

中文摘要 本計畫的目的在於針對2002年公告的「植物生態評估技術規範」,依據最近15年內國內外之研究成果和發展,提出修正之建議草案,經由專家會議、期中會議、對外之說明會議和期末會議等,獲得相關關心環保界的團體或個人意見後,進行必要之修訂,完成植物生態評估技術規範草案。同時,針對臺灣稀有植物之認定,依據相關之法案、研究報告與植物分布資料庫進行彙整,更新環評所需的稀有植物名錄,作為納入植物生態評估技術規範之應用。 計畫執行內容包含七項主要工作:(1)收集近15年來生態保育相關政府機關(如行政院農業委員會、內政部等)及各教學或研究單位有關植物生態保育及調查相關法令規定或文獻資料等,彙整涉及「與植物生態有關之環境現況」、「植物生態背景調查」及「植物生態影響評估」等3項評估方法有關內容。(2)根據前項收集彙整之文獻資料,更新現行「植物生態評估技術規範」附件4「臺灣地區稀特有植物名錄」,並完成之技術規範草案。(3)舉辦專家學者研商會至少1場次,針對前述修訂及更新內容,邀請專家學者舉辦研商會,收集相關意見,納入評估技術規範的檢討修訂參考。邀請之專家學者,其專業領域必須與本計畫相關,座談會出席人數應至少20人以上(前述專家學者不得少於8人),辦理時間應至少半天。(4)依據上述最新文獻資料及各方專家學者意見,研提「植物生態評估技術規範」修訂草案,並增修相關附件範例。(5)就前述提出之「植物生態評估技術規範」修訂草案及「臺灣稀有植物名錄」更新內容,召開2場次公開性質會議,邀請國內環評相關之各政府機關、機構及顧問公司等與會,收集各方意見,進行意見交流及溝通,並收集及回應各方提出意見或建議。為廣泛收集各方意見,會議舉辦地點應包括北部、中南部地區各1場次,共2場次,每場次會議出席人數應至少60人以上,辦理時間應至少半天。(6)參酌回應前述公開性質會議所收集之各方回饋意見及建議,納入「植物生態技術規範」修訂參考,完成之評估技術規範草案與稀有植物名錄。(7)環境影響評估書件生物調查資料建置資料庫,並研提後續生物調查資料提送作業規定建議。 本計畫已逐項完成前述之七項工作,在各專家學者與各界人士的意見交流下,本計畫先完成過去相關研究成果的彙整,參考國內外的發展趨勢後,完成第一版的修訂版,隨後舉辦專家座談會與公開說明會後,以及第一次計畫報告、期中報告、期末報告,歷經二次版本的修訂後,以簡化和明確化為原則,完成現行植物生態評估技術規範的修訂草案,並完成台灣稀有植物名錄之增訂。 在各會議中,專家學者與各界人士提出許多寶貴建議,但非本計畫所能處理,因此,提出四項建議,提供環保署或未來的環境資源部於後續的施政時參考,分別是:(1)建立生態資料庫與資料查核系統、(2)建立生態調查公司與調查者的認證制度、(3)發展一套生態資料驗證與評估機制、(4)落實植物生態研究工作。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、植物生態評估技術規範、修訂


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-E103-02-A230 經費年度 105 計畫經費 880 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/19 專案結束日期 2016/12/10 專案主持人 李培芬
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 劉彥均 執行單位 中華民國溪流環境協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 修訂植物生態評估技術規範期末報告(公開版).pdf 4MB
英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to revise the current Technical Specification on Plant Ecology Evaluation in environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Taiwan based on literature review on recent developments and research, expert opinions and related suggestion from the general public. The Rare Vegetation Species List of Taiwan is updated in this project. The project includes 7 major tasks, i.e., (1) Review the research, acts and guidelines published by governmental agencies, such as Council of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Interior, and research institutes on related plant ecology studies after 2000; (2) Complete the first revision of the Technical Specification of Plant Ecology Evaluation and a List of Rare Plant Species in Taiwan based on these literature review; (3) Hold an expert meeting on plant ecology evaluation based on the first revision and gather their opinions for later revision; (4) Complete the second revision of the Technical Specification of Plant Ecology Evaluation and a List of Rare Plant Species in Taiwan based on the expert opinions; (5) Hold two public meetings on plant ecology evaluation based on the second revision and gather their opinions; (6) Complete the third revision of the Technical Specification of Plant Ecology Evaluation and a List of Rare Plant Species in Taiwan based on the recommendation from the general public; (7) Study the ecological data submission systems in other governmental agencies and make a recommendation to Environmental Protection Agency on the ecological data treatment in current environmental impact assessment process. To accomplish the revision of the current technical specification, we establish a three-stage process that covers literature review, expert consulting and public information gathering. Based on the help from the experts and the general public, we have completed the seven tasks and finished the revision of Technical Specification of Plant Ecology Evaluation and a list of Taiwanese rare vegetation species based on the general principles of simplicity and clarity. Based on this knowledge gathered during the study period, we make 4 recommendations to Environmental Protection Agency to consider in the future: (1) Establish a system that can both handle ecological data generated by EIA process and validate data correctness, (2) Develop a certification system to personnel and companies working on ecological surveys, (3) Develop an evaluation mechanism and audit process on the ecological monitoring data and impact assessment, and (4) Provide more research funding to strengthen current knowledge on rare plant species in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Environmental impact assessment, plant ecology, revision