

中文摘要 底泥品質管理相關法規納入「土壤及地下水污染整治法」(以下簡稱土污法)修正條文施行後,行政院環境保護署已陸續公告相關法規,並於103年1月開始推動目的事業主管機關對該管水體的檢測申報作業。環保署為了瞭解國內底泥品質現況,並協助各水體目的事業主管機關執行檢測及申報品質資料、後續整治評估及處理處置作業等相關綱要事項,辦理本計畫。主要工作目標為(1) 協助辦理底泥品質定期檢測申報及管理作業、(2) 協助推動我國污染底泥處理及再利用之管理作業、(3) 研擬我國地面水體污染底泥品質管理策略,及(4) 管理及維護底泥申報備查系統資料及相關行政協助作業等。 本計畫於執行期間共協助環保署完成審核241件水體底泥採樣調查計畫書及品質申報備查案件,並提送意見供目的事業主管機關修正後完成備查作業。彙整各國針對污染底泥處理處置相關制度,並參考環保署於污染土壤離場處理、處置、運用相關計畫,研擬適合我國污染底泥離場再製產品的評估流程。藉由污染源、污染途徑及受體等相關圖資聯合分析,並針對水體底泥污染優先調查區域研擬相關行政管制措施與建議,研提底泥分階段管理策略。本計畫於執行期間並協助設置底泥檢測申報諮詢窗口,提供目的事業主管機關諮詢申報備查相關疑議,並輔導相關人員系統正確操作方法。
中文關鍵字 底泥、管理策略、污染調查


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-GA11-03-A133 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4900 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/28 專案結束日期 2017/04/27 專案主持人 方孟德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 劉佳興 執行單位 工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-GA11-03-A133定稿本.pdf 14MB

Program for Managing Contaminated Sediments in Taiwan 2016

英文摘要 Sediment could provide habits and food for aquatic wildlife and plays a crucial role in the cycles of nutrients in the aquatic ecosystem. Nevertheless, pollutants released from industries would contaminate the aquatic sediments. Contaminated sediments might directly or indirectly affect fishery products which we consume daily. Therefore, suitable ways are needed in managing sediments. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan had declared some regulations to manage qualities of sediments. In order to make clear of sediment quality in Taiwan, it is necessary to assist competent authorities to detect and report sediment qualities and further to carry out management strategy and treatment technology evaluation; therefore, the EPA of the Executive Yuan offered the opportunity (this project) to study those issues. In this project, the main works were (1) assisting competent authorities to detect and report sediment qualities by reviewing their sampling projects and results, (2) developing strategies for contaminated sediment treatment, disposal and reuse, (3) re-evaluating the strategies for managing contaminated sediemnts in water bodies, (4) managing and maintaining the data system for reporting sediment quality analysis results. Achievements of this project are (1) helping EPA to review sediment sampling projects and/or results on 241 waterbodies, improving Sediment Quality on-line Report and Management System; (2) Compilation of managing strategies for the treatment and disposal of contaminated sediments from other countries. By reviewing programmes about disposition and re-use of contaminated soils from the field, the similar programmes could be suitable for contaminated sediments for removing from the field and beneficial use assessment process. By analyzing the sources, pathways and receptors of sediment pollution and investigating priority region, related administrative control measures and suggestions and developed. The control measures are planned to be carried out in phases. In this project, we also set up advisory consultants for the competent authorities to contact with when having qustions in reporting sampling projects and in uploading results.
英文關鍵字 sediment, management strategy, pollution investigation