

中文摘要 經統計,105年3月11日至106年2月28日止,營建工程申報開工案件計有7,193件,申報開工案件的空污費繳納總金額為113,685,643元;完工結算案件共計5,049件,總退費金額為6,258,365元、總補繳金額為27,736,106元;另外有1,059件工地因逾期申報而遭加徵滯納金,並有422件因超過30日再加罰利息,所加徵總計金額為1,040,396元。而統計上述相關金額後,整體營建空污費總淨收金額為136,203,780元。 工地巡查管制方面,施工中工地共有10,887處,經巡查納管8,289處,納管率為76.14%;工地查核法規符合率為73.63%,其中一級工地為70.56%、二級工地為75.92%。至於工地污染產生量(TSP)總計為11,446.4噸,經污染管制後的排放量為4,169.1噸,污染削減率為63.58%。在工地相關推動事項中,包含推動78處工地進行道路洗掃認養,洗掃執行總長度為40,804公里;推動23處工地設置綠圍籬,面積為1,987m2;推動39處工地舖設稻草披,面積為571,788m2。 另外在一期稻作露天燃燒管制方面共發現39件稻作露天燃燒案件,燃燒總面積為9.7公頃,發現時段主要集中於16時~18時此區間;另外已推廣4個單位將「勿露天燃燒」條款納入契作合約,總契作面積為1,107公頃,契作農戶共290位。至於裸露地清查作業部分,新增列管43處、總面積為31.18公頃,其中包含一般裸露地12.71公頃、河床裸露地18.47公頃;而改善方面有52處裸露地,改善面積為39.56公頃,其中包含一般裸露地15.65公頃、河床裸露地23.91公頃。在相關宣導作業方面,除發佈5則新聞稿外,還完成2場次營建宣導說明會與3場勿露天燃燒宣導說明會。
中文關鍵字 105年度臺南市營建工地污染管制查核計畫、營建工地


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-L001-31-227 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1771 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/11 專案結束日期 2017/03/10 專案主持人 王應堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 范哲源 執行單位 堃捷工程股份有限公司


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2016 Tainan City’s Construction sites Management and Inspection Project” (the project) , which executed from March,2016 to Feb,2017

英文摘要 “2016 Tainan City’s Construction sites Management and Inspection Project” (the project) , which executed from March,2016 to Feb,2017(the period), is a continuing project carried out the past years’ rountin on inspecting the construction sites and promoting latest relvent regulations. During the period, there were 7,193 new construction sites decleard the Air Pollution Control Fees, collected total amout of NT$ 113,685,643 One of major target in the project is reducing the TSP emission by inspecting sites’ air pollution control facilities. The estimated TSP emission of 10,887 sites that under contstution was 11,446.4 tons. Through the project’s managment, 8,289 construction sites were inspected, the control rate was 76.14%. The actual TSP emission downed to 4,169.1 tons, and thus the average reducing rate was 63.58%. Rice is the major agriculture product of Tainan city, but the traditional open-burning caused air pollution after harvest season. For this reason, the project made “Non-Open-Burning Article” agreement with 290 contracted farmers among 4 rice manufacturing associations, total rice paddy reached 1,107 hectares. However, there were still 39 sites occurred open-buring mainly during 4pm-6pm, burning area were 5.2 hectares. The project’s members assisted to put out fire on 4.5 hectares, the control rate was 46.3 %. Moreover, the project conducted the Barren Land Investigation & Consulting Improvement, which discoverd 43 barren lands, total of 31.18 hectare, including 12.71 hectare of normal barren land and 18.47 hectate of river barren lands. On the other sector of Consuling Improvement, there are 52 uncover-suface sites improved under the project consulted, the improving area are 39.56 hectare, including 15.65 hectare of normal barren land and 23.91 hectate of river barren lands. In oreder to promote the importance of air polloution control with latest government regulation. The project held 2 explanatory conferences for general construction sites, and published 5 news.
英文關鍵字 2016 Tainan City’s Construction sites Management and Inspection Project” (the project) , which executed from March,2016 to Feb,2017