

中文摘要 一、海洋油污染事件的發生,對海域環境有非常大影響及衝擊,若能於事件發生時立即有效及控制污染之持續擴大,並在最短時間將危害降到最低,可有效減輕對環境之負荷及生態之影響。為求完善海洋油污染應變期間實際需求與提昇即時應變能量,藉由彙整各縣市海洋污染應變地圖暨清單、研擬區域型海洋油污染緊急應變計畫要項、規劃建立全時應變支援作業流程、結合往例實況實施定期海洋油污染應變桌面演練、協助審查輸油業者應變作業計畫、定期實施海洋污染緊急應變設備器材評估檢討研商等工作,可有效提昇海洋油污染緊急應變實際作業效能。 二、藉由現地與書面考核方式協助整合地方政府油污染應變能量,落實應變設施使用與調度效率,製作應變策略規劃與應變風險地圖,以提供應變事故參考,提昇應變實際作業效能。定期查核各機構應變設備,確保國內海洋油污染應變能量。經由現地考核暨書面考核工作,各縣市對於各項應變設備器材之儲存、保修維護、聯繫調度方式與海洋油污染應變初期應評估之海洋海岸環境、天候海象、溢油高風險區域與海域海岸敏感區位等,均已提昇專業知識與掌握程度。 三、就蒐集並研析國際海洋污染管制相關法規資訊,強化我國海域污染防治法令之管制,在海洋垃圾防治方面,多數國家都意識到海洋垃圾污染的嚴重性,本章節整理日本、南韓、祕魯、中國大陸與臺灣對於海洋垃圾防治相關的研究、措施與政策。並藉由彙整世界各國與我國近年來淨灘活動所收集到的海洋垃圾的資訊,分析海洋垃圾的組成與可能的防治方法;另世界各國關於塑膠微粒對海洋環境與生態的研究與分析,包括刻正擬定的限塑法令,結論多為進行源頭管制等,故我國政府也已經提出禁止製造、輸入與販賣含塑膠微粒的產品之相關法令草案與時程。同時針對壓艙水管制策略分析彙整,協助行政院環境保護署召開「船舶壓艙水管理與執行作為研商會」,提供相關部會後續參考。 四、推動符合永續性漁業的漁港環境主要可分為經濟、環境、社會三個面向來加以評估,達成確保漁港推動海洋污染防治及港口永續經營的目標,藉由現地評鑑輔導作業規劃之執行,使各漁港的主管機關提升與突顯其環境管理亮點,並依據各漁港環境特徵,協助發展出合適的管理方式,以符合目前國際間發展責任制漁業之趨勢。藉由強化港區潔淨與綠美化方式,提供國人良好之漁港遊憩場所,避免因漁產腥臭味、漁貨廢棄物、廢棄魚具及資源回收物、漁港區域環境設施髒亂等問題,影響遊客興致,並能有效降低各類垃圾棄置造成污染現象。
中文關鍵字 海洋油污染、海洋污染、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-G106-02-A170 經費年度 105 計畫經費 5000 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/17 專案結束日期 2017/03/31 專案主持人 柳大雄
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 陳啟仁 執行單位 坤柏海洋油污處理有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度海洋污染防治及緊急應變策略研析計畫-期末報告定稿(全).pdf 93MB

Marine pollution prevention and emergency response effectiveness evaluation project

英文摘要 The occurrence of marine oil pollution incidents has a massive impact on marine environment conservation, and immediate response and control to facilitate the pollution mitigation may exhibit a significant contribution on the marine environmental conservation and ecological integrity preservation. To meet the demands and enhance the response capacity during oil spill response, the response efficiency may be improved through utilizing the marine pollution contingency map from cities and counties, developing the Regional Marine Oil Pollution Emergency Response Projects, establishing a full-time contingency supporting procedure, incorporating the past in-situ experience on the regular table exercise on the response of oil spill incidents, and evaluating the oil pollution response plans and the emergency equipment for oil spill response of local governments and oil transport industries. Through auditing of the maintenance and preparedness of oil response equipment of local authorities, the response capacity for oil spill emergency are strengthened. The efficiency of responsive operation may be enhanced if multi -purpose strategic planning and risk management maps were established as a useful reference. The operation mechanism of oil spill responsive actions has been strengthened through: the auditing of response equipment to increase its preparedness for oil response operation, assisting the operation of oil response action to improve the responsive action efficiency. After the project execution, the response equipment was considered sound and adequate. Suggestions include: extended equipment auditing outside environmental governing agencies, proper budgeting in purchasing additional response equipment to replace those that was expired or about to expire, interlinking the response equipment database among related authorities to enhance the response efficiency and reduce government expenses. Through the on-site auditing, the local authorities gained adequate and professional knowledge/skills on the preservation or maintenance of response equipment, lateral communication among related agencies, and information collection on marine or coastal environment, weather condition, and risky or sensitive areas for oil spill accidents. For marine debris control, it has been realized that most of countries in the world are aware of the severe consequences of marine debris pollution. The researches, measures, and policies about the marine debris control in Japan, Korea, Peru, China and Taiwan have been studied and listed in this report. The information of the marine debris from “International Coastal Cleanup” activities in Taiwan (R.O.C) and other countries has been collected to analyze the compositions of the marine debris and possible control methods. On the other hand, this study also shows the recently-updated microplastic information, including its impacts on the marine environment and ecology, and the restrictions of microplastic utilization in other countries. It is suggested that the source control of the microbeads will be the best way to reduce the marine microplastic pollution. Therefore, Taiwan EPA announced the draft of “Restrictions on the Manufacture, Import and Sale of Personal Care and Cosmetics Products Containing Microbeads” and the effective date for its enforcement. For the ballast water control, the study also has presented the analysis of the ballast water management around the world. Even more, the meeting of the “Management and Implementation of Control of the ship ballast water” was held, and the conclusions are also reported in this study to provide more information for the concerning authorities. To prevent the marine pollution and achieve the goal of practicing the sustainable management for the fishery harbors, the promoting of the “Green Fishery Harbor” should be mainly divided in three aspects: the economic, the natural environment and the society., In order to help the authority of the fishery harbors finding the highlights of their harbors and the appropriate way to manage them based on different characters in line with the current trend of international development responsible fisheries, a plan of the on-site evaluation of the first class fishery harbors in Taiwan (R.O.C) has been adopted. The purpose of this plan is to create good recreation areas for the visitors by strengthening the sanitation and green landscaping of the harbor. For example, the smell and waste coming from fishery waste, dumped fishery gears and trash which can easily affect the visitors should be removed from the harbor and it also helps to reduce the marine pollution from all kinds of garbage dumping in the fishery harbor.
英文關鍵字 Marin oil spill pollution control, Emergency response, Marine pollution effectiveness evaluation