行,透過法令與執行目標的政策宣示,自此國家氣候邊遷調適行動邁入全面推動與落實應用的新時代。 本計畫針對各國因應國際公約發展趨勢、蒐研國內外分析環境衝擊與脆弱度方法與成果,以及評估環境調適策略於環境、社會與經濟面之效益等方法,作為有效接軌「國家氣候變遷調適政策綱領」、「國家氣候變遷調適行動計畫」與溫管法通過後,整合能量推動與落實氣候變遷調適的參酌依據。在國際公約發展情勢部份,本計畫綜整巴黎協議的新進展及包括英國、荷蘭、日本、韓國及中國等主要國家推動氣候調適的分工與合作機制;在現有調適行動的盤點與檢討部份,藉由推動機制、水資源及土地利用領域行動計畫的盤點,檢討現有落實推動的困境與建議執行面與工具面的補強措施。在國際及國內調適政策量化評估工具的蒐研部份,水資源以北部都會區及土地利用領域以台南市都市與非都市計畫區作為操作範例,說明具體的衝擊損害評估與調適效益推估作法,強化後續氣候變遷衝擊評估與因應調適分工與整合的實質操作方法、工作及參考資源等協作機制依據。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷,調適策略,衝擊評估


專案計畫編號 EPA-104-FA16-03-A254 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4980 千元
專案開始日期 2015/08/10 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 賴文基
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 林丞庭 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 調適協作計畫成果報告定稿final .pdf 17MB

Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation Cooperation Mechanism Analysis

英文摘要 In order to strengthen national adaptive capacity, decrease the social vulnerability, and establish integrated climate change adaptation operating platform, the National Climate Change Adaptation Policy Framework had been approved by the Executive Yuan in 2012. Based on the framework, the National Action Plan on Climate Change 2013-2017 has been implemented to form an inter-departmental and policies-supporting operational platform. The implementation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act on July 1st, 2015 signaled the start of a new era of promoting comprehensive strategies to face the challenges of climate change in Taiwan. In response to the progessing of international climate change convention and the implementation of national adaptive policies, the project aimed to analyze environmental impact and vulnerability assessment methods for environmental, social and economic effectiveness after adopting environmental adaptive policies. In this project, the progress of Paris Agreement and national climate change adaptation strategies of the UK, Netherlands, Japan, Korea and China were researched to find out the international actions dealing with climate change. Furthermore, the current implementation mechanisms, water resources action plans and land use action plans were reviewed to improve the climate change actions of Taiwan. Lastly, the national and international quantitative assessment tools were introduced for policy assessment in the future. Case study of water resources assessment in urban areas of northern Taiwan and land use assessment in Tainan City (both urban and non-urban areas) were provided to illustrate the application of the tools for operation-supporting mechanism of impact assessment and adaptation for climate change.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change, Adaption strategy, Impact analysis