

中文摘要 當廢車經過最終持有者向監理單位報廢之後,可逕交回收拆解業拆卸廢五金或堪用零件、材料進行販售,剩下廢車殼及內裝則運到廢車粉碎分類廠,藉由粉碎、分類、分選等作業篩選出可以回收再利用的物質(即再生料)進行再循環使用,而剩餘廢車粉碎殘餘物(Automotive Shredder Residue, 以下簡稱ASR)則送交到焚化爐採焚化方式處理。廢車處理後每年約產出3萬公噸ASR。近年來,ASR去化管道頻頻發生受阻情形,依據焚化爐業者反應:因為ASR成分複雜且熱值過高常造成焚化爐的爐壁及汽電共生等管線毀損,所以屬於不受歡迎的燃燒物料。為了減少ASR產出量,本計畫首先鎖定屬組成比例較高,密度小、體積大且易吸附吸水膨脹等特性的泡棉作為減量對象與標的,對ASR減量與處理成效會有具體實質效果。 在回收再利用時最主要的問題點為椅墊泡棉在回收拆解端雖已拆除鐵架支座等物品,但本身還內含了許多鐵絲、纖維、塑膠膜,甚至還沾黏鐵鏽,導致要完全清除乾淨有很大困難,需額外增添許多人力。此種泡棉品質也無法使用在重塑再製為泡棉板,經評估只能取用未含他物且易拆解之機車椅墊泡棉較合適。同時椅墊泡棉因重量輕、體積大,以致運輸成本昂貴,所以其蒐集方式之經濟考量顯得非常重要。其多孔隙易沾黏特性,又常因過程中吸附油污、玻璃砂土或破碎後金屬屑等,以致終端無法資源化再利用。所以,需進行整體綜合評估考量。依試作結果,利用現有運作體系:藉由原有車殼內含泡棉運送至粉碎廠,再由驗貨端夾取較不乾淨泡棉,在資源化使用上有多重選擇;從ASR端挑選泡棉碎塊,雖然在既有體系上最少改變、運輸蒐集成本較低,但卻只有熱裂解與亞臨水處理可供使用;從回收拆解端拆卸泡棉,不論直送資源化廠或粉碎廠,蒐集及運輸成本最高,但本計畫目前探討的資源化方法都可應用。 在再生製品實作測試中,當粉碎後泡棉摻入複合塑料中之比例超過20%時,抽粒作業就產生困難,測試結果顯示,含有20%泡棉之塑膠粒所製成裝載用產品,其性質將較泡棉添加比例10%者較為柔軟。本計畫再生製品中之地磚、棧板在市場銷售不若塑膠籃子普遍,故再加做此測試,期許能多元化泡棉回收管道,以降低廢車產出之ASR數量。 在技術層面上,本計畫所進行實際商業化試產結果顯示各項技術皆可得到試產之產品,皆有其可行性。 在經濟財務分析上,以亞臨界水處理技術所得之土壤改良劑獲利程度較佳,但若考量市場去化速度則以「跪墊」為佳,但實際規劃上仍必需由環保署整體考量對回收體系及制度之影響,才能決定最佳之再利用途徑。
中文關鍵字 廢機動車輛粉碎分類處理殘餘物、聚脲脂、熱裂解


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-XA01 經費年度 105 計畫經費 4650 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/01 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 樊國恕
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 苑守成 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-XA01.pdf 5MB

The economic assessment of the recycle technology for the waste PU foam from the automotive shredder residue

英文摘要 The recycle system of the discarded vehicles in Taiwan has promoted for many years, and around 70% of the discarded vehicles could be recycled by the recovery techniques. The remaining 30% is called ASR and it was very difficult to recycle. Recycling of ASR was driven by the material recovery, the thermal recovery and the energy recovery and the all most of ASR was treated by the incineration. Unfortunately, the ASR was rejected by the incinerator in recent years, because the incineration of ASR could cause the air pollution and damage the incineration. Therefore, it is a very important thing to develop the recovery technology for ASR. In this study, the several commercial technologies were proposed and assessed from the feasibility and the economic. Finally, the most feasible solution was presented to improve the recovery of the ASR and to reduce the amount of the ASR in Taiwan. These proposed technologies in this study have commercial operation factors and the wasted PU in the ASR was used as raw material in these factors. The results show the wasted PU could be recycled by these technologies. After the feasibility assessment, the cost-benefit analysis was also conducted by questionnaires and field visits. In economic and financial analysis, the soil conditioner derived from the sub-critical water treatment had the better profitability. If the market sales were considered, the hassock was better than the soil conditioner.
英文關鍵字 ASR, PU, Pyrolysis