

中文摘要 本計畫之主要目的在調查后里區、西屯區、大雅區及臺中港區(清水區、梧棲區、龍井區、沙鹿區及大肚區)的工業排放污染物(細懸浮微粒、揮發性有機物及酸性氣體)對臺中市環境之衝擎。工作內容包含三大部分:(1) 蒐集及分析環境背景資料。 (2) 調查汚染物在臺中市固定污染源、大氣及土壤中之分布。 (3) 利用CMAQ模式進行模擬,用以評估工業區排放源對臺中市之影響程度及貢獻比例。蒐集及分析環境背景資料部分,完成20筆指紋資料圖譜之建置,包括8筆固定污染源及12筆逸散污染源;建置131筆毒理資料庫。臺中市空品監測站十年的長期分析結果發現,豐原、沙鹿及西屯三測站之在各污染物方面均呈現下降的趨勢,且近幾年臺中市PM2.5之事件類型主要以境內之滯留型事件為主。環境污染物分布調查部分,結果顯示秋冬季節PM2.5質量濃度上升主要為硝酸鹽及銨鹽之貢獻,微量污染物(如金屬、PAHs及戴奧辛)之含量並未隨著PM2.5質量濃度之上升而成等比例上升之現象。整體而言,台中市各地區其Cr、As、Ni、Pb、B、Zn、Cu、Cd、Se及Sn等金屬元素普遍受到來自於人為污染源之貢獻。五價砷為大氣中影響總砷分佈之主要物種,其秋冬季之濃度明顯較高,疑似受到固定源排放之影響。大氣戴奧辛濃度在豐原、潭子、神岡、西屯及大雅區濃度高於其他地區,但土壤戴奧辛濃度則以后里區較高。以硫酸氣體為最主要物種的無機酸污染物,夏季以后里區內埔國小及后里馬場的濃度較高,秋冬季以西屯區的西屯國小及國安國小濃度較高。土壤中污染物濃度均遠低於法規管制濃度,且季節及各區差異小。固定污染源汚染物分布調查部分,完成23根次排放管道一般污染物(173種)及17根次有機酸及無機酸採集及分析工作。大氣擴散模式CMAQ模擬部分,模擬時間為2013年9月,剔除后里區、西屯區、大雅區及臺中港區內的重大排放源後PM2.5逐時濃度平均減少1.2% ~ 5.3%不等,SO2濃度減少4.7% ~ 9.1%不等。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5),環境汚染物,大氣模式,指紋資料


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 36800 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/11 專案結束日期 2017/03/10 專案主持人 郭崇義
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳煇壟 執行單位 中山醫學大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105 臺中市環境污染物調查-期末報告.pdf 12MB

Survey of environmental pollutions in Taichung city in 2016

英文摘要 The goal of this project is to examine the environmental impacts of pollutants (PM2.5, VOCs, and acidic gas) emitted from heavy industrial areas (Houli, Xitun, and Daya Districts, and the seaport in Taichung City). Three major contents of this project are conducted, as follows. (I) Establish and analyze the environmental background data. (II) Survey the concentration distributions of pollutants in stationary sources, as well as the atmospheric and geosphere environments of Taichung City. (III) Use the CMAQ model to evaluate the contributions of industrial pollutants to Taichung City. In part I, the fingerprint data of 20 emission sources, including 8 stroke stationary sources and 12 fugitive sources, were collected and constructed in this project. A toxicological databank of 131 chemical compounds has already been established. Long-term air quality analysis shows that the concentrations of pollutants in three air monitoring stations (Fengyuan, Shalu, and Xitun) in Taichung City all had a declining trend in the past 10 years. PM2.5 events occurred dominantly on the stagnant weather type in Taichung City during recent years. In part II, the results show that the elevated of PM2.5 levels in autumn and winter are mainly due to the contributions of nitrate and ammonium salts. Trace pollutants (such as metal, PAHs, and dioxin) did not increase proportionally with the increased PM2.5 levels. In general, various metals, such as Cr, As, Ni, Pb, B, Zn, Cu, Cd, Se, and Sn in the air of Taichung City are generally contributed by anthropogenic sources. As(V) is the main specie of total arsenic in the atmosphere, and it is suspected that the higher concentrations of As(V) in autumn and winter originated from the emissions of stationary sources. While the concentrations of atmospheric dioxin in Fengyuan, Tanzi, Shengang, Xitun, and Daya District are higher than that in other areas, the soil in the Houli District has a high concentration of dioxin. Sulfuric acid is the main inorganic acid among the measured acidic gases. The gas concentrations of sulfuric acid are higher at NeiPu Elementary School (Houli District) and Houli Horse Farm (Houli District) in the summer periods, and higher at Xitun Elementary School (Xitun District) and Guo an Elementary School (Xitun District) in the autumn and winter periods. The concentrations of pollutants in the soil are much lower than the regulatory control concentrations of Taiwan, and the seasonal and regional differences are small. A sampling of 173 environmental pollutants in 23 stroke stationary sources, and 6 acidic gases in 17 stroke stationary sources have been completed, and the levels of these pollutants are reported. In part III of CMAQ modeling, the simulation duration is September 2013, where the levels of PM2.5 decreased by 1.2% ~ 5.3%, and the levels of SO2 decreased by 4.7% ~ 9.1% after deducting the major emission sources in Houli, Xitun, and Daya Districts, and the seaport in Taichung City.
英文關鍵字 fine particulate matter (PM2.5), environmental pollutants, atmospheric modeling, fingerprint data