

中文摘要 本年度精進系統四大項目執行主要成果如下: 一、稽查處分管制系統功能強化 完成使用者的反應問題與需求工作項目、配合各節慶進行首頁網頁美工風格更新作業、系統功能完成「縣市待辦案件統計模組」、「關鍵字查詢」模組、新增「追繳不法利得」欄位、「批次事業名稱管編轉換查詢」模組及「重要議題查詢」模組。 二、持續推動與強化各系統介接工作 今年度已完成海洋污染防治管理系統、臺中緊急應變系統、運用河川水質異常污染源追蹤系統介接工作,另完成飲用水系統新增簡易自來水檢驗欄位。 三、系統輔導與推廣 除辦理六場次教育訓練,另配合其他業務單位需求提供教育訓練課程說明,以提升作業效率及正確性。 四、二代系統規劃工作 本年度已完成規劃,檢視目前法令現況及目前研擬中之環保法令規定草案,並將中央及地方環保機關管理政策與行政作業現況納入考量因子,思考系統可調整目標及項目,使系統同時符合作業需求與統計管理。 針對二代系統對於「行為人資料」、「稽查作業」及「違反樣態管理」先行擬定,妥善研擬未來二代系統建置與調整之方針,並提具予環保署參酌。 綜合以上所述,本年度的工作項目中包含持續功能強化、新增服務及未來系統改版規劃三部份,系統不斷地往精益求精的方式進行並加入更多元的服務,讓系統更貼近使用者的業務需求,進而增加使用者使用意願。
中文關鍵字 稽查、裁處、催繳、罰款、環保業務


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-Z102-02-101 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2400 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/18 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 柯上茗
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 范喻翔 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年EEMS期末成果報告-上傳.pdf 53MB

Efficiency Upgrade, System Maintenance, and Promotion of the Environmental Enforcement Management System

英文摘要 This year's major achievements of the implementation of the four major projects of system improvement are as follows: I.Strengthening the function of Environmental Enforcement Management System Complete the work items including user's feedbacks, questions, and needs; update the design of homepage according to festivals; completed system modules include the “Statistics of Pending Cases in Counties and Cities” module and the “Search by Keywords” module; add the “Recover Illegal Profits” column, the “Search the conversion equivalent of control code of batch enterprise names” module, and the “Search Important Issues” module. II.Continue promoting and strengthening each system's interfaces This year, we have completed the Marine Pollution Prevention System, Taichung Environmental Quality Emergency Response System, the Geographical Information System of Water Quality Protection, and add the “Drinking Water Test and Examination” column of the Drinking Water Management Information System Maintenance Project. III.Counseling and promotion of the System In addition to six training sessions held, in order to enhance work efficiency and accuracy, we also provide explanation of the training courses according to the needs of other business unit. IV.Planning work for second generation of the System We have completed the planning work. We have consulted current rules and regulations and drafting laws of environmental protection, taken into account the management policy of central and local environmental agencies as well as the current administrative operation, and considered whether there are some goals and items can be adjusted. The system is in accordance with both the operation needs and statistics management. We have drafted “actor data”, “audit operation”, and “modality violation management” of the second generation system. We have also drafted cautiously the policy of setting up the future second generation system and submitted the drafted policy to the Environmental Protection Administration for reference. To sum up, our work items this year include continuously strengthening the system's function, adding services, and planning of an improved future system. We continue to improve the system and include versatile services in order for the system to meet users' needs, so as to increase user's willingness to use the System.
英文關鍵字 inspection, final decision, overdue payment, penalty, environmental businesses