

中文摘要 本年度(105)計畫服膺於「預防重於治療」之觀念之下,延續歷年計畫之精神及概念,積極推動各項環境保育及防治工作計畫。針對各項業務提出因應措施,以防止二次污染並遏止污染事件發生,進而保障民眾健康及環境。本年度之計畫工作內容執行成果如下: 一、精忠國小之監測井設置作業於105年5月14日順利執行,並於設置完成後進行監測井衛星定位及微水試驗作業。該口水井之地下水採樣分析作業,於豐水期時一併執行完成,檢測結果僅重金屬鐵、錳超過地下水污染監測標準。 二、20口地下水監測井枯、豐水期之監測結果顯示,其大多為一般項目中之氨氮及重金屬鐵、錳有超過地下水污染監測標準。而華碁廢棄物掩埋場(MW-4)除了前述之項目超過地下水污染監測標準外,其總硬度、總溶解固體物、氯鹽、氨氮、總有機碳及重金屬砷超過地下水污染監測標準;另於嘉義市魚市場(MW-5)總硬度、總溶解固體物、氯鹽超過地下水污染監測標準。其餘各口之檢測項目僅測出微量數值,且低於地下水污染監測標準及污染管制標準。 三、針對轄內監測井進行外觀巡查維護,維護之項目大多包含監測井外觀基座油漆剝落或不明顯及周遭已長雜草情形,於上半年度總計執行19口,下半年度總計執行20口,皆已完成維護作業。 四、執行轄內4口監測井井況評估(井體攝影、微水試驗)及再次完井作業(井體攝影、微水試驗),本年度執行之地下水監測井之井內部狀況大致良好,其監測功能良好。 五、下埤段農地之定期監測,於檢測結果中顯示,下埤段農地N058-1、N061、N062-1、N063及育人段291地號坵塊超過土壤污染監測標準;另有關北湖段及育人段之灌溉水,其育人段之灌溉水導電度偏高,重金屬砷濃度超過灌溉用水水質標準,建議後續可朝土污法第12條第9項之概念方向進行管理。 六、地下儲槽系統業者管理作業,包括網路申報資料書面審查作業及現場查核作業。現場查核工作共計完成21站,查核結果多為書面資料與現場資料不符合為其主要缺失,皆已於第一時間告知站方改善,並已完成後續追蹤改善及修正進度;另有新民路加油站1站於測漏管查核時發現,有3支測漏管FID屆臨警戒值,後續進行土壤氣體分析工作,其調查結果皆未呈現有污染之情形。 七、辦理1次法規說明會,於105年4月29日舉辦1場土壤及地下水污染整治法第八條及第九條相關規範相關內容說明會,參加人數45人。根據會後測驗及意見調查結果顯示,業者於會後對該法條更甚了解。 八、為使民眾瞭解土壤及地下水之重要性,製作土壤及地下水保育宣導動畫,藉由淺顯易懂的表達方式,來引起民眾及學童之興趣。 九、計畫執行期間每月至少執行一次轄內列管場址巡查作業,轄內共計1處7條5列管場址、10處控制場址、1處整治場址。其中1處7條5列管場址為台亞嘉義交流加油站;1處控制場址為建國路加油站,9處為下埤段農地污染控制場址;1處整治場址為遠東機械股份有限公司(新厝廠區)。而前述之場址於巡查時皆未發現異常或不法之情事,並將巡查結果作成記錄,以及於 Eco-Life 網站登錄場址現況。 後續,環保局仍將持續推動土壤及地下水之污染調查與查證工作,並善盡土水業務職責,藉以維護本市土壤與地下水資源及市民健康。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、Eco-Life、遠東機械股份有限公司、保育宣導、法規說明、下埤段、北湖段、育人段、外觀巡查維護、嘉義市魚市場、監測井、豐水期、枯水期、精忠國小、地下水污染監測標準、環境保育、測漏管、加油站、土壤氣體


專案計畫編號 1050101 經費年度 105 計畫經費 6400 千元
專案開始日期 2016/01/11 專案結束日期 2016/12/15 專案主持人 楊迪光
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳信逸 執行單位 恆逸工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105嘉義市土水期末報告(定稿).pdf 21MB

The project of soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau, Chiayi City (referred to CYC EPB) carried out the project of soil and groundwater pollution investigation and verification since 2003. In 2016, CYC EPB still upheld the concept of “Prevention Is Better than Cure” to implement the same project. The results of final report were described as below: 1. The monitoring well in Jin-Chung elementary school has been installed on 2016/5/14, then carried out GPS measuring and slug test. Taken groundwater sample on 2016/8/4 and then to analyze. The test data displayed the concentration of Mn, Fe in groundwater exceeded the pollution monitoring standards. 2. Regular monitored groundwater quality: According to the data of groundwater samples of 20 monitoring wells displayed, ammonium nitrate, Fe and Mn exceeded the groundwater pollution monitoring standards, the remaining items were lower than the groundwater pollution monitoring standard. 3. Management and maintenance of monitoring wells: Each well carried out exterior inspection, repairing, interior maintenance. The work of maintenance kept the functions of wells workable. 4.Assesment the condition of monitoring wells: Used compressed air to purge well, it would clean away sediments, and then used video camera to record interior of well. 5. Regular monitored soil in farmland: There were 5 blocks of farmland which the concentration of As exceeded the soil pollution monitoring standards. According to the regulation, these blocks should be monitored next year. Another monitoring work was to investigate the quality of irrigation water in this area, the results of the concentration of As in water exceeded the standard of irrigation water quality. 6. Management gasoline stations: Included to review the data via on-line applied and site audit of gas stations, which 21 stations audit on-site have been accomplished before mid-term. The major fault was the difference between document and situation of actual site, such fault would inform to owner, and ask them to correct the fault in specified duration, then would follow up for improvement. 7. Propaganda and promotion: A propaganda meeting of The Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act held on 2016/4/29 at CPC Chia-yi branch, participants made more understanding about Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Acts through this meeting. 8. Regular inspection of pollution controlled sites: There were 10 pollution controlled sites, 1 gasoline station of Article 7, paragraph 5 and 1 abandon factory required to patrol monthly. Abnormal condition and illegal behavior did not happen during the duration of project. 9. Emergent Plan and Execution: there was none of emergency event to carry out. Forward to next year, CYC EPB still uphold the spirit of environmental protection to keep the environmental quality always clean and fresh.
英文關鍵字 Emergent Plan, gasoline station, Propaganda , Soil , Groundwater , branch, participants , monitoring well