

中文摘要 今(105)年本計畫依使用者對於系統所提建議及意見,持續提升系統友善度,除持續友善產出情形及貯存情形二項申報功能,令受列管事業可於分次填報資料後再進行正式申報外,亦於廢棄物遞送聯單新增申報欄位,使其與毒化物廢棄聲明資料可相互關聯,更完成以.NET4.5改寫廢清書套印功能等多項作業。 而有關精進管理制度部分,除協助研析擴大列管對象與法規修正建議,以避免廢棄食品遭非法轉售外,本計畫更針對目前網路申報規定,如廚餘是否應納入申報項目,及無須列印紙本遞送聯單之可行性等規定進行探討,以期可令我國事業廢棄物之管理更加符合實務運作。 此外,本計畫亦持續提供事業廢棄物各項申報資料之統計彙整,並依合約要求完成1次年報彙整、12次共計9類管理軸向之申報數據統計及系統更新;在系統維運與行政支援部分,除定期進行資料庫排程、備份作業維護確認及系統重新啟動等事項外,更協助環保署辦理GPS專案勾稽及至少262件以上之臨時需求。
中文關鍵字 清運機具、事業廢棄物管理


專案計畫編號 EPA-105-H102-02-A045 經費年度 105 計畫經費 12640 千元
專案開始日期 2016/02/02 專案結束日期 2016/12/31 專案主持人 鄧榆樺
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 郭偉齡 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 上傳公開版.pdf 2MB

Integration of Environmental Protection Permitting system,and online Management and Monitoring Functions for the Waste Clearance Vehicle Prompt Tracing System(Global Positioning System) Management

英文摘要 This Project is responsible for the maintenance and operation of three main information systems: EMS, IWR&MS and GPS. At the same time, it also assists by providing appropriate strategic suggestions for EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) on industrial waste management. There are 85 items in this year's plan (excluding offer of the 4 personnel support). According to the item of property, they can be classified into 3 types: system function enhancement and strengthening; improvement of management system and methods; and data compilation and administrative support. The execution results are as follows. III Based on the suggestions and comments in feedback by the users of the system, this year (2016), the Project has continued to upgrade the user-friendliness of the system. The improvement of the two report functions, generation and storage, enabled the controlled industries to make official declarations after filling out information at several times. In addition, some new columns were added to the waste delivery documents, which made it interconnectable with toxic chemical affidavits. We also accomplished several function improvements, like improving the printing function of industrial waste disposal plan by NET4.5. To improve the management system, we helped analyze the suggestions on extending controlled industries and regulation amendments to avoid waste foods from selling. Furthermore, to make the industrial waste management system more practical, we also analyzed current regulations regarding to online report. For instance, we examined whether leftovers should be included as a reported item, and the feasibility of using waste delivery documents without printing them. The Project of this year continued to provide statistics and compilation of various types of reporting information of industrial wastes. In accordance with the contract, we have completed 1 annual compilation, 12 statistical compilations of 9 kinds of management reporting data, and system update. As for system maintenance and administrative support, besides the regular database scheduling, backup operation, maintenance and system rebooting, we also assisted EPA in completing at least 262 provisional requests.
英文關鍵字 GPS' Environmental Protection,