

中文摘要 為掌握國內高污染潛勢工業區之土壤及地下水品質狀況,行政院環境保護署委託辦理「高污染潛勢工業區污染源調查及管制計畫(第五期)(甲、乙)」,依據全國工業區土壤及地下水品質管理燈號分級狀況及縣市環保局調查資源整合會議研商結果,選擇新北樹林工業區、桃園觀音工業區、桃園平鎮工業區、桃園龜山工業區、桃園林口工三工業區、新竹工業區及苗栗廣源科技園區等七處工業區,作為本年度調查對象。 現場調查主要分為三階段:第一階段,透過現場勘查進行資料確核,利用EMS蒐集製程、裁罰等相關資料,篩選環境場址評估作業名單;第二階段,再透過工廠實地的現勘訪談,進行環境場址評估;第三階段,由環境場址評估結果,篩選具高污染潛勢工廠進場調查。調查作業應用地球物理探測技術避免誤擊管線,搭配現場即時偵測設備與篩試工具,針對高污染潛勢區域進行土壤及地下水調查及查證作業。最後,依據前述調查結果,進行分析並提出後續行政管制措施之建議。 本計畫共完成7處工業區400家工廠環境場址評估作業,並篩選出具高污染潛勢30家工廠進行調查,調查結果中共計18家工廠(土壤包含新日發鐵工廠股份有限公司、光正股份有限公司、聖航工業股份有限公司、佳總興業股份有限公司、群浤科技股份有限公司(原欣興電子股份有限公司興邦廠)、台灣科慕股份有限公司觀音廠、錦源鑄造工業股份有限公司、光美企業工廠股份有限公司、台惟工業股份有限公司、台豐印刷電路工業股份有限公司第一工廠、台神工具股份有限公司;土壤及地下水包含凱鉅鋁業股份有限公司、華固實業股份有限公司桃園廠、合江工業廠股份有限公司觀音廠、精鈺金屬工業股份有限公司;地下水包含昇榮科技股份有限公司二廠、台灣保來得股份有限公司(第一、二、三廠)、台灣富士全錄股份有限公司)之土壤或地下水檢測結果超過管制標準。其中17家(台灣富士全錄股份有限公司除外)檢出之污染物項目與調查之廠商所使用之原物料、製程具關聯性,因此均可依據土污法第2條認定污染行為人。經本計畫查證確認已達污染管制標準且來源明確之場址,另提供地方環保局後續公告列管所需之資料,包括完成場址範圍與地籍之套繪、查證採樣點之位置套繪、污染物名稱與污染程度等,並協助其它行政上必要之技術支援。
中文關鍵字 工業區土壤及地下水、污染調查、行政管制


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-GA02-03-A260 經費年度 105 計畫經費 29799.910 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/17 專案結束日期 2017/05/16 專案主持人 李佳欣
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 蔡豐任 執行單位 中興工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 工業區五期期末報告公開版(全).pdf 50MB

Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Potential(Phase V)

英文摘要 In order to assess soil and groundwater qualities in the industrial parks, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA)issued the project “Contamination Source Investigation and Mitigation Plan for Industrial Park of High Contamination Potential(Phase Ⅴ)”. This project conducted soil and groundwater investigation at 7 industrial parks, all classified as orange light industrial parks, including Shulin Industrial Park, Guanyin Industrial Park, Pingjhen Industrial Park, Guishan Industrial Park, Linkou Industrial Park Ⅲ, Hsinchu Industrial Park, and Kuanyian Industrial Park. A total of 1,505 factories in these 7 industrial parks were assessed in this project. The investigation included three stages. At the first stage, data collections and information verifications were conducted to select factories with higher ranking for further environmental site assessments. At the second stage, questionnaire surveys and interviews with factory workers were conducted to rank factories with higher pollution potential. At the third stage, a total of 30 factories with higher pollution potential were selected for further soil and groundwater investigation in which geophysical surveys, soil sampling, well installation, and groundwater sampling were subsequently conducted. According to the analytical results of the 30 factories, a total of 18 factories were found contaminated, including 10 factories with soil contamination, 3 factories with groundwater contamination, and 5 factories with both soil and groundwater contamination. Based on the information collected, the polluters were successfully identified for 17 of the factories. The soil contaminants included heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons. The groundwater contaminants included fluorides, volatile organic compounds, nitrate-N, and heavy metals. Majority of the contaminated factories were metal manufacturing and chemical manufacturing related industries. It is noted that the common areas that found contaminated were wet processing areas, raw material storage areas, wastewater treatment plants, oil tank areas, waste storage areas, and sewage. This project also successfully identified the source areas for nickel in KI19 in Guanyin Industrial Park, fluorides in HC07 in Hsinchu Industrial Park, and TCE in Kuanyian Industrial Park.
英文關鍵字 Industrial Park Soil and Groundwater, Pollution Investigation, Administrative Control Measures