

中文摘要 本計畫工作目標及內容為辦理環境教育設施場所標竿學習工作坊與實務 增能工作坊,協助環境教育人員專業素養及技能之提升,並增修環境教育設 施場所手冊與策劃及編印臺灣環境教育設施場所主題系列摺頁,進行整合行 銷推廣,及每月兩篇環境教育設施場所介紹文稿,供外界環境教育戶外學習 時參考使用。 (一) 辦理環境教育機構及設施場所標竿學習工作坊 1. 已於 105 年 5 月邀請各單位派員參與 105 年標竿學習工作坊,並於 105 年 6 月 13、14 日於高雄市中華電信澄清湖會館舉辦。 2. 本次標竿學習工作坊共計 176 人參與,環境教育機構代表 8 位、環境教育 設施場所 125 位、環保署及直轄縣市環保局與各部會長官 17 位、工作坊 講師 9 位、場域講師 5 位、環訓所、環境友善種子、產基會、北海道黑松 內、管考處工作夥伴 23 位。 3. 在工作坊設定不同的主題,分別為多廣度的視野分享、戶外環境的實際體 驗、國際推展的環教經驗、文化變遷的環教議題、學校戶外教學的推動落 實。而執行的方式也會包含戶外參訪體驗、室內演講、實務案例分享搭配 分組討論。 4. 本次工作坊結束後,學員回饋,多反應課程豐富與多元,可以與同組夥伴 建立合作關係,和其他設施場所借力使力,得到更多資源,但時間緊湊, 未來希望持續辦理,因此建議獨立一個課程單元讓學員有完整交流的時 間。 (二) 辦理環境教育設施場所實務增能工作坊 1. 團隊依據環境教育專業人員的需求與「104 年度環境教育機構與設施場所 標竿學習與成果報告分析計畫」學員提出環境教育上的增能意見,規劃了 一系列環境教育增能工作坊。 2. 實務增能工作坊【人才大揭密-我的團隊領導力】與【場域大躍進-我的安 全管理力】已在 4 月 13 日報名截止,總計共 84 人報名,最後各錄取 30 位。工作坊【行銷大解密-我的產品市場力】與【教學大躍進-我的環教創 新力】於 8 月 12 日簡章上線,並在 8 月 29 日報名截止,共 82 人報名, 最後各錄取 30 位。 (三) 增修環境教育設施場所手冊 1. 環境教育設施場所手冊 105 年增修版本編輯規劃,是以 104 年版本收錄 之 117 家設施場所進行內容檢閱且更新,並增加 104 年 12 月 1 日至 105 年 11 月 30 日期間通過認證的場域 20 家,請各場域提供其更新修 改或新增場域完整簡介之圖文。手冊內容包含設施場所基本資料、場域 特色、通過認證之課程方案、聯絡資訊、專欄故事、導覽地圖及特色照 片等。 (四) 策劃及編印臺灣環境教育設施場所主題系列摺頁 1. 目前全台有 139 家環境教育設施場所,將依區域來規劃與發送,方便使 用者就近安排學習之旅,有助於區域行銷。規劃以臺灣保育類動物為動 物領路人,總共七區,北北基-臺北樹蛙;桃竹苗-石虎;中彰投-夜鷹; 宜花東-海豚;高屏-食蛇龜;雲嘉南-黃金蝙蝠;外島-水獺,以動物導遊 的敘事說明,遊環境教育設施場所,並認識在地相關環境議題。 2. 摺頁除了是路線指引外,亦可撕下所紀錄的旅誌變成卡片寄給自己,再 創摺頁特色與價值。 (五) 撰寫環境教育及訓練電子報文稿 執行團隊已完成報導 16 家場域,分別是雙流自然教育中心、臺大山地實 驗農場、白屋藝術村、翡翠水庫環境學習中心、宜蘭縣利澤垃圾資源回收(焚 化)廠、國立科學工藝博物館、三和社區農村價值綠活圖體驗園區、溪頭自然 教育園區、臺南市環保教育園區、臺灣戲劇館、飛牛牧場、雲嘉南鹽田及溼 地環境教育中心、茄荖山環保生態園區、雪霸國家公園、茂林環境教育中心、 新北市永續環境教育中心。 (六) 加值服務:辦理教師研習 此加值服務於臺灣北、中、南與東區各辦理一場次,提供環境教育設施 場所與教師交流、相互學習的機會,共同推動優質的戶外教育。已於 7 月 21 日台江國家公園、7 月 28 日野柳地質公園、8 月 25 日池南自然教育中心、8 月 31 日竹科園區管理局污水處理廠完成四場工作坊,總計 87 位老師參與。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育認證、環境教育設施場所


專案計畫編號 105-020 經費年度 105 計畫經費 376 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/25 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 王書貞
主辦單位 環訓所 承辦人 郭怡欣 執行單位 環境友善種子有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105標竿學習成果報告-摘要.pdf 1MB

The Environmental Education Facilities Benchmark Learning Program

英文摘要 The objective and content of this program is to hold the Environmental Education Facility Benchmark Workshop and the Training Workshop that help to improve professionalism and working skills of environmental educators. Tasks for integrated marketing communication also include the amendment of the Environmental Education Facilities Manual, planning and issuing themed brochures of Taiwanese environmental education facilities, and the composing of monthly online introductions of the facilities for outdoor learning reference. I. Holding the Environmental Education Facility Benchmark Workshop 1. We have sent the invitation to organizations, facilities and authorities concerned on May, 2016, and held the workshop at the Telecommunication Training Institute (Kaohsiung Branch), Chunghwa Telecom Co Ltd from June 13 th to 14 th . 2. There were 176 participants attended the Workshop, 8 from environmental education organizations, 125 from environmental education facilities, 17 (officers) from environmental protection bureaus, the Municipalities and County Governments and authorities concerned, 9 workshop lecturers, 5 facility lecturers, and 23 (field staffs) from the Environmental Protection Administration, Friendlyseed, the Foundation of Taiwan Industry Service, and the Kuromatsunai Bunamori School of Hokkaido. 3. In the Workshop we used lectures, outdoor visits, and group sampler discussions of hands-on experiences to stimulate thinking among different topics: multiple vision sharing, outdoor environmental experiences, international promotion, environmental educational issues within cultural changes, and outdoor learning implementation at schools. 4. The course gained positive comments for its abundance in content and enabling participants to have mutual communication and start connections in facilities. However, feedbacks shows a demand of more open time for networking. II. Holding the Environmental Education Facility Training Workshop 1. On the basis of the 2015 Environmental Education Facility Benchmark Learning Result Annual Analysis Report, we designed the serial Training Workshop to meet the need of environmental education professionals. 2. Workshop ‘Me Leading’ and ‘Me Managing’ have been closed for signup on April 13 th , with 84 applicants, 30 of whom were then admitted to the courses. ‘Me Marketing’ and ‘Me Teaching’ were briefed online on August 12 th and closed for signup on August 29 th , with 82 applicants, 30 of whom were later admitted to the course. III. Amending of the Environmental Education Facilities Manual 1. The Manual was edited and updated with the 117 facilities of the 2015 Edition, and the additional 20 facilities which were authenticated from December 1 st , 2015 to November 30 th , 2016. Content of the Manual includes introductions, features, authenticated programs, contacts, column stories, site maps and images from the facilities. IV. Planning and issuing themed brochures of Taiwanese environmental education facilities 1. The latest 139 environmental education facilities were divided into 7 groups based on their geographical regions, for the sake of user referencing and regional marketing. Users can find 7 different Taiwanese protected animals as their guides on the brochure. Regions and animal tour guides are as follows:  Taipei-Keelung Metropolitan Area- Hyla chinensis (Chinese Tree Frog)  Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli Area- Prionailurus bengalensis (Leopard Cat)  Taichung-Changhua-Nantou Area- Savanna Nightjar (Nighthawk)  Yilan-Hualian-Taitung Area- Delphinidae (Dolphin)  Kauhsiung-Pingtung Area- Cuora flavomarginata (Yellow-margined Box Turtle)  Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan Area- Myotis formosus flavus (Formosan Golden Bat)  Surrounding Islands- lutra lutra (Otter) Not only as a site referencing tool, the brochure can also be mailed as a post card while tearing the journal section off and attach stamps. V. Composing of monthly online introductions of the facilities for outdoor learning reference 1. The executive team has completed reporting 16 facilities including Shuangliou Nature Center, the NTU Highland Experiment Farm, Bywood Art Space, 2. Feitsui Reservoir Environmental Learning Center, Letzer Incineration Plant, the National Science and Technology Museum, Sanqiashui Experiential Farm, Xitou Nature Education Area, the Environmental Education Area of Tainan County, the Taiwan Theater Museum, Flying Cow Ranch, the Southwest Coast Salt Field and Wetland Environmental Education Center, Solanum Hill Ecological Park, Shei-Pa National Park, Maolin Environmental Education Center, and New Taipei City Sustainable Development Education Center. VI. Enhanced Service: School Teacher’s Workshops 1. Workshops targeting at school teachers were held at the north, middle, south, and east regions of Taiwan, for creating connections between environmental education facilities and school teachers. There were 87 applicants participated in the 4 workshops, held at the Taijiang National Park (on July 21 st ), the Yehliu Geo Park (July 28 th ), the Chihnan Nature Center (August 25 th ), and the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Hsinchu Science Park Bureau.
英文關鍵字 environmental education, environmental education certification, environmental education facilities/site