英文摘要 |
The project has been executed from July 1st, 2016 to June 30th, 2017 and divided into 5 major tasks which are: “Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services”, “Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night Markets, Business Districts and Scenic Area”, “Formulated the Air Pollution Control Guidance for Commercial Cooking”, ”Collected and Analyzed the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking” and “Propaganda and Training” related to the workshop and targets. The results of this project are summarized as follows:
1. Emission Control and Provide Consulting Services
The project first focused on commercial cooking that have received more than three complaints or high frequent complaints in 2015 and the first half of 2016 in Zhonghe, Panchiao, Xinzhuang, Sanchong, Yungho dustriers and the new commercial cooking opened in the first half of 2016. Among these to investigated priority and provide consulting services to 1,521 commercial cooking (included 110 new opened), compliance check (including gas collection efficiency) to 538 commercial cooking. The ratio of air pollution control facilities installed (included pre-treatment and end-treatment) about 84%. We also provided consulting services to 240 high complaints commercial cooking and provided 100 improving planning proposals to whom and reviewed in proceed.
In order to cooperate the assessment of Environmental Protection Administration, we use the data which collected from Air Quality and Inspection Section. There are 380 area sources reported on July, 2016 which included the numbers and types of commercial cooking, air pollution of commercial cooking and different types of air pollution control facilities.
2. Promotion the Commercial Cooking Emission Control for the Night
Markets, Shopping Districts and Scenic Area
We provided air pollution improving consulting to 14 commercial cooking concentration areas which included 11 night markets, 2 shopping districts and 1 scenic area and cooperated EPA to promote air pollution control facilities installed to commercial cooking which located in Sungai shopping district. We also provided assistance to SETN television news to interview Lehua night market on August 12th and broadcasted the program” air pollution crisis, night market fumes containing 10 times PM2.5 ” on August 16th.
3. Formulated the Air Pollution Control Guidance for Commercial Cooking
The project collected and accomplished odor control technics for commercial cooking. In order to provide the guidance to new open commercial cooking about air pollution control of stir-fry and deep-fry cooking styles, we analyzed the same cooking style cases related consultant and improvement of air pollution control effectiveness. The project accomplished the guidance for 4 cooking style i.e. stir-fry, deep-fry, grill and steam and invited Dr. Wu provided consulting to establish the practicality of the guidelines who work at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI).
4. Collected and Analyzed the Management Strategies of Commercial Cooking
Collected and analyzed the relevant management strategies of commercial cooking for overseas countries, Taiwan central government and local governments such as the United States, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Singapore; the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior (CPAMI), Ministry of Labor, Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and Taipei City, Taoyuan City, Taichung City, Tainan City and Kaohsiung City. In terms of emission standards, odor and particulate matters (PM) emission standards as the main control strategy. The regulation "Stationary Pollution Source Air Pollutant Emissions Standards" formulated that the general stationary sources air pollution and exhaust gas are prohibit to discharged into the ditch ; in the other hands, the United States, Japan, China have implemented control equipment certification standards. On June 5st, 2017, the conference was held by New Taipei City EPB and also invited relevant departments such as the Urban and Rural Development Department, the Department of Health, the Department of fire, the Economic Development Department and the Public Works Department to discuss and cooperation the management strategy of commercial cooking. And on June 27st, 2017, the advisory conference was held by New Taipei City EPB and also invited experts and scholars to discuss the management strategy of commercial cooking.
5. Propaganda and Training
For maintenance the page “Air pollution control for commercial cooking” of New Taipei City's website and provided the consulting of choosing style of air pollution control; uploaded the latest relevant regulations, promoted the concept of air pollution control to commercial cooking; the commercial cooking owner could find the suggestions for types of air pollution control facilities and the horsepower of ventilator through typing different cooking style, scale, surroundings and exhaust emissions mode in this page. We also completed the brochure for commercial cooking air pollution control and printed folding for "No fumes for cooking, the good life in New Taipei City".
In order to strengthen the professional ability of air pollution control and check point during the commercial cooking and odor inspections, we held an training course to inspectors on September 2014, 2016 and invited ITRI Dr. Wu to be the presenter sharing the experiences for the latest commercial cooking regulations and field check.
In order to decrease the complaints and raise the concept of commercial cooking concentration area, we held a conference” Sharing the experiences of air pollution control and other environmental measures for night markets, shopping districts and scenic area” and invited Xizhi night market to share their experiences related to high complaints of commercial cooking concentration area such as night markets, shopping districts and scenic area.