

中文摘要 本計畫為符合智慧城鄉環境監測之目標,將透過資料模型建構、資料整合展示與自動化模組試作等手段與技術突破,將龐大多元的環境資料空間資訊包羅,透過基礎資料彙整分析、圖資維運智慧化等自動轉換,將整合性資料展示於大眾面前。 本計畫主要分為平台功能擴充、圖資系統維運以及配合 NGIS 行政與推廣作業。其中系統維運擴充包括污染源資料查詢系統,其為一公開重要環境保護資訊網站,以滿足民眾環境知情權。而服務平台擴充以現有系統為基礎,將本年度擴充功能整合導入原系統平台,為使系統能夠更為智慧化、搭載廣泛環境資訊,提供民眾一簡易查詢與資訊獲取方式。另不定期配合 貴署執行推廣活動,以提升本計畫服務強度。
中文關鍵字 地理資訊系統、環境品質分組


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA11-02-071 經費年度 105 計畫經費 8500 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/05 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 徐承原
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 黃俊銘 執行單位 宸訊科技


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境地理圖資擴充及整合應用計畫_結案報告_公開版.pdf 9MB

Environmental Spatial Data Expansion and Integration of GIS Applications

英文摘要 In order to promote environmental perception, Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) releases the data of environmental monitoring and quality information on the platform “OpenData.epa”. Furthermore, the project reveals realtime monitoring data of air pollution, water pollution, and so on. The environmentalinformation were integrate by the tools of geographic information system, showing interactive maps on the website named “i-Environment” and APP named “Env. Info Push”. “A Web of Thing (WoT) Platform” is released by the project, illustrating impacts of the air pollution in our lives, and incorporated LASS sensor information. Meanwhile, the website friendly presents environmental information by dashboard designs for the public. The public can search different places they are interested in and browsing the web with the interactive charts and graphs. Furthermore, these datasets displayed on the map could promote utilizing and readability of data, and help people know local environmental information, also help to raise people awareness of environmental protection. “Env. Info Push” not only shows the monitoring information of air quality, but providing a function named AirPhoto for users to share posts with air quality information. Uses dashboard and diagram on user interface design, and showing information of air-monitoring data on the map. Besides, providing suggestions of outdoor activities according to air quality, UVI, weather conditions. By pushing notifications of environmental alert and abundant and incorporated environmental information, the app helps people get the real-time information.
英文關鍵字 GIS, NGIS