

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:執行國內戴奧辛及重金屬排放特性調查與環境監測、更新及建置戴奧辛及重金屬排放清冊、協助環保署規劃及檢討排放管制策略措施等三大部分。 戴奧辛排放調查係針對小型燃煤鍋爐進行檢測,檢測平均戴奧辛排放濃度值為0.003 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,符合固定污染源戴奧辛排放管制標準值(1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3)。 重金屬與粒狀物排放相關性研究為今年新增項目,主要是參考美國電力設施有害空氣污染物排放標準(MATS)以粒狀物替代重金屬管制,進行兩者相關性的探討。本項檢測對象為燒結爐,檢測數量為1根次。本次檢測粒狀物濃度略低於該排放源過去檢測平均濃度,但重金屬濃度與去年其他燒結爐檢測結果相比,鐵及鉛的濃度顯著較高,其他重金屬則相近,顯示燒結爐使用原料之重金屬含量直接影響排放量濃度。未來若以粒狀物替代進行重金屬排放管制,應先建立基本資料,累積數據分析重金屬及粒狀物關係或分析原料之各項重金屬含量與重金屬、粒狀物排放濃度關係,以研訂適宜之粒狀物限值及符合限值時對應之原料重金屬含量,做為廠商採購參考或許可之內容。 環境空氣戴奧辛監測部分,本年度選擇持續進行監測之22個一般空品站各進行4次監測,監測時間為105年3月、5月、8月及10月。4次監測之多氯戴奧辛與多氯呋喃平均監測濃度分別為0.031、0.025、0.020、0.047 pg I-TEQ/m³ (0.027、0.022、0.017、0.041 pg WHO2005DF-TEQ/m³),多氯聯苯監測濃度平均值則分別為0.002、 0.003、0.002、0.003 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m³。本年度四次監測之平均值約為0.031 I-TEQ/m3 (0.027 pg WHO2005DF-TEQ/m3)。與過去歷年同期(2月份、5月份、8月份、10月份)監測結果比較,本年度除10月份略高於過去平均值外,其他月份一般空氣品質測站監測濃度均低於過去監測平均值。 環境空氣重金屬監測部份,本年度針對過去持續監測之8個一般空品監測站外,另增加彰化縣頂庄國小及潭墘國小等環境敏感區進行監測。由監測結果看出,重金屬濃度均未偏高,單一測值均未超過歐盟空氣品質目標值與世界衛生組織空氣品質基準值。 今年度特別針對民眾關切重金屬是否影響身體健康的議題進行彰化縣大城鄉附近重金屬排放源檢測及空氣品質監測,共計執行5根次六輕重金屬排放源檢測及2站次大城鄉重金屬環境空氣品質監測。排放源檢測結果顯示,各排放源之重金屬排放濃度均低,許多重金屬小於偵測極限(ND),且符合固定污染源空氣污染物排放標準及電力設施空氣污染物排放標準之排放限值。環境空氣重金屬濃度監測結果顯示,大部分重金屬濃度低於一般空品站歷年10、11月監測平均值。將不同重金屬間相對排放濃度視為排放特徵進行比較,本計畫檢測之重金屬排放源與空品監測結果較為相似,與國家衛生研究院進行之當地居民尿液重金屬檢測結果則不相同,顯示要追查大城鄉居民尿液重金屬可能來源,需擴大調查對象,將重金屬可能進入人體途徑如飲水、用水、食物、土壤等一併納入調查。 更新及建置排放清冊及排放資料庫部分,推估104年台灣地區戴奧辛排放量為53.863 g I-TEQ/年(±6.69%),最大的排放來自逸散性排放源(火災、稻草及農業廢棄物燃燒等),但此類別推估不確定性高。其次則為燃煤、燃油等鍋爐、燒結爐及電弧爐。重金屬鉛排放量約為32.4219公噸/年(±23.03%)、鎘排放量約為0.9465公噸/年(±6.65%)、汞排放量約為1.8788公噸/年(±5.15%)及砷排放量約為4.3718公噸/年(±4.68%)。固定污染源之重金屬排放量變化不大,今年度將移動污染源納入推估,可看出部分污染物之移動源排放不容忽視,尤其是重金屬鉛及砷。另一不容忽略之重金屬排放源為露天燃燒稻草及農廢,可能直接對附近區域之空氣品質造成影響。 規劃及檢討排放管制策略措施部分,本計畫協助辦理戴奧辛排放標準含氧校正基準研修(已完成公聽)、焚化爐粒狀物排放標準研修、研擬重金屬排放標準研修方向及地方環保主管機關執行固定污染源重金屬稽查檢測規劃等工作。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、重金屬、排放量、環境監測


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-FA12-03-A167 經費年度 105 計畫經費 12700 千元
專案開始日期 2016/04/29 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 陳怡伶
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 謝知行 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 EPA-105-FA12-03-A167.pdf 12MB

The Control Strategy and Emission Investigation for Dioxins and Heavy Metals from Stationary Sources

英文摘要 The scope of this project includes: 1) Monitoring of stationary emissions and the ambient environment; 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory; 3) Planning and reviewing of dioxins and heavy metal emission reduction strategies. 1) Monitoring for the stationary emission and the ambient environment This year the dioxin emission monitoring was done on small coal-fired boilers. The average dioxin concentration was 0.003 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, complying with the emission standard of 1.0 ng I-TEQ/Nm3. Heavy metal and particulate matter emission monitoring were also completed on sintering plants. These results can be used as emission factors for estimating dioxin and heavy metals emission inventory. This year the ambient dioxin monitoring was targeted on the general monitoring stations. The monitored concentrations of dioxin in March, May, August, and October, 2016, were 0.031 pg I-TEQ/m3 (0.027 pg WHO2005DF-TEQ/m3), 0.025 pg I-TEQ/m3 (0.022 pg WHO2005DF-TEQ/m3), 0.020 pg I-TEQ/m3 (0.017 pg WHO2005DF-TEQ/m3) and 0.047 pg I-TEQ/m3 (0.041 pg WHO2005DF- TEQ/m3), respectively. The monitored concentration of dioxin-like PCBs in March, May, August, and October, 2016, were 0.002 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m3, 0.003 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m3, 0.002 pg WHO2005- TEQ/m3, 0.003 pg WHO2005-TEQ/m3. Other than October, the monitoring results were lower than past few years The monitoring of ambient heavy metal showed that the average concentrations of lead, cadmium, nickel and selenium are all under the ambient air quality standards published by EU. This year the heavy metal concentration monitoring near Dacheng Township of Changhua County was also performed. The results were either very low or non-detected. The higher blood heavy metal in the residents may come from other sources such as food, water, or soil. 2) Establishing and updating of the emission inventory The total dioxin emission quantity in Taiwan is estimated to be 53.863 g I-TEQ/year in 2015. Most of the emission came from the fugitive emissions such as burning of agricultural waste. Secondary sources include coal-fired power plants, boilers, sintering plants, electric-arc furnaces. As for the heavy metal emissions in 2015, the total lead emission is 32.4219 metric tons/year (±23.03%), cadmium emission is 0.9465 metric tons/year (±6.65%), mercury emission is 1.8788 metric tons/year (±5.15%), and arsenic emission is 4.3718 metric tons/year (±4.68%). The emissions of heavy metal from stationary sources are fairly constant over the years, therefore, this year the emissions of mobile sources were investigated. We’ve discovered that emissions of mobile sources are not to be ignored, especially for lead and arsenic. The emissions of heavy metal from burning of agricultural wastes also played a significant role in the air quality of the surrounding area. 3) Planning and reviewing of dioxins and heavy metal emission reduction strategies To reduce the controversy regarding the correction of concentration to reference oxygen content, changes to the dioxin emission standards was proposed. Regulations for particulate emission from incinerators, heavy metal emissions, and local government stationary heavy metal emission inspection were also proposed.
英文關鍵字 emission inventory, heavy metal, dioxin, environmental monitoring