

中文摘要 保護環境資源與維護生態平衡,追求永續發展,是全球趨勢,也是每一世代必須肩負的責任。為有效提升環境品質,在政策擬定方面,行政院環境保護署於民國87年7月2日完成「國家環境保護計畫」之訂定,作為我國短程、中程及長程環境保護施政之依據;在法規建制方面,為順應國際潮流,整合國內環境法相關法令,於民國91年11月19日公布施行《環境基本法》,作為我國環境保護的基本大法。 鑑於「國家環境保護計畫」與《環境基本法》乃因應當時環境問題、人文條件與政策目標而生,歷經多年以來,其內涵與精神備受各界關注,更甚不合當前所需。爰此,本研究計畫主要工作內容有二:(一)提出環境基本法概論研析報告,蒐整研析我國與國外環境基本法或相關法令之立法意義、目的與運用,比較分析條文內涵與相關規範之差異,進而針對各界關心之環境基本法所衍生的重要議題進行深入評析與條文釋義,提出政策規劃建議。(二)蒐研國內外環境保護計畫相關文獻資料、環境保護現況、重大及新興之環境議題及相關部會意見,篩選出具理論基礎及未來趨勢之課題,重新編撰符合當前國際趨勢與我國環境問題的「國家環境保護計畫」,並提出後續推動之建議。
中文關鍵字 環境基本法、環境保護計畫、環境指標


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-E101-02-A109 經費年度 105 計畫經費 2320 千元
專案開始日期 2016/03/17 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 蘇漢邦
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 盧佩君 執行單位 財團法人台灣綜合研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境基本法概論研析及國家環境保護計畫編撰-期末報告定稿本.pdf 56MB

Basic Environment Act Analysis and national environmental protection plan compilation

英文摘要 The maintenance of ecological balance and environmental protection, along with the pursuit of sustainable development are a global trend as well as the responsibility of every generation. To enhance the quality of environment effectively, the Environmental Protection Administration(EPA) has accomplished the compilation of the“National Environmental Protection Plan” on July 2,1998. As the foundation of environmental protection policy in short, medium and long term. Further more, in order to accommodate global trend and intergrated related environmental law, the EPA promulgated the “Basic Environment Act”on November 19, 2002, being the root of national environmental protection. In view of the “Basic Environment Act” and the “National Environmental Protection Plan” was formulated due to the environmental situation at that time and are no longer suitable for today. Thus the project have two subjects: (1)Analysis of the compare between Taiwan’s “Basic Environment Act” and those from other countries, digging deeper thorough the articles to find out what are the important issues, (2)Assemble and study the informations, the subjects, the environmental situations, plus the suggestions from government or specialis about the “Basic Environment Act” from overseas, compilation a brand new version of the “National Environmental Protection Plan” that suitable for the global trend and current environmental problems, with suggestions for the future development.
英文關鍵字 Basic Environment Act, Environmental Protection Plan, Environmental Indicator