

中文摘要 本計畫目標為強化空氣污染突發事件之管理與執行方法、落實空氣污染突發事件整備及應變決策之運作制度,以及協助環保署提升地方環保單位空氣污染應變能力及考核應變執行成效。主要成果包括:(1)探討不明來源、氨氣外洩及毒化物衍生等三種不同空氣污染事故類型中,工廠及環保局對應環保署、勞動部之 12個規範相關要求之執行狀況,提出 5 項作業缺失及 5 項改善建議;(2)分析 104 年所提空氣污染事件應變處理標準作業修正草案之 11 項執行困難或規定不足處, 擬訂 6 個要點之修正內容;(3)彙整分析 5 家工廠配合填寫空污事故風險管理計畫書所遭遇困難及常見問題,提出改善方式及將此作業納入固定污染源許可制度之法規修訂建議;(4)依據空氣污染事件應變處理相關規範,編撰對應 12 個不同時序之緊急應變執行參考手冊;(5)完成「空氣污染事件應變處理查詢系統」每月功能維護、應變能量清冊每季資料更新作業,以及本年度 399 個監控案件之彙整分析;(6)匯入大發工業區中許可列管之 156 家工廠基本資料及稽查處份資料、6 家運作 87 項易致空污事故污染物種工廠之 ALOHA 擴散影響範圍 182 張圖層、420 處敏感受體及避難場所、103 處支援環保單位/檢測機構等資料於空污應變決策支援系統中;(7)辦理一場次空氣污染採樣蒐證流程等四項議題之講習會,並以小班制教學方式(二場次)辦理儲槽於最嚴重洩漏情境時污染物危害影響範圍評估等兩項作業之電腦實作課程,每場次與會人員約 50 位;(8)完成手持式總揮發性有機物偵測器等 15 類空氣污染緊急應變器材的維護保養工作;(9)完成南投縣等 5 個環保局的空污應變現場訪查作業,彙整待改善之處及可供參考作法;(10)完成兩次全國性無預警空氣污染應變通報測試,30 分鐘內通報比例提高為 86%,回報程序正確性、勾選通報測試及完成通報及二次回報比例皆已達 100%。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染事件、緊急應變、預防


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA12-03-A137 經費年度 105 計畫經費 6850 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/08 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 劉俐君 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-FA12-03-A137空氣污染事件預防整備及應變計畫期末報告.pdf 10MB

Report of prevention, management plan and response mechanism for air pollution emergencies

英文摘要 The objective of this project is to strengthen the management and execution of air pollution emergencies, thereby implementing air pollution emergency preparedness and emergency decision-making operational systems and assisting in the upgrade of local environmental units’ air pollution response capability and assess the effectiveness of the air pollution response execution by the Department of Environmental Protection in local districts. The main achievements include: (1) Explore the implementation status of factories and the Environmental Protection Bureau in three types of air pollution incidents, including unknown sources; (2) Analyze the implementation difficulty and regulatory inadequacy of the amended draft of Standard Operations of Air Pollution Incident Response and Handling proposed in 2015; (3) Compile and analyze difficulties encountered by factories who accordingly fill out the Air Pollution Incident Risk Management Proposal and common problems in order to propose improvement approaches and include the operations in the recommended regulatory amendments of the fixed air pollutant source permit system; Set up a reference manual for air pollution incident emergency response execution;Implement the “Air Pollution Incident Response Handling Inquiry System” and regular maintenance and update of the response ability list as well as the compilation and analysis of monitored cases; (6) Import information of Dafa Industrial Park factories, surrounding environment, supportive testing facilities, and diffusion simulation into the Decision Support System (DSS) for air pollution incident; (7) Conduct a seminar on four issues, including air pollution sampling and evidence collection processes. Additionally, targeting two of the issues, including evaluate the range of air pollutant hazards during the worst case of storage tank leakage, conduct small-class computer teaching courses; (8) Complete the repair and maintenance of 15 types of air pollution emergency response equipment, including handheld total volatile organic compound detectors; (9) Complete five air pollution response site visits of the Environmental Protection Bureau; (10) Complete two national non-warning air pollution response notification tests.
英文關鍵字 air pollution accident, emergency reponse, prevention