中文摘要 | 環境影響評估制度之設計,是希冀藉影響評估的施行,促使政府政策制定及公私部門開發行為於事前可得充分的審議及評估,減低相關環境影響,達到永續發展的目的。我國自1994年通過《環境影響評估法》後正式施行環評制度,然實施以來,民眾對開發行為可能帶來的不良影響仍普遍存在疑慮,特別在主觀感受、社會價值、社會及經濟影響等層面。針對如何在環評制度下加強納入開發行為社會影響的調查、預測與評估,本研究計畫彙整與評述了國際間社會影響評估相關法規和研究文獻,對國內發展情境、相關法規作出整理和分析,並參酌我國2009年《兩公約施行法》對於人權主張之肯定,納入原住民文化、土地徵收及迫遷等重要議題考量,提出「社會影響評估技術規範草案」草案和相關建議。文獻彙整工作外,於計畫啟動伊始,即舉行初步專家諮詢會議;研擬草案後,舉辦2場專家諮詢、4場機關研商會議,並於我國北、中、南、東各地共舉行4場公聽會,蒐集專家學者、實務工作者、民間團體等社會各界意見進行交流與溝通,陸續修訂草案。亦派員參與國際會議、邀請兩位國際學者訪台,舉辦工作坊與演講,編譯出版重要國際文獻,促進相關知識推廣與國際交流。最後提出幾點建議:(一)國內亟須擴展、深化社會影響評估相關研究;(二)臺灣環評制度修正之方向;(三)社會影響評估需要引導兼顧評估與管理的制度設計;(四)培養社會影響評估專業社群之重要性。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環境影響評估、社會影響評估、原住民、迫遷、人權 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-105-E103-02-A289 | 經費年度 | 105 | 計畫經費 | 3720 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2016/09/26 | 專案結束日期 | 2017/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 周桂田 |
主辦單位 | 綜計處 | 承辦人 | 李宗璋 | 執行單位 | 國立臺灣大學(社會科學院風險社會與政策研究中心) |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | EPA-105-E103-02-A289.pdf | 15MB | 環境影響評估社會影響評估技術規範推動計畫專案工作 期末報告 |
A Study of the Application of Technical Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment in Environmental Impact Assessment
英文摘要 | The aim of environmental impact assessment (EIA) is to make the potential impacts of development projects proposed by public or private sector actors can be fully considered and assessed, so as to reduce environmental impacts and achieve the goals of sustainable development. Taiwan’s EIA was established after Environmental Impact Assessment Act was passed by the Legislative Yuan in 1994. In practice, however, Taiwan’s EIA has not always been effective in reducing public mistrust of government in view of the frequent occurrences of environmental protests after its implementation. A lack of appropriate attention to social impacts has made the EIA vulnerable to criticisms of its failure to incorporate subject feelings, public opinions, and social and economic impacts. Setting the goal to improve the situation, this research project reviews existing social impact assessment (SIA) regulations and relevant academic literature, and analyze the situations in Taiwan and relevant statutes and regulations. In view of the recent implementation of Taiwan’s Act to Implement the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, this research project also places emphasis on issues of aboriginal culture, forced eviction and eminent domain. The project proposes policy advices and a provisional draft of the Technical Guidelines for Social Impact Assessment to be considered as part of the EIA reforms. At the start of the research project, initial experts consultation meetings were held, while relevant literature had been collected and reviewed. After the proposition of the draft SIA Technical Guidelines, the research team organized two consultation meetings with experts, four consultation meetings with relevant governmental agencies. Four public hearings were also held in the north, middle, south and eastern parts of Taiwan, in order to collect opinions of and answer questions from members of civil groups, impact assessment practitioners, experts and scholars, before the final version of the draft SIA Technical Guidelines were proposed. The research team also sent a member to attend an international conference, and invited two important SIA scholars to visit Taiwan. At the conclusion of the project, several suggestions are made: (1) there is an urgent need to expand and deepen relevant SIA studies in Taiwan; (2) advices on the reform of Taiwan’s EIA system; (3) an SIA regulatory framework that takes into consideration both the assessment and management of impact assessments is much needed; (4) the importance of developing an SIA community consisting of professional practitioners and scholars. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment, aboriginal, forced relocation, Human Right, EIA, SIA |