

中文摘要 國內各機場航空噪音監測站及監控(測)中心常見缺失如:噪音監測資料漏失、檔格式不符環保署規定要求、防風球及踏毀損、監控中心與噪音監測站之間通訊不良、無維護保養紀錄、缺噪音儀檢定及校正紀錄或過期、無標準作業程序手冊、無定期操作訓練計畫、基本專業知識嚴重不足、不熟悉系統操作等,有待改進之處甚多,希望透過執行本計畫可以輔導縣市環保局機場航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核,以強化航空噪音管制並提升航空噪音監控品質。行政院環境保護署辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料判讀工具及航空噪音監測資料審查分析說明會,俾使有效、準確進行軍用、民用及軍民合用等機場航空噪音監測資料查驗等工作。 另一方面,行政院環境保護署為瞭解ICAO、歐盟、各主要國家以及機場等之民航航空噪音環保目標與策略、政策與措施、指標與方法、發展與方向等,以參酌國際間先進之航空噪音管制現況及趨勢,檢討我國相關航空噪音法規之適切,研議機場自主噪音管理與居民溝通方向,強化提升航空噪音監測品質,故辦理「航空噪音管制計畫」,有關本案計畫目標與工作內容分別說明如後。 今年度航空噪音管制計畫工作成果包括: 一、完成國際上航空噪音評估指標及管制趨勢蒐集,研提適用我國機場航空噪音評估指標。其中包括蒐集國際上航空噪音評估指標及相關管制法規與趨勢,並彙整機場周圍航空噪音防制作為及監測作法;研提適合我國航道下航空噪音最大音量與評估指標,並針對現行航空噪音管制政策研提建議精進作法。 二、完成蒐集國際上機場噪音管理與鄰近居民溝通作法與措施,研擬適合我國之機場噪音管理政策與整合機制。其中包括蒐集各國機場噪音管理與居民溝通作法與措施,研擬適合我國國情之航空噪音管理策略與民眾溝通整合作法;瞭解國際上現行機場航空噪音相關環保政策與執行現況,提供我國後續推動綠色環保機場可行性之參考。 三、完成航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核,以提升航空噪音監測品質。其中包括建立彙整全國各機場航空噪音監測站之噪音監測站資料,並維護航空噪音監測資料判讀工具功能;辦理機場所在地縣市環保局航空噪音監測資料判讀工具1場說明會並邀集各機場所在地方環保局及委辦機構人員參與;協助督導縣市環保局執行至少2處機場航空噪音監測站及監控中心查核。
中文關鍵字 航空噪音


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-F105-02-A198 經費年度 105 計畫經費 1140 千元
專案開始日期 2016/05/11 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 劉嘉俊
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 丁培修 執行單位 環境永續工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年航空噪音管制計畫期末報告.pdf 7MB

Aviation Noise Control Project

英文摘要 Defects are commonly seen in the operation of the aviation noise monitoring stations and control (monitoring) centers at various airports in our country, such as loss of noise monitoring data, inconformity of file formats with EPA regulations, damage of ball-type windscreens, poor communication between control (monitoring) centers and noise monitoring stations, lack of maintenance records, lack or out-of-date of examination and correction records produced with the dB meter, lack of the SOP manual, lack of regular operation training programs, insufficiency of basic professional knowledge, and unfamiliarity of operators with the systems, hence there is much room for improvement. It is hoped that, through the implementation of this Project, we can counsel and assist the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) of various counties (or cities) in checking the operation of the aviation noise monitoring stations and control (monitoring) centers at various airports so as to enhance the operation of aviation noise control, as well as the quality of aircraft noise monitoring. The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) of the Executive Yuan plans to organize seminars on interpretation tools and examination and analysis of aviation noise data for the EPB of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located, in order to facilitate the check-up of aviation noise monitoring data of various military, civilian, and military-civilian airports in an effective and accurate manner. On the other hand, in order to gain knowledge on the goals and strategies, policies and measures, indicators and methods, as well as development and directions regarding civil aviation noise control adopted by ICAO, EU, and other countries and airports, make reference to the current situation and trends of aviation noises control in advanced countries, review the suitability of the aviation noise control regulations currently in effect in our country, and enhance the quality of aviation noise monitoring, the EPA initiated the Aviation Noise Control Project. The objectives and work content of this Project are described below. The achievements of the Aviation Noise Control Project in the current fiscal year are as follows: 1. Completed collecting the assessment indicators and trends for aviation noise control adopted in the international community and proposing the assessment indicators for aviation noise control suitable for airports in our country, including collecting the assessment indicators and related control regulations and trends for aviation noise control adopted in the international community, compiling aviation noise control and monitoring practices in the vicinity of airports, proposing the maximum aviation noise level under the flight paths and assessment indicators suitable for our country, and recommending improved practices for aviation noise control policies currently in effect in our country. 2. Completed collecting the practices and measures concerning aviation noise control and communication with adjacent communities adopted by airports in the international community and proposing noise control policies and integration mechanism suitable for the airports in our country, including collecting the practices and measures concerning aviation noise control and communication with adjacent communities adopted by various foreign airports, proposing noise control policies and integrated practices concerning communication with the public suitable for the airports in our country, and gaining knowledge on the environmental protection policies and current status regarding aviation noise control currently adopted in the international community, which might service as a reference for follow-up promotion of the idea of green airport in our country. 3. Completed examination of the aviation noise monitoring stations and control (monitoring) centers, which has improved the quality of aviation noise monitoring at various airports in our country, including compiling the noise monitoring data collected by aviation noise monitoring stations at various airports in our country, maintaining the function of interpretation tools for aviation noise monitoring data, organizing one seminar concerning interpretation tools for aviation noise monitoring data for the EPB of the counties (or cities) where an airport is located with the participation of related local EPB officials and personnel from the commission company, and assisting and supervising the EPB of the counties (or cities) in conducting examinations on operation of the aviation noise monitoring stations and control (monitoring) centers of at least two airports.
英文關鍵字 aviation noise