

中文摘要 本年度計畫為延續水環境巡守隊經營與培養巡守隊作為環境教育人員,工作項目共計五項:1.研擬民眾參與水環境守護策略、2.全國水環境巡守隊統籌執行、輔導經營、管理評核、3.協助推動民眾參與河川整治工作、4.辦理水環境巡守隊培力、種子教師培訓及推動民眾參與流域環境管理、5.水體重金屬離子交換縮時監測技術現地試驗。 本計畫為使縣市環保局了解並討論年度之發展重點與經營管理方向,於計畫初期召開全國工作坊會議進行交流¬,並安排22縣市之巡守隊經營訪查及10場次之優良巡守隊頒獎暨座談會,瞭解各縣市水環境巡守隊經營策略及困境,依各縣市地區特點提出可行之具體建議。為使水環境巡守隊在流域管理策略中,能呈現多元面向發展可能,辦理3場次培力增能教育及5場次種子教師培訓課程,以培養水環境巡守隊員做為未來環境教育傳遞者,另外為了使地方民眾能了解河川的現況與發展,並分享地方水環境守護及相關經驗、知識,本年度召開7場次重點河川民間討論會議,作為民眾參與流域管理的平台,彙集民眾對於水環境之感受、意見,配合水環境巡守隊巡檢工作,本計畫導入重金屬離子交換縮時監測技術,結合民眾對於當地河川的認識,在可能之污染熱區投置檢測包。除上述工作外,本團隊收集國外案例作為未來經營策略之參考與具體可行之建議。
中文關鍵字 民眾參與、水環境巡守經營、河川保育中心


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-EA13-03-A093 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3550 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 范致豪
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 謝惠冰 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-EA13-03-A093.pdf 7MB

Energizing River Patrol Team with Empowerment and Educational Training

英文摘要 The theme of the year is empowerment, to cultivate river patrol by educational training and local environmental conference. To achieve the goal, the works can be divided in five parts:(1)Developing strategies of public participation in water management, (2)The overall planning, operation and performance appraisal of the river patrols in Taiwan, (3)Promoting public participation of the river restoration, (4)River patrols empowerment and educational training, (5)Using ion exchange resin monitoring heaving metal. To elaborate the goals and to communicate with the local governments, the annual workshop was held. To understand the situations of local public participation, government officials of twenty-two counties and cities were interviewed and suggestions were made to meet local problems. Encouraging river patrols who dedicated themselves, ten teams which is the most outstanding were awarded. Cultivating river patrols as a deliverer of environmental education, eight courses and trainings were held. The main goal of public participation is to gathering people and provides platforms to communicate, thus local water environmental conferences were held to collect ideas and suggestions. To find out the suspicious polluted areas, river patrols were invited using icon exchange resin. In addition to all of above, related literature review and case studies of public participation was done to conclude specific advices of river patrols and local aquatic problems.
英文關鍵字 Public participation, water environment watch program, River Conservation Center