

中文摘要 本計畫主旨在推動利用生物炭技術解決大量農業廢棄物問題,不僅可有效降低垃圾清運量與處理成本,生物炭本身功能也對土壤改善及減緩氣候變遷等有正面的影響;本計畫結合產、官、學、民等多方資源組成計畫推動團隊,由台南官田區作為示範場域,建置一套低成本炭化系統,以該地區農廢物產量最大宗的菱角殼為研究對象,執行多次的菱殼炭化試驗後,找出欲產出品質優良且符合相關檢驗標準之炭成品需達操作條件:(1)菱殼含水率介於14~16% (2)培燒溫度達950℃以上 (3)培燒時間達25min以上,而計畫期間共燒製約1,165桶乾菱角殼,產出菱炭總固碳量約2.9公噸,淨減少二氧化碳排放量約10.2公噸;另藉由跨領域專家學者指導與建議執行保水、淨水、小型栽盆試驗及實地田間實驗,但作物的栽盆或田間實驗一般需測試2~3年之久,目前由實驗結果觀察到,有添加菱殼炭的作物,大部份有益植物生長,亦有負面效果的實驗組,仍尚須後續長期實驗得以統計分析驗證。 另外本計畫期間亦透過辦理炭化爐操作教學,培訓21位在地志工及農友了解生物炭優點,並學會炭化爐操作流程,獨立製作出生物炭;另與3個教學單位合作舉辦生物炭教學觀摩課程,使學生了解農廢物再利用可行性及生態環境保護重要性,奠定培養將來傑出研究學者的基礎;後期透過舉辦兩場小型觀摩研習會,強化一般民眾環境保育觀念及生物炭(含副產品)正確的使用方式,直至最後的大型成果觀摩研習會辦理,展示有關生物炭製作設備、炭成品及副產品、各種試驗成果、以及相關過程與成果海報等,促使一般民眾對於生態環境保護觀念的重視,進而提升節能減碳之成效。
中文關鍵字 官田炭化菱角殼減碳推動計畫、菱殼炭、菱角殼炭化、菱角殼再利用


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-D001-30-701 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4720 千元
專案開始日期 2016/08/09 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 王應堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 謝承霖 執行單位 玖鋒環境股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年官田炭化菱角殼減碳推動計畫.pdf 77MB

The project aims to promote the use of biochar technology to solve a large number of agricultural waste problems

英文摘要 The project aims to promote the use of biochar technology to solve a large number of agricultural waste problems. It can not only effectively reduce the amount of waste removal and treatment costs, but with a positive impact on soil conditioner and mitigation of climate change. Combining resources of production, government, academia and citizen in this project, the team selected Guantian District as a demonstration field and set up low cost carbonization system. We choose the primary agricultural waste, water caltrop shell, in Guantian District as the research subject and try to find out good quality with inspection criteria biochar product and water caltrop vinegar should meet the following operating conditions: (1) the water content of water caltrop shell is between 14% and 16%. (2) the temperature of the combustion is above 950℃. (3) the burning time is more than 25min. During the project period, a total of 1,165 barrels of dried water caltrop shells were carbonized, 2.9 tonnes of carbon solidification and the net carbon dioxied reduction is about 10.2 tonnes. In addition, through the cross-cutting experts and scholars to guide and recommend the implementation of water, clean water, small pot experiment and field experiments. Current results from the experimental observations showed most of the beneficial plant growth and a few amount the negative effects of the experimental group after the addition of water caltrop shells biochar. The crop pot or field experiments are generally required to test 2 to 3 years, so the team need to follow-up long-term experiments to statistical analysis and verification if there is sufficient funds. In order to let local citizens be able to produce biochar independently, the team trained 21 local volunteers and farmers by the carbonization furnace operating courses to make them understand the advantages of biochar and be familiar with furnace carbonization procedures. In cooperation with the three teaching units held biochar demonstration courses, so that students can understand the importance of environmental protection and the feasibility of re-use of agricultural waste, laying the foundation for future culture of outstanding researchers. In the latter part of the year, two small workshops will be held to enhance the public's understanding of environmental conservation and the proper use of biochar and by-products. At the end of the project, a large-scale workshop was held to showcase the bio-char production equipment, biochar
英文關鍵字 The project aims to promote the use of biochar technology to solve a large number of agricultural waste problems