

中文摘要 雲林縣歷年來多以農漁牧為主要產業,惟在離島工業區、台塑六輕、科技工業區等擴編重大建設後,對雲林縣的產業分布產生結構上的改變。目前縣內列管事業廢棄物已達820家次,廢棄物清、處理、再利用機構亦超過160餘家,這些事業如在廢棄物之貯存、清除、處理過程中,若無有效查核管制輔導,往往造成發生空氣污染案件之潛在因子,例如:廢棄物貯存過程未有效防止異味逸散、清除階段之車輛、船舶或其他運送工具於清除過程中,應防止事業廢棄物飛散、濺落、溢漏、惡臭擴散、爆炸等污染環境或危害人體健康之情事、處理階段未妥善處置及防制設備效率降低,導致異味逸散等。透過流向管制及查核輔導作業,以提昇本縣民眾生活環境品質。 本計畫執行期間畜牧場異味查核輔導共完成83件次,再利用機構異味查核輔導共完成120件次,清除機構逸散性污染源或異味查核輔導共124件次,處理機構異味查核輔導共完成21件次,並針對「日友環保科技股份有限公司」、「南亞塑膠工業股份有限公司麥寮分公司」及「永燊資源再生科技有限公司」進行空拍作業,以瞭解目前環境地形地貌的使用狀況。 計畫執行期間內協助巡查環保署專案列管及交辦案件完成15件次,以達到改善廢棄物各階段流向過程中空氣污染事件之預防,而事業廢棄物清理計畫書申請案件審查共完成227件,再利用登記檢核申請案件審查共完成43件,清除機構申請案件審查共完成23件,即時追蹤系統(GPS)清運機具申請案件審查(驗)共完成22件,各項工作完成數量符合期末報告累積工作查核量。 藉由彙整各項事業廢棄物統計資料,本計畫有效掌握及控制轄內各非列管事業及事業廢棄物產出及流向,降低非法情事發生率。並檢討相關審查作業要點及原則之缺失,並規劃可行之改善檢討方案,適時修正或訂定相關審查作業辦法或原則。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物、空氣污染、異臭味污染


專案計畫編號 105-012 經費年度 105 計畫經費 3420 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/26 專案結束日期 2017/02/25 專案主持人 張名毅
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃暄婷 執行單位 尚竑工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105-012 105年度雲林縣廢棄物處理、再利用業空氣污染輔導暨管制計畫.pdf 95MB

FY2016 Investigation and counselling of Air pollution Emitted from Industrial Waste disposal plants.

英文摘要 Agriculture, fishing, and farming are the major industry in Yulin County, however, after offshore industrial park, the sixth naphtha cracker complex of Formosa Plastics Corp (FPC), and technology industrial park developed, the industrial distribution has been changed. Currently, 820 industries that producing industrial waste have been regulated and over 160 waste clearance, disposal and recycle permissions were issued. Air pollution might be occurred during waste storage, cleaning and disposal processes, if they do not have proper management and control. For instants, the process of industrial waste storage has to control odor spreading by an appropriate prevention. The vehicle for waste delivery should have a proper mechanism to prevent pollution incident. Therefore, this project is going to maintain the environmental quality by doing inspection of industrial waste disposal flow. This project conducted 83 pig farms, 120 recycling factories, 124 clearances and 21 times inspection of waste disposal facilities. Moreover, 43 clearance vehicles were excluded its irregularity. Implementing of aerial photography in order to seeing the topography inside the ‘Sunnyfriend Environmental Technology CO., ‘Nan Ya Plastics Corporation’ and ‘Yong Shen-TECH CO.. To prevent the air pollution and improve the waste treatment, there are 15 tasks in the project have been completed. Then, 43 recycling applications, 23 clearance applications, 227 indusial waste storage and disposal plan and one application of import/export waste disposal have been received and reviewed. 22 investigations of GPS removal equipment applications have been completed. All tasks were coupled and achieved the ultimate goal of this project. In conclusion, through the collation of various types of statistical data relating to industrial waste, the project has helped the Environmental Protection Bureau, Yulin County Government to achieve effective monitoring and control of the quantity of industrial waste produced by firms that are not subject to special regulation, and where this waste is transported to, thereby reducing the incidence of illegal activity.
英文關鍵字 Industry Waste、Air Pollution、Odor Pollution