

中文摘要 計畫執行期程自簽約日105年3月8日起至105年12月31日止,整體工作量完成度已達100%。本階段完成之主要目標有(1)推廣低污染交通工具,讓民眾認識低污染車輛;(2)整合行政資源,加速推動公務機關使用電動車輛及充電設施之健全環境;(3)執行機動車輛怠速宣導工作,減少空氣污染物的排放。具體相關執行成果如下: 目前已完成工作項目包含本市具代表性或指標性道路、路段或路口之移動污染源調查工作2次。另提送國內六都及其他國內外推動低污染交通運具、建置綠能交通環境之現況調查及彙整工作報告1式。巡查臺中市電動汽車充電站379站次(含複查19站次)及機車充電站424站次(含複查4站次),巡查結果各充電站皆可正常充電使用。另配合市府或民間活動於臺中市部分廟宇、公園、學校及觀光景點辦理20場次低污染車輛推廣及怠速熄火宣導。在廣播媒體進行低污染車輛推廣暨怠速熄火管制宣導及二行程機車汰舊或新購電動二輪車補助宣導方面,總計完成廣播廣告825檔次,主持人口播280檔次以及在民眾主要活動地點30處的LCD螢幕刊播。完成宣導品製作1,000份、宣導海報印製500張、宣導摺頁20,000張、平面媒體3式及怠速宣導短片1式。完成「臺中市綠能交通網」進行頁面改版及擴充1式。完成辦理5場次交流、聯繫或研商會議。另針對汰舊二行程機車及換購低污染車輛補助審查作業完成26,589件。 透過上述相關執行工作,現階段達成空氣污染物減量成果為NOx:2.17噸、PM2.5:0.72噸、NMHC:4.21噸,未來希冀持續推廣綠能交通運輸,達到低碳城市之目標。
中文關鍵字 低污染交通工具、怠速、汰舊補助


專案計畫編號 P0728 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9600 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/08 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 鐘文舜
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 盧宜含 執行單位 思維環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 05-期末成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

The 2016 Taichung low-emission vehicle and idling-stop control project

英文摘要 This project will run from its original signing date of March 8, 2016 to December 31, 2016. We have achieved 100% of its completion rate. The completed subjects include (1.) The promotion and educated of low-pollution transportation vehicles. (2.) Integration of administrative resources, boost up the usage of electric vehicles (EV) from government departments and also offering a complete handful of EV charging station networks. (3.) Execute the advocacy of motor vehicle idling policy and reduce air pollute emissions.Related implementation of results are as follows:The completion include: pollution investigation report on representative road, indicative road, road section, and the intersection.Also, we have submitted Taiwan’s six municipalities and other countries low emission vehicles ongoing process of the green traffic environment investigation result. A fully inspection on 379 EV Charging stations and 424 electric motor charging stations in Taichung city. Every charge unit is fully functional and ready to charge. Coordinate by Taichung city hall, 20 events in total 1,678 people participated; Promoted the low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control plan at Temples, public parks, schools and Sightseeing spots. Work with radio broadcast media; completed 825 times radio infomercial and 280 times announcements from host during radio shows about low-emission vehicles and idling-stop control project, eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for electric motorcycle purchase propaganda. Broadcasting the Propaganda via TV-wall throughout 30 the most civic active areas more than 30 days. Revise and expand the contents of “Green Energy Transportation” webpage. Hosted an information exchange and person contact list exchange symposium. A specific evaluation report about levies taxes for traffic congestion at Taiwan Blvd. Completed 26,589 applications of eliminate older two-stroke motorcycle and financial rebate program for new electric motorcycle purchasing. Through the execution work done above, the air pollution in the stage has been reduce to NOx:2.17 ton、PM2.5:0.72 ton、NMHC:4.21 ton. We hope to continue to promote the green transportation, to achieve the goal of low-carbon cities.
英文關鍵字 low-pollution vehicle, Idle, subsidy