

中文摘要 本縣每年接獲民眾之陳情案件逾4700件,除依程序妥善處理外,並訂定相關規定及建立電腦管理系統。為加強對民眾陳情案件之處理及提昇陳情處理效率,而執行「105年度空氣污染案件快速查核計畫」,辦理24小時全時段陳情案件現場處理、追蹤複查。 本計畫執行期間,共計查處陳情案件4,109件,平均每天約查處11.2件,包括空氣污染2024件(49.3%)、環境衛生陳情案件1023件次(24.9%)、噪音污染420件次(10.2%)、廢棄物319件次(7.8%)及水污染278件次(6.8%),平均等待處理時間為0.29日(6.96小時)。 處理情形以污染主體經認定情節輕微或經檢測未違反規定1777件(43.2%)所佔比例最高,其次分別為查證污染主體屬實1544件(37.6%)、未查獲污染主體743件(18.1%)、其他類別41件( 1.0%),移請相關單位查處4件(0.1%)。 105年度共計告發處分175件,累計裁罰金額達2,602,336元。
中文關鍵字 公害陳情,異味污染源,露天燃燒,降低陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 105 計畫經費 9650 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/29 專案結束日期 2017/02/28 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 郭啟弘 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 105年度空氣污染案件快速查核計畫-定稿本.pdf 11MB

The Project of Improving Public Service Quality with Fast-Check Air Pollution Cases in 2016.

英文摘要 The county received more than 4,700 cases of public opinion each year, in addition to properly handled according to procedures, and set the relevant provisions and the establishment of computer management system. In order to strengthen the handling of cases and enhance the efficiency of the handling of the situation, the implementation of the "105 annual air pollution case quick check program", for 24 hours a full day of the case case handling, tracking review. During the implementation of the project, a total of 4,109 cases were investigated and dealt with, with an average of 11.2 cases per day, including 2024 cases (49.3%) of air pollution, 1023 pieces of environmental sanitation cases (24.9%), 420 tons of noise pollution (10.2% (6.8%) and water pollution (278) (6.8%), with an average waiting time of 0.29 (6.96 hours). The proportion of 1777 (43.2%) was the highest, followed by 1544 (37.6%) of the main pollutants, 743 (18.1%) of the main pollutants were not investigated, Other categories 41 (1.0%), transferred to the relevant units investigated and dealt with 4 (0.1%). 105 total of 175 per cent of the incident, the cumulative amount of sanctions amounted to $2,602,336.
英文關鍵字 nuisance cases, odorous pollution, outdoor burning, reduced the number of nuisance cases