

中文摘要 1.土壤污染調查、驗證及農地定監測 (1)完成南竿2處、北竿1處及莒光1處現役營區靶場污染潛勢評估,並完成2場次土壤污染調查,分針對梅○靶場、津○靶場調查11點次,調查項目為土壤重金屬及火炸藥,結果2處靶場之重金屬銅、鉛超過土壤污染管制標準。 (2)完成東引鄉東引西段0154、0225地號控制場址驗證,共7點次土壤與3口次地下水驗證,檢測結果污染物濃度均低於管制標準。 (3)仁愛村農地達監測標準之土壤監測,監測結果銅濃度仍超過食用作物農地監測標準。 2.地下水監測井維護管理與地下水質監測成果 完成上、下半年共計32口次場置性監測井外觀巡查維護及內部功能檢查,巡查及維護工作包含5口已移交予廢管課掩埋場監測井。工作內容包含8口次外觀維護更新、4口次場置性監測井井況評估、2口次異物排除及4口次再次完井;而例行性枯水期地下水監測於3~4月份完成、豐水期於8月完成。監測結果部分有測項達地下水污染監測標準,但未達地下水污染管制標準。 3.地下儲槽輔導與稽查作業成果 完成3次地下儲槽網路申報及資料審查,網路申報率均達100%;10站次地下儲槽系統之現況輔導及稽查,稽查結果多為網路申報資料不符。 4.列管場址管理作業 縣內列管控制場址巡查,實際於北竿場址巡察18次、東引場址9次。 5.辦理法規宣導相關作業 (1)法規宣導說明會各完成1場次地下儲槽法規與申報暨工安實務與環保風險管理說明會及1場次列管場址之責任義務暨相關法規說明會。 (2)為落實土壤及地下水污染防治教育向下扎根,共計完成6場次土壤及地下水污染預防工作宣導系列活動。 (3)完成1場次與地區特色、污染防治或污染場址健康風險評估規範及制度相關之大型宣導會。 6.緊急應變作業 年度緊急應變工作主要用於東引場址驗證,為支應計畫驗證經費不足之費用,包含地下水驗證採樣分析及土壤重型機具移動經費。
中文關鍵字 土壤、靶場、農地、高污染潛勢、地下水監測


專案計畫編號 PB10083 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2935 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/18 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 劉曜文
主辦單位 連江縣政府環境保護局(停用) 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 105期末報告.pdf 15MB

The Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Lienchiang County in 2016

英文摘要 For the environmental sustainability, the program of “The Investigation of Soil and Groundwater Contamination of Lienchiang County in 2016” has been advanced, which involves: 1)The soil investigation of farmland and military camp, 2)Groundwater monitoring wells maintenance and groundwater investigation in both dry and wet season, 3)To supervise and verify pollution remediation of control sites, 4)The advertisement and education of gas station regulations, 5)Dealing with emergency cases, and administrative assistances. The results of implementation are summarized as follows: 1)We found Cu and Pb concentration in soil exceeding the “Soil Pollution Control Standard” in 2 shooting ranges of military camp, and Cu concentration in soil exceeding“Soil Pollution Monitoring Standard” in 2 farmlands of Ren-ai village. 2)There were 11 monitoring wells surveys accomplished in both dry season and 4 monitoring wells accomplished in wet season, and whose results all less than Groundwater Pollution Control Standards. 3)With respect to the mission of to supervise and verify pollution remediation sites, we accomplished the verification of the Dongyin depot site, and all the concentration of TPH in soil has been less than Soil Pollution Control Standards. 4)Triple times gas stations network declaration was finished, and the work team had also accomplished examination and kept tracking the incomplete declarations. Furthermore, in terms of laws enforcements and education, there were two meetings held in May and October separately. A fair for fun and educational purpose was held on December 3rd, there were more than 300 people participating and everyone enjoyed this activity. 5)We created a short play and finished six environmental education for elementary school students. All the participants enjoyed the skit and got the knowledge about the protection of soil and groundwater.
英文關鍵字 Soil, farmland, farmland, high pollution charge, underground water surveillance, military camp,farmland, high pollution potential martial sites, investigation