

中文摘要 本計畫工作為蒐集水污染源管理相關圖資與資料、校正污染源與水體傳輸途徑資料、擴充開發污染溯源及業務輔助運算分析功能,以及建置行動化水污染查報輔助工具。 本計畫序列式檢核圖資、水列管事業大門與放流口座標,與釐清事業承受水體。新增數化用於污染溯源運算的圖資,新增了64個排入點、53個集污區;為提升水列管事業空間資料品質,本計畫開發作業預警報表,並結合許可證發放與考核等行政作業流程,增進資料修正率及正確率;另外,透過事業承受水體釐清原則建立與實作,發現承受水體需補強正規化及增強水體填寫細緻度規範,建議未來可從填寫規範及填寫工具友善性著手提升資料可用性。 計畫中利用所整合之圖資、污染特性規則,以及空水廢毒事業許可定檢資料欄位,強化可疑污染源追蹤功能,提供多樣化的污染溯源方法,並配合總量管制、水質通報及污染削減管理業務,建置對應的資料查詢或運算功能。行動化水污染查報輔助工具亦完成建置,協助環保機關人員污染通報、污染源查詢及事業座標比對,增添系統機動性。 系統已完成6場次系統實機教育訓練。本計畫期望藉由資料校正與運用,以及完備相關系統功能,達成協助流域污染源管理與溯源之效。
中文關鍵字 水污染溯源、空間分析


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-G103-02-D052 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1885 千元
專案開始日期 2016/08/02 專案結束日期 2017/07/31 專案主持人 黃亮芸
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 李衍寬 執行單位 環輿科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-G103-02-D052公開版_2.pdf 16MB

The application of water pollution source tracing with GIS

英文摘要 There are various types of data about water pollution prevention held by several government agencies. To integrate and to transform data into information, the project was created to make water-pollution-related data be well-recorded or be reutilized for value-added applications. Therefore, three main works were accomplished in this project. First task was data digitalization and examination of collected geographic information data. We digitalized 64 inlets of catchments and 53 catchments. To correct abnormal x-coordinates and y-coordinates in listed enterprises’ front door and discharge outlets, the auto-checking reports and the enhancement of permit delivery mechanism were imported into the ‘Manage System of Water Pollution’. Improving the function in WPGIS and developing mobile application for outdoor information reporting and inquiry were also implemented in the project. Attribute data including raw materials, hazardous wastes, industrial wastewater’s physical parameters and chemical characteristics and so forth were applied to water pollution source tracking with GIS. Moreover, to meet the main strategy of water quality management, we have established corresponded module for data analysis and display. Mobile application for pollution events reporting, coordinate records reporting and simple pollution source tracking were done to facilitate the outdoor information inquiry and data report. We have already held six training lessons for environmental authorities this year. In sum, by data digitalization, examination, compiling and utilizing, it will strengthen the power of water pollution source tracking for environmental authorities.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution source tracing, spatial analysis