

中文摘要 過去臺東市常受到東北季風或颱風侵襲前之外圍環流影響,造成相當嚴重的砂塵災害,惟在臺東縣環境保護局與水利署第八河川局共同努力防制之下,透過水覆蓋工法以有效抑制揚塵及風飛砂,成效顯著。然臺東縣環境保護局除延續歷年執行成果及持續執行河川揚塵防制外,亦於「105年度卑南溪河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)加強預報預警通報機制,提升緊急應變能力,縮短應變處理時間,更有助於河川揚塵防制之成效。 由於今年度本計畫精進預報預警通報機制之方式,係利用中央氣象局所監測之氣象數據資料,進行24小時預報以上懸浮微粒濃度影響之程度,並即時留意環保署空氣品質監測網之PM10濃度數值,當濃度數值上升至警戒值(PM10≧100)時,立即前往中華大橋確認有無揚塵狀況,回報至LINE群組中,若有隨即啟動相關緊急應變措施,以於最短時間內有效抑制揚塵,降低揚塵好發之可能,確保民眾生活空氣品質。鑑此,在本計畫努力之下,105年臺東縣再度獲得環保署公告之全國空氣品質最佳縣市之殊榮,並於同年受邀參加國際環境夥伴計畫-城市清潔夥伴暨空氣污染管制策略交流研討會及智慧城市展-臺荷交流會議,使臺東縣推動國際化的成果可以讓縣民看得到。 此外,本年度計畫期末報告中,總工作進度內容包含八大項目共完成100%,其重點執行成效說明如下:河川揚塵監測分析作業蒐集針對關山、臺東及鄰近卑南溪之「鄉鎮市區小範圍氣象」進行監測資訊之蒐集與分析,歸納得知卑南溪揚塵好發影響區域範圍,主要可劃分為高度影響區(臺東市中心、關山鎮),中度影響區(臺東市郊、卑南鄉、關山鎮周邊、海端鄉及池上鄉)及輕度影響區(卑南鄉及初鹿、鹿野週邊),俾利提供後續防制工作之評估,以精準掌握揚塵好發區的情況,並透過歷年揚塵事件日之數據圖表呈現參數與揚塵事件之相關性,展現河川防制工作之績效;為驗證水覆蓋防制工法施作成效,係透過衛星圖資之呈現,得知每月裸露地變化情形,並彙整施作期間之降雨量、施作車次、平均風速及PM10等監測資料,透過每月水覆蓋施作覆蓋面積,藉由衛星圖資了解水覆蓋措施作業之成效,並透過自動測站及LED顯示器(電子看板)定期維護,以提供即時監測資料及檢討與強化預警機制;防制應變演練之水覆蓋工程施作成果,雖於105年雖發生7次揚塵事件,惟在搶修後快速覆蓋裸露面積,降低後續發生揚塵之情況,由此可見水覆蓋工法的施作,大幅減少了卑南溪裸露地之面積,並有效降低了揚塵危害;沿岸揚塵環境清理係以臺東市街道濕潤,並於揚塵好發時至河床濕潤其裸露地面積,避免揚塵逸散;本年度宣導活動藉由加入遊戲體驗,提升師生及民眾之參與感,進而達到揚塵宣導防制之目的;另透過問卷調查結果發現,近年來感受揚塵問題已有明顯改善者高達八成,且民眾的滿意度佳,持續透過LED電子看板宣導民眾相關揚塵防護方式,以及利用跑馬燈資訊立即通知民眾揚塵情況;配合機關及環保署相關管制、考核規定提報卑南溪河川揚塵防制管考資料為空氣品質淨化區現場勘查暨考評作業及相關查核報表提交等。
中文關鍵字 卑南溪、揚塵、風飛砂、水覆蓋、河川揚塵


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2016/08/01 專案結束日期 2017/07/31 專案主持人 葉智雄
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 朱育顯 執行單位 美華環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 105年度卑南溪河川揚塵防制及改善推動計畫(定稿).pdf 31MB

The dust suppression program of Beinan River in 2016

英文摘要 For the past few years, Taitung had been influenced by severe Windblown dust crisis because of the northeast monsoons and the typhoon outer-rim circulation. By the collaborative effort of Water Resources Agency and Taitung EPB, the dust has been suppressed prominently through the water-cover method. To prevent Windblown dust, Taitung EPB continued to execute the dust suppression program, Beinan River Windblown suppression program, and enhance the forecast alert system to shorten the contingency processing time which is conductive to dust suppression. The dust forecast alert system collects the data from Weather Central Bureau, and analyzes the PM10 concentration in next 24 hours. As the concentration goes up to the awareness range(PM10≧100), staff member will go to Chunghua Bridge to confirm the dust emission and report to the LINE group. If emission occurs, the Windblown Dust Prevention Drills will immediately take action, ensure the air quality of Taitung county. With the effort of the program, Taitung county has obtained the prize of the best air quality in Taiwan, and invited by Taiwan-Netherlands communicate meeting with the subject of air pollution control discussion. In the final report of the program, the overall progress is 100%, contains 8 categories, including: River Windblown Dust Monitoring analysis, which is collecting the weather data of Guanshan and Beinan River region to generalize the dust-prone emission area, it can be divided into severe impact area(Taitung downtown area and Guanshan),moderate impact area(suburban of Taitung downtown, Beinan, suburban of Guanshan, Haiduan and Chishang), and slight impact area(Beinan, chulu and luye), helps to control the dust-prone area. To prove the effect of water-cover method, satellite photo shows the change of barren land, collect the rainfall, working days, average wind speed and PM10 concentration of working period. Through the auto survey station and LED monitor, provide the instant monitoring data. Refer to the result of water-cover method, there were 7 times of dust events happened in last year(2016), but the EPB took action rapidly to repair water-cover area, decreasing the barren land area to reduce the dust emission. With regard to environment clean-up, which is mainly targeted at the downtown of Taitung county to keep the street damp. In the dust-prone season, it is also used at the riverbed to avoid dust emission. To increase the participation, game experience has added to the advertising activities in the program, The questionnaire shows almost 80% thinks the Windblown Dust problem had improved and satisfied with the program. The program also use the LED information board to notify people the circumstance of the Windblown Dust. There are other cooperation matters, such as cooperate with EPA in windblown dust prevention, submit data to EPA for checking related information, etc.
英文關鍵字 Beinan River, dust, dust suppression, water cover