

中文摘要 環保署自民國99年起再次啟動全國農地污染調查及管制行動,陸續委辦「全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫」第一期~第四期(執行期間99年至106年,以下簡稱前期計畫),主要工作內容包含依農業水源供給單元,系統性辦理農地重金屬高污染潛勢評價篩選、驗證及修訂,並逐步辦理各項環境介質調查,掌握全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地及研擬管制策略;另結合現場調查實務及農地污染防治需求,建立農地調查標準化作業流程,彙整編撰農地土壤重金屬污染調查作業手冊及改善整治技術手冊等。 延續前期計畫成果,環保署續辦第五期計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),著重於結合農土及農水污染評析成果,完整掌握農地重金屬污染潛勢分布及潛在污染源位置,並視農地土壤調查結果、農業水資源管理現況,研提後續改善工法與農地永續發展預防管理對策。 本計畫調查區域為前期計畫篩選之系統性高污染潛勢農地範圍(合計21個灌溉小組),分布於桃園市、新竹市、臺中市及高雄市,調查結果約55.4公頃農地土壤重金屬濃度超過食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準。經整合環境介質調查結果及灌溉水源,其中桃園市計公告列管約52.8公頃農地,污染改善經費估算約2.1億元,計篩選17處疑似污染源坐落區域及213間疑似污染源標的,其中36間事業與污染農地具污染關聯性;臺中市計公告列管約2.3公頃農地,污染改善經費估算約470萬元,經查目前已無疑似污染源;高雄市計公告列管約0.3公頃農地,污染改善經費估算約21萬元,經查目前已無疑似污染源;新竹市調查範圍未發現污染。另評估全臺993個零星重金屬疑似超標地點,經比對環保單位既有調查及各地方環保局現勘篩測結果,計有86個地點具污染潛勢,經二階段調查作業,計公告列管6.1公頃農地。 依國內污染改善標準、現行技術可行性、農地土壤性質、改善經費及時間考量等因素,植生改善較不耗能及排碳量較低,為具綠色改善概念工法,惟受限於改善時間長且維護管理成本高,建議作為工程改善後之配套措施。經研析污染農地植生改善技術之可行性,蒐集「大豆」、「稻米」、「花卉」、「狼尾草」、「芒草」等國內外文獻資料,並評估其土壤改善適宜性,其中「狼尾草」及「芒草」之耕作技術門檻低,且具作為生質燃料潛力;另於研擬農地永續發展分區架構,則規劃將全國80萬公頃農地,初步劃分為農地污染防治區、農地污染預警區及農地環境保護區,採分區管理以妥善分配農地預警、監測及轉作(用)等預防管理資源。
中文關鍵字 污染潛勢篩選、高污染潛勢農地、土壤中重金屬


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-GA02-03-A262 經費年度 105 計畫經費 39957 千元
專案開始日期 2016/09/13 專案結束日期 2018/03/12 專案主持人 陳慎德
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 謝菊蕙 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-105-GA02-03-A262(公開版).pdf 53MB 遮蔽農地疑似污染源事業名稱

Control and Investigation Project for National Agricultural Land with High Potential of Heavy Metal Pollution (V)

英文摘要 The “Control and Investigation Project for National Agricultural Land with High Potential for Heavy Metal Contamination” was commissioned by the Taiwan EPA in 2010. The following plans “2nd Control and Investigation Project for National Agricultural Land with High Potential for Heavy Metal Contamination” and “3rd Control and Investigation Project for National Agricultural Land with High Potential for Heavy Metal Contamination” were commissioned in 2012 and 2014, respectively. The main tasks of this plan are conducted according to the supply unit of agricultural water: select and verify the potential heavy metal contaminants in agricultural lands systematically; develop the control strategy by understanding the national potential heavy metal contaminants in agricultural lands; structure a standard operating procedure for agricultural lands investigation by combining the demands of in-situ investigation and pollution prevention; finally, aggregate and edit the investigation operating manual and the remediation technology manual of heavy metal contamination at agricultural soil. There was extensive pollution being discovered at farmlands in Hemei Township, Changhua County during the operating period. This discovery has prompted the organ of prosecution and investigation to detect the emission bypass the legal pipeline toward the East-west second and third canals, and has successfully recovered the pollution responsibility of 4 factories in approximate 90,000,000 NTD. In the meantime, departments in government have improved the controlling power in multiple ways through the protecting program of agricultural water, industry emission counseling platform, and the control standard of agricultural water mass limitation, etc. Depends on the performances in the latest 4 period, EPA has continued the plan for the 5th period. The priorities of this plan are as follows: combine the evaluation results in agricultural soil and water, investigate the polluted situation in soil and related environmental medium and conduct the relative analysis, and accelerate the progress to grasp the potential distribution of heavy metal pollutions in farmlands. Finally, make the assessments according to all investigation results in the farmlands to advise the treatment method and the administrative control measurements in the future. The investigation range includes the 21 irrigation units which have been selected in the 4th period as systematic irrigation units in the farmlands with high potential pollution, and the farmlands with irrigation from the high potentially polluted canal route. There are 2 phase of agricultural soil investigation. The result of the investigation shows that there are approximately 55.5 hectares of farmland exceeded the Soil Pollution Control Standards. The polluted irrigation water is mainly from 5 guiding canal route: Nan-Kan brook, Taoyuan canal, Shi-Men canal, Da-Jia brook, and Er-Ren brook. The data of the categories of contaminants in the polluted farmlands, the concentration of contaminants, the area of clumps, and the cadastre of the investigation area has been aggregated according to the soil investigation. The controlled area in these 5 zones are respectively 29.9, 17.4, 5.6, 2.28, and 0.26 (hectares). To form the farmland remediation and evaluate the budget for the remediation method, it is necessary to conduct the detailed investigation of the polluted farmlands before the remediation. As the initial evaluation, there are respectively 19.0, 10.0, 5.3, 1.9, and 0.26 (hectares) in these 5 parts could be removed from the control list by conducting the ploughing method. The analysis of the channel sediments and water sampling has also been conducted. There are 34 channels with the signals of entering contaminants in the sediments have been selected, and there are 19 units of water samples with heavy metal contents which exceeded the Irrigation Control Standard has been collected at Nan-Kan canal and Keng-Ko canal. 7 units of water samples with heavy metal contents among them were found at Nan-Kan canal. By integrating the investigation result of environmental medium, 17 positions have been suspected to be the source of contamination after the filtering. Total 213 plants are suspected as targets of pollution source, 36 plants among them are being controlled as pollution sources by using raw materials which related to the contamination of environmental medium.
英文關鍵字 Pollution screening process, High potential pollution agricultural land, Heavy metals of soil