

中文摘要 本計畫蒐集彙整美、日、歐盟、紐及澳等各國飲用水水質處理藥劑最新管理制度,經評析後美國、日本及荷蘭均採第三方公正單位認證管理制度,亦即經NSF、JWWA、KIWA等第三方公正單位認證後之處理藥劑供水單位均可使用;我國飲用水水質處理藥劑則以環保署公告者為限,並透過自來水採購驗收及環保機關稽查管制,確保藥劑不純物含量符合相關規範。 本計畫亦針對我國已公告飲用水水質處理藥劑(21項)及未來自來水事業可能使用藥劑(12項),彙整前述各國藥劑最新管制標準(包含主成分及不純物),據以完成建置前述33項飲用水水質處理藥劑及11項消毒副產物之安全性評估資料。另透過線上問卷設計,調查國內藥劑使用現況、淨水處理程序、藥劑種類、用量及製造原料及廠商等相關資訊。經評析國外管理制度、國內現況,研提短、中、長程飲用水水質處理藥劑管理精進策略,短期策略為變更自來水事業採購契約,以強化藥劑生產溯源;中期策略為透過落實自來水法第49條之執行,定期檢驗並紀錄藥劑注入、儲存及使用等各項設備之檢驗結果,以確保藥劑使用品質;長期策略則建議納入第三方公正單位之藥劑認證管理制度,以有效確保藥劑原料、製造及使用規範之品質安全。 計畫執行期間,自來水事業連署請求環保署放寬高分子凝聚劑之使用限制,故彙整國外管制標準及研究文獻,並於105年5月31日召開專家諮詢會議進行討論,因高分子凝聚劑之單體殘留及其衍生物可能對人體產生健康風險,其使用條件仍維持現狀為宜,並建議可採用聚氯化鋁或聚矽酸鐵等其他替代藥劑,以解決供水需求,同時可降低加藥風險。 經研析先進國家飲用水連續供水固定設備(飲水機)管理制度後發現,美國、日本及中國均為完整的供水系統,飲水機僅類似其中一個「處理單元」,而並無類似國內僅針對單機版飲水機的管理規範。我國的管理方式較為獨特且管理制度完善。本計畫亦針對臺北自來水事業處設置之「直飲台」水質管理現況進行探討,鑑於國外曾發生隱胞子蟲污染水質,建議可參考美國及日本方式,在出水點前或表前加裝處理單元,並強化設備操作管理人員之教育訓練,以確保水質安全。
中文關鍵字 飲用水水質處理藥劑、直飲台


專案計畫編號 EPA-05-J105-02-103 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2660 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/19 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 甘其銓教授
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 葉惠芬 執行單位 嘉南學校財團法人嘉南藥理大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 (完整報告含附錄)EPA-05-J105-02-103飲用水水質處理藥劑策略探討.pdf 31MB

Discussion strategy on the management of drinking water t reatment chemicals

英文摘要 In this project, the pharmacy information and international standards of drinking-water treatment chemicals were collected and updated for Taiwan EPA database. To complete the drinking water treatment chemicals management system in Taiwan, a third-party notarization inspection association was suggested to be build up. For the short term, the third-party notarization inspection association can help water supply companies to conduct occasional verification and audit work on the chemicals manufacturers. For the long term, we suggested the future of the Ministry of Environmental Protection after the establishment of the United States can refer to the NSF and JWWA third party fair management system, the establishment of third party impartial units to supervise the quality of pharmaceutical manufacturing and use. Another strategy suggested that the water utilities could produce and manage their own water purifying agents The information and international standards could be used to help EPA to control drinking-water treatment chemicals quality and usage. We got the information about the types and quantity of the chemicals in the water purification process. The information of companies that produced and sold the drinking water treatment chemicals was also collected, which can be used as reference to control chemicals produced processes. In addition, We collected the other countries’ related laws or regulations to establish and update the chemicals’ material safety data sheet. In this project, ‘public drinking fountain’ management systems in US, Japan, China and Taiwan were investigated. The results showed that different system management approaches were carried out in these countries. Furthermore, the ‘direct drinking fountain’ in Taipei city that similar to ‘public drinking fountain’ was further discussed. The results showed that the ‘drinking fountain’ was equipped with only continuous water supply but no continuous treatment capacity. To recommend referred to the United States and Japan’s management systems. The installation of UV or membrane filter at the public drinking water usage point should be implemented. In addition, the operation personnel certification for the ‘direct drinking fountain’ system is necessary to ensure equipment maintenance and water quality.
英文關鍵字 Drinking-water treatment chemicals, Drinking fountain