

中文摘要 完成屏東縣近10年PM2.5空氣品質時空變化特性解析,屏東站105年相對95年及100年分別改善30%及24%;潮州站分別改善22%及28%;恆春站分別改善33%及30%。屏東站及潮州站在102~105年有明顯改善趨勢,恆春站在105年明顯改善。 彙整96~105 年以PM2.5 為主要判別之AQI 分級比例十年變化,AQI>150部分,全國、高屏空品區、屏東縣各測站均有改善趨勢,改善率最高者為恆春站及屏東站。AQI 101~150部分,全國及恆春站為改善,其他則為上升。AQI 0~50及AQI 51~100部分,各地普遍為上升。 完成屏東縣102至104年大氣採樣PM2.5質量濃度及成分解析,交通測站質量濃度高於大氣測站,特定污染源以瀝青廠最高,屏東夜市在實施空品淨區前後,濃度改善率達17%。受體模式分析結果顯示,大氣或交通測站均以交通排放貢獻占比最高,其次為二次氣膠、鋪面街塵、地殼元素與露天燃燒等,這也是屏東縣管制策略推動主軸。 本計畫歸納潮州高濃度PM2.5發生原因包括:1.全台境外傳輸事件日結合中部以南污染源傳輸擴散而來。2. 屏東本地污染源排放加上風速低擴散不良,造成短期濃度升高。3. 高雄市車輛及工業區污染源,發生高臭氧光化反應,提高氣膠反應強度,墊高PM2.5整體濃度。 本計畫推估完成屏東縣50家工廠各SCC製程控制後排放量,TSP總排放量543公噸/年,TEDS8.1為941公噸/年,TEDS9.0為1,098 公噸/年。SCC推估與TEDS差距主要來自鳳勝實業與仕和企業,此差異可回饋給屏東縣固定源計畫作為排放量管理計畫更新資料 根據TEDS8.1屏東縣面源污染源PM2.5排放量前五大分別是露天燃燒、農業操作、車行揚塵、建築施工和裸露地表。高斯模式模擬結果以露天燃燒對屏東縣之PM2.5影響最大,因此若要改善面源所排放之PM2.5濃度,建議將露天燃燒列為優先管制對象,其次為營建及車行揚塵。 屏東縣推動綠色運具鼓勵民眾換購騎乘電動機車來取代較高污染之機車,以及推廣Pbike作為短程接駁運具,目的為減少私人運具使用,並改善空氣品質,以上述策略進行模擬結果,PM2.5減量貢獻量效益偏低,建議後續應加強獎勵誘因,輔導持有高污染車輛之民眾進行汰換。 墾丁及小琉球實施空品淨區推估減量結果,主要針對餐飲業油煙、裸露地表、公/客運車、大客車、二行程機車及四行程機車污染源進行探討,相對基準年之改善率介於30%~60%。模式模擬發現,墾丁地區餐飲及裸露地表濃度除恆春鎮及滿州鄉外分布至鄰近牡丹鄉,其餘交通污染源濃度主要沿著省道分布。 旅遊旺季小琉球空氣品質隨著假日人潮增加,PM2.5濃度值亦隨之提升,縱使未超過標準,但隨著觀光人數逐年增加,空氣品質將受到影響,秋冬季節則受到北風及東北風系造成境外移入影響導致濃度值高於旅遊旺季。 本計畫於PM2.5管制宣傳部分,設計製作相關宣導品及海報與宣導說明會,並進入校園進行宣導及進行滿意度調查等工作。
中文關鍵字 細懸浮微粒、成因分析、空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2880 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/08 專案結束日期 2017/04/07 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 邱永盛 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 105年屏東縣PM2.5減量宣導行動計畫.pdf 35MB

Pingtung propaganda action plan for PM2.5 reduction in 2016

英文摘要 We finish the task of analysis of time and spatial variation of PM2.5 air quality. The 2006-2016 and 2011-2016 air quality trend analyses show the following improvement rates for the various stations: 1. Pingtung station: 30% and 24%, respectively. 2. Chaozhou station: 22% and 28%, respectively. 3. Hengchun station: 33% and 30%, respectively. Pingtung and Chaozhou stations show great improvement in 2013~2016, and Hengchun station shows great improvement in 2016. PM2.5 AQI 10-year analysis is also completed. For AQI>150 ratio, whole Taiwan, KaoPing, and Pingtung all have improvement, especially for Hengchun and Pingtung monitoring stations. For AQI 101~150 ratio, Taiwan and Hengchun both have improvement, but others doesn’t. Generally speaking, all monitoring stations have improvement for AQI<50 and AQI 51~100 ratio. PM2.5 Sampling data are collected in Pingtung county from 2013~2015. The concentration in traffic monitoring stations is higher than ambient monitoring stations. The concentration in asphalt plants is the highest in all plants. The concentration in Pingtung night market has 17% improvement since the market became clean air zone. The sampling data and PM2.5 contribution source of CMB show most PM2.5 emissions are from traffic source in both ambient and traffic air monitoring stations, and other sources are secondary aerosols, paved street dust, crust element and open burning. The causes of high concentration in Chaozhou are summarized as follows: 1. Cross-regional transmission with emission from central and south Taiwan. 2. Local emission with low wind speed to cause poor diffusion. 3. The emissions of vehicles and industries in Kaohsiung to cause photochemical reaction and high-polluted aerosols. We also summarize the estimated emission with control strategies for specific SCCs in Pingtung’s 50 industries. The estimated TSP emission is 543 ton/y (The TSP emission in TEDS8.1 is 941 ton/y, and The TSP emission in TEDS9.0 is 1,098 ton/y), the estimated TSP emission does not include the phoenix Limited Company and ShiHe Company. The result is already provided to stationary emission management plan in Pingtung County. According to TEDS8.1, open burning, agricultural equipment, road dust, construction and barren land are major fugitive emissions in Pingtung county. Gaussian diffusion model shows open burning affects PM2.5 air quality in Pingtung County the most, which should be the priority to be controlled; construction and road dust also affect Pingtung very much. Pintung encourages citizens to use green electric vehicle and Pbike to replace with high-polluted vehicles, but it shows the improvement will be small according to model simulation. Thus, to raise the subsidies and incentives are recommended to eliminate high-polluted vehicles. The model simulation shows there are 30~60% emission reduction for the Food and beverage industry, barren land, bus, passenger transport, 2 and 4-stroke motorcycle in clean air zone in Kenting and Liuqiu. The result also shows the PM2.5 concentration is higher in Kenting because of the emission from Food and beverage industry and Provincial highway because of traffic emission. The PM2.5 concentration in Liuqiu’s increases as the number of tourists increases in the peak season. Although Liuqiu township is an PM2.5 attainment area, the air quality indeed is affected by increasing tourists. The concentration in autumn and winter, which is affected by the north and northeast wind, is higher than that in the tourist peak season. As for PM2.5 Propaganda, design and production of relevant propagation materials, posters, education promotion for schools and surveys of satisfactory are completed.
英文關鍵字 PM2.5