

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自民國105年2月9日起至105年12月31日底止,主要目的係強化生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統(簡稱 HWMS)各項功能設計,協助檢討及建置現行一般廢棄物公務統計電子化填報作業,推動線上審核作業,持續整併相關系統落實單一申報管理窗口。 此外,為能即時掌握全國垃圾清運量相關數據之合理性及正確性,本計畫規劃辦理申報資料電子化勾稽查核作業,建立例行性的警示機制與查核指標,以掌握生活垃圾、廢食用油、水肥等一般廢棄物處理流向,提供環保署作為督導各地方執行機關申報數據正確性之參考及決策依據。 另針對包含源頭減量、含汞電池管理、二手物品交換、清運路線清查填報等一般廢棄物相關管理業務,強化電子化申報及資訊公開服務,並配合環保署資訊管理政策規劃,辦理相關資料公開作業(Data Open),以釋放民間商業運營能量及強化學術研究資源。
中文關鍵字 一般廢棄物管理、生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統、廢食用油


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-H101-02-A063 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4600 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/09 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 陳冠榮
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 黃崇富 執行單位 信諾科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 提升一般廢棄物申報管理專案工作計畫-正式報告(含附錄).pdf 19MB

Work Plan for Enhancing the Declaration Management Project for General Waste.

英文摘要 The execution period for this project is from February 9, 2016 to December 31, 2016. The main purpose of this project is to enhance the various functions of the Household Waste Management System (HWMS), assist the review and production of an active electronic report for the calculation of official general waste business, promote online review and approval operations, and continue to combine related systems to create a single entry point for declaration management. Furthermore, in order to immediately understand the rationality and accuracy of the related data on the national waste clearance volume, this project plans to execute articulation and inspection operations for electronic declaration data, and establish programmed warning systems and inspection standards to establish the direction of general waste management for wastes such as household garbage, used cooking oil, and sewage sludge, which will provide the Environmental Protection Administration with policymaking support and accurate references of declaration numbers by the responsible institutions of various places. For related management operations of general waste, such as source reduction, management of mercury-containing batteries, used goods exchanges, and the inspection and documentation of clearance routes, electronic declarations and open data services will be strengthened, and related Data Open operations will be carried out in accordance with data management policies by the Environmental Protection Administration, in order to liberate the energy of civil business operations and increase the number of resources for academic research.
英文關鍵字 Management of general waste, Household waste management system, Used cooking oil