

中文摘要 本子計畫主要目的係針對彰化縣農地土壤污染控制場址調查及改善,藉由耕犁工法與/或排土客土法進行改善工作,俾能解除列管。計畫範圍於彰化縣和美鎮。各工作項目依規定執行,包含提送工作計畫書、污染改善計畫書、工作成果月報及工作日誌、工作進度報告、舉辦農民地主說明會、成果彙整報告,並執行農地細密調查、農地現場改善、自行驗證、解除列管及地力回復等作業。除依計畫預定工作內容與契約書之相關規定執行外,另配合環保局,就本計畫執行之品質要求與進度控管,定期召開工作檢討會(工作討論會及協調會)及各項審查會議;並於每兩個月執行一次列管農地巡查;另外,為配合本計畫的推動,更新「彰化縣農地整治及調查管理系統」,協助污染農地改善工程進度的管控,提供環保局掌握工程進度狀況。乙子計畫截至107年06月工程成果為(1) 針對彰化縣已公告為土壤污染控制場址之158筆坵塊32.30公頃農地,完成土壤污染細密調查工作;並完成農地篩選及整治工法分類之建議,計篩選出114筆(約25.38公頃)農地可耕犁工法場址,及43筆(約6.86公頃)排土客土場址,另1筆農地疑似廢棄物掩埋。(2) 完成召開2場次及協辦1場次農民地主說明會。(3) 完成111筆污染農地(約24.50公頃)整治改善、自行驗證、監督驗證作業及地力回復作業。以順利後續解除農地列管程序執行,使污染農地可以恢復農業用途,達到維護國民健康及土地永續利用之目標。
中文關鍵字 重金屬污染、耕犁工法、排土客土法、農地污染改善


專案計畫編號 1050002666 經費年度 105 計畫經費 25411.421 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/18 專案結束日期 2018/06/17 專案主持人 周奮興
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 林孟篁 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿.pdf 21MB

The Program B was to confirm the degree of heavy metal pollution and to take remediation measures on restricted farmlands in Changhua

英文摘要 The Program B was to confirm the degree of heavy metal pollution and to take remediation measures on restricted farmlands in Changhua. Aforementioned farmlands were located in Hemei town. The work of this subprogram included (1) submitting a work plan, pollution control plans, monthly results and daily construction records of the work, and progressing reports, (2) holding discussions for farmers and landholders, (3) confirming the degree of heavy metal pollution of polluted farmlands, (4) carrying site remediation by soil dilution, self-verification, third-party-verification, fertilization, and finally (8) lifting site restriction. All work was conducted according to the contract. Besides, EPB also held discussions at regular intervals to know well the work. Moreover, to avoid abnormal use of the restricted farmlands, we went around and inspected once two month. Furthermore, we assist in updating a “Remediation management system of Changhua polluted farmland” to manage and control the schedule, helping EPB get involved in the project. As of June 2018 the achievements of program B included (1) confirming the degree of heavy metal pollution on 158 numbers (32.3 hectares) of polluted farmlands, after that 114 numbers (25.38 hectares) of farmlands were classified as soil-dilution-site, 43 numbers (6.86 hectares) were classified as Soil-excavation-method-with-clean-soil-backfilled-site, other 1 numbers were suspected waste landfill, will be identified during the remediation phase.(2) holding 2 terms of discussions for farmers and landholders (3) complete site remediation on 111 numbers (24.5 hectares), 111 numbers (24.5 hectares) by self-verification, 111 numbers (24.5 hectares) by third-party-verification, 111 numbers (24.5 hectares) by implemented fertilization.And finally lifting site restriction as to recovery agricultural use for contaminated-farmlands.
英文關鍵字 Heavy metal pollution, Soil dilution method,Soil excavation method with clean soil backfilled, Remediation of polluted farmlands